I've just comeback to this game so I have nothing in hands now. Hope you will give me some things. Anything will help. My ing is Kaitokun, warior level 22 Thank you for your generousity
Hello, I just started playing again and found this server, IGN is Grimda, currently a Magician, not sure where I want to go after that Do you happen to have a Maple Staff? Thanks! Edit: Never mind I don't need it anymore, another kind person found me and gave me one! Thanks!
Hi, im new in mapleroyals. Just started magician lvl 30 looking for lukless equipment IGN VeBet0z its a zero, not 'o'. ty
Hello! I just started 3 days ago and if u can spare some str pirate (brawler) gear it'd help a lot! I'm currently lvl36 and my IGN is kusuo. Thanks! Edit: i received a maple knuckle and a lot of pots ty!
Hii, Cinnabonbon and i are two new mages. I tried to /find you in game just now. Hope to catch you on sometime! Thanks in advance
IGN: Soivent Job: Magician Lvl: 19 First time playing this server new to it. wanted to try a lukless bishop. Any lukless mage item will be great, maple items for mage too Thanks in advance. Hope to see you around :d
Hey mapleroyalers, Newbie here,,warrior lv35..been grinding & looking for equips..anyone here knows where to get best equips for warrior lv35 - 40?..much appreciate if you can help with it. ign : kden90 Thanks & happy hunting
Started few days ago and would appreciate any spare gear if possible. Name: enXe Level: 44 Job: Cleric