ALL Your Character Names: realtor, mrepstein, amberlynn, amberiynn, caroiebaskin Last thing you did: Hunt monster cards Why do you think you got banned?: ?? Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. Please check again. What GM banned you (optional): ??
I just wrote the characters on the account that was banned, but here's the rest. MarketSitter, MrsEpstein, MethCoffee, Realtor, MrEpstein, Amberlynn, Amberiynn, CarioleBaskin, Reaitor, Halcion, WoeBeGone, DSM5, Prion, DrCrash I might have more but I didn't update my characters list so don't remember the rest.
Since some of your accounts are not banned please hold playing on them until we get to the bottom of this! Anyone else playing in your household? Was there a change in your voting habbits?
No, I live alone so I play alone in my household. I just vote on the banned account, none other. Maybe voted once or twice on the other mule accounts to get a pet, but I would've not voted on the banned account that day.