닉네임 :Yeong0 레벨 :30 직업 :팔라딘 국적 :한국인 거주 국가 :한국 카카오톡 길드 오픈채팅에 참여 할 수 있습니까? 넵 길드 디스코드에 참여 할 수 있습니까? 넵 길드 룰을 이해하고 숙지 하셨습니까? 네 길드 룰 위반시에 퇴출 될 수 있음을 이해하셨습니까? 넵 길드 가입 신청하신 이유를 간단히 적어주세요. 하자 서버를 오래하고싶어서 서버를 찾던 도중에 지인의 권유로 처음 플레이 해봤는데 너무 재밌어서요 엉엉
that is so awkward.... i apologize. luckily, with the help from a fellow mapler, he has confirmed Afro [big] is available from Ludibrium VIP. sorry for wasting your time! now u can def remake fixed and updated guide with correct location
I made a new character for fun and I felt like getting the dynamic hair medal so I got 24 reg haircuts at lushan town and 25 at the floating market/thailand! Results: Lushan Town REG: Mane Astro Old Man 'Do Afro (small) with Bald Spot Monkey Bowlcut Foil Perm Julian Hair Old Man 'Do Foil Perm Fireball with Bald Spot Old Man 'Do Astro Bald Head Monkey Julian Hair Metrosexual Afro (small) Bald Head Bowlcut Julian Hair Afro (small) Floating Market/Thailand REG: Metro Man Afro (big) with Bald Spot Metro Man with Bald Spot Foil Perm Cozy Amber Metro Man Trip Scratch Cozy Amber Metro Man Trip Scratch Metro Man Afro (big) Foil Perm Cozy Amber Bowlcut Foil Perm Trip Scratch Metro Man Cozy Amber Bowlcut Cozy Amber Foil Perm Bowlcut btw under bowling ball in male reg there's a
excuse me, majority of the male hairstyles are wrong and i think this person called 1imetree skemmed me, was that you?
Spiky Tail - NLC REG (EXP) also known as Shikamaru's hairstyle (this isn't new but wasn't in the guide and I've seen people asking where it's from)
Also just two tips for those people who are also going for Dynamic Hair: 1) The Amoria Beauty or Beast quest coupon (25 squishy liquids quest) counts as 1 change. 2) You can save 1 hairstyle even without buying RP. If you want a REG/EXP hair, just do Dynamic Hair at that salon and if you get the hairstyle you want early, go to the FM and save it with Big Headward (it's under Manage my hairstyle inventory) before going back to completing your 50 changes.
Does anyone know how to get Evan Hair (M)? I read reddit, seems like its REG Henesys, but i cant seem to get it.