Smeaged 2 runs, looted all and then left party okay say whatever you want. blacklisted either way. You probably only had 1 run left because your previous party kicked you which os why you decided it was okay to fk another party up. Continue living in denial where everything you do is toxic but completely okay to you. Stay on the blacklist
Any screenshots that I smegaed 2 runs? Was I the one that looted? Or was that you? If you remember the party members why don't you get them involved to tell the real story? You actually have the audacity to frame me for looting everything when you were the one taking both the ring and nx
You have the audacity to say it wasnt 2 runs? You even told someone else he can have ring in the 2nd run and asked him to wait outside like a fool. You're a clown. You are only embarassing yourself further. Admit your mistake, apologise, move on. At least that way you have a chance of redeeming yourself.
No no... man you actually have an issue of cooking up stories. Ironic that you're calling me delusional. Like really though, is this system so flawed that anyone can easily cook up an untrue story and get another blacklisted? I guess the first person that posts wins yeah?
Goodness, you realize your words are literally perfect for yourself, you actually need to reflect. How you can confidently say all these believing that you're right, acting like the bigger guy, wearing your veil of confidence. Well, I guess this is why I stopped maple back then. Kids like you tryna be social justice warriors, all confident as if your life is invested into mapling. Have fun !
Maybe you should have thought of the reason why someone would post about you in the first place. Have you considered not doing stupid shit like this? If you act like that in the game then you should be prepared for actions like this. Anyway I heard you got kicked from a zak run as well. Good luck with that. Better start changing your attitude towards people. I quote you from your own words yesterday: "chill bro.. why get so mad over a game.. its sad really". Wise words indeed. Seeing you get blacklisted for the things you done on a mushroom game. Its sad really.
Yes. Thank God you left maple. Why did you return? Please stay away from this server. We need lesser toxic people like you. By all means, leave. We dont need people like you who inconvenience others for your own fun.
Thats perfectly fine. He'll get added sooner or later if he continues to act like this. To protect the interests of my guild/ally/buddy list, I have already cautioned them of his ign and to be wary of the risk. Its their discretion. I boss daily and people know I am a reliable party member in bossing/APQ so I only do this when I see genuine toxic people do stupid stunts like this. I dont have the evidence of him doing the said acts because obviously no one goes into a boss run expecting the loots to be stolen and he logged off immediately. I even had to explain to the guy he cheated that he logged off. Still, completely fine with me if he doesnt get added this time because I know he will get added eventually if he doesnt change his attitude. To Bbyu: You got kicked from a zak run before even getting blacklisted. Imagine what will happen when you do get blacklisted. Why would someone you dont know bother writing a post about you unless you actually did something toxic? My advice is to stop being toxic and play the game properly.
Looking at his forum post, u can see who is the bad guy already banned 3 days for for excessive use of derogatory language. lmao
Do you mean him or me? I was never banned for derogatory language. If you mean him then yes im not surprised because he is such a toxic character who does anything he wants at the expense of others
Thank you for pointing that out sir. Did not know he was banned before for using derogatory language. This further confirms my post even without the need for evidence that he is capable of such acts. Blacklist this clown
i mean im not gonna run with him cause i mostly run with guildies and such but i agree that he cant be blacklisted without evidence
"capable of such actions" does not mean that he does such thing. you blame people without providing any proof or evidence, therefore you are capable of scamming people out of splits. same logic. first of all, everyone are capable of doing such actions. there is no physical barrier preventing YOU from scmming too. second thing, without evience, its a you-say-i-say, which is not the point of this thread. if you want someone blacklisted properly, you NEED to provide evidene. and finally, if he DID do that, and keeps this behaviour, heill end up on the blacklist, and thataccusation/post does nothing aside from possobly giving him an opeining to report you for harrasment, especially since you bring no evidence
Any evidence of him got kicked from zakum party? I mean all I seeing here is you are accusing someone without valid evidence.... I mean you could SS or take video when you are dealing with other players in game.
@Saledor His past behavior doesn't matter right now... Evidence is needed for this specific situation... But hey, as you said, if someone behaves like that once they'll probably do it again and again and eventually end up on the blacklist because someone will have the evidence to back it up
which is my point @Saledor you cant just go aroudn calling to blacklist people and then backing it up by "in the past he was banned for something else so he's capable of doing it"
So sorry, it was me who brought up the history. Therefore I do apologise but then again, do look out and take screencaps with servertime so as to show some form of evidence next time. Cheers all