Newborn babies are fukin ugly. But when they are several months old they are the cutest things in the entire world. Except ugly babies, of course...
Range may not mean nothing to yall But understand funding was done for me So I don't plan on two hour krexing at all I wanna leave this 6 party man, 6 party man...
Sick of people who can’t take responsibility of their actions/mistakes. People who get defensive at the first sign of critique (legitimate or not). People who are always the victim, never the perpetrator. Grow up - the longer you think the world revolves around you, the quicker your world will become just that - you and you alone.
Sometimes I wish things would've turned out differently (in a positive way) for staff. NGL, I do miss this place. Just waiting for the mass unban, if it ever comes, so I can create a new IGN called Bankai (if it's available then). It'd be so damn appropriate. Jokes aside... I'm grateful that the people I met here still keep in contact with me. Y'all know who you are, love you lots. //endnotarant
You forgot the part where you confess about being the real zofran and then getting forum banned again
looked in the mirror for a long time and realised, fuck this shit i deserve so much better. and so i did.
99! Spoiler also, for the love of god, move on already, jesus. no wonder you both are friends. i mean, it's okay if i'm the lone retard in this, but if y'all are game, sure why not. if not, just ignore what i said, how hard is it? the ignore button is there on my profile, pls go and click it. i'm pretty sure i'm not worth your time, so why get angry over someone on the internet? heh fwiw, if i pissed you off, i consider it a win. so... just ignore me and move on with your life, srsly, let this lone troll have his fun and eventually he'll die off into the abyss like zofran
the more you are bluffing to covering something, the more you will covered with mud / lie that slowly swallowing you~~