Community Blacklist

Discussion in 'Community' started by Shiratsuyu, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. Diphenhydramine

    Diphenhydramine Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2018
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    While GM try to reduce the mule usage as possible and remake meta to party play, let see this is whats gonna happen in 6mens run lmfao
    Bunnyx3 likes this.
  2. bloodsicle

    bloodsicle Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2019
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    i think its actually cute :3
  3. bloodsicle

    bloodsicle Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2019
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    theres a difference betewen apq mule and muling a boss. as long as youre not afk in the boss, its fine in my book
    Aradia Megido and Beppos like this.
  4. Beppos

    Beppos Donator

    Nov 9, 2016
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    If anything, I believe it does prove they were picked on by that illumi guy from the very beggining.
    They didn’t spam nor made it hard to read party chat. They didn’t even speak during stage 3.
    They did help throughout the entire PQ and did not sit aside doin nothing.
    The haste thing- he hasted literally in 2 secs lmao no1 had to beg or anything (Hanakin only made a joke saying “no”- she wasn’t even the one to provide haste..) and illumi kept picking on him calling him a good boy.
    He even said during the pq he’s about to leave and does not need you cause he has 5 other mules to come with.

    I do feel bad for you 2 for getting in between in that situation, bad I would’ve ditched as well tbh.
    Why would I stay in a party in which I’m being picked on FOR NOTHING I DID WRONG just cause some guy is a POS?

    I do not agree with the apples thing but I also can’t understand why doesn’t illumi simply say I apologise and get his apples back lol?

    to sum it all up-
    I do get em. They were totally picked on and no one really cared.
    If you ask to blacklist them, blacklist illumi as well. Don’t pretend as if he was innocent cause he’s literally an asshole.
  5. bloodsicle

    bloodsicle Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2019
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    this. after seeing the whole story, i would go with either hanakin or pookiez any day, and would never go with illumi. stealing the apples is bad, but illumi's behaviour is much more disruptive, and seeing no one stood up against it, ditching them WAS the right call.

    dont let bullies step on you. rock on pookiez and hanakin, keep apq light hearted and fun ;)
    Metronome, Jen123, Guado and 3 others like this.
  6. Zehra

    Zehra Donator

    Jun 28, 2015
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    Oh honey I never once said I had long years of experience in APQ. I've already learned a few things from xBunny's video posted above and I'm still learning. All I said was that I have done enough good, bad,, and mediocre runs recently that I know how to make it fun AND efficient.

    Not only are you taking the things I am saying out of context, you're also accusing me of leaving out details. That's not how this thread nor providing evidence works. Like I said in my post, I remember certain things only. You're human so you would remember specific things that would stick out now, yeah? Unless I had photographic memory, I'm not going to quote every single thing everyone says and remember every single thing that has happened.

    Good thing xBunny has the videos. You clearly see that this run was going alright until the minute Hanakin and Pookiez start acting cutesy. Illumi got extra offended for no valid reason, to the point where telling us unsolicited mean things like "imagine edating in a 17 year old mushroom game", "simp", and getting extremely offended at me saying "no" CLEARLY sarcastically.

    I'm still sticking with my "how convenient of you" phrasing here. I will in fact add the fact that it does not check out that you decide to only try to blacklist just Hanakin and Pookiez, knowing very well that the issue stems from Illumi generating toxic behavior from friendly interactions between the two of us. No one in the right mind would want to continue being in that party, so we left.

    Not only that, you told us initially you wanted us for 4 runs and you CLEARLY state in the pics I provided that you "recruited us for just 2 runs" and we only did one. Who the hell wants to continue after hearing that????? Imagine getting mad at someone for joining a toxic run and promised them 4 runs, intend to only run twice and dip, but then finding out they leave after the first so NOW you can use that to you advantage and community blacklist them. That's rich.

    Grow up and admit all you're feeling is salty about having your apples taken. I would suggest you ask your apples back instead of whining. They're two apples for crying out loud. You're only losing 16mil/20 mins of bossing.

    To everyone else in the party who were "in the background" just trying to get apples and dip. How is that different from my intentions here? All we added was a bit of uwu to the chats thinking it will brighten your day, but God forbid we offended a, what seems to me, a NEET e-incel, and decide this run is not worth ANYONE'S time, we're still the bad guys here in your eyes. XBunny, you're right, we should not have left and I know exactly how you feel when you find out you can't run anymore/won't be able to find replacements. Like I said I've been in horrible runs to know what it is. You would think having a fun run would counteract that fate, which is what we (Pookiez and Hanakin) hoped to have, but clearly someone's sense of humor is lacking and overshadowed with toxicity.

    Also, no matter what you or anyone says, I will not agree with your blacklist request because of how one sided your reasoning is. You would have requested Illumi to be blacklisted too, he just happened to stay "safe" in your post just because he stayed in the party even though he's the's the source of the toxicity we never asked for when playing this game. You would have also requested Markman278 to be blacklisted because they too left the party. What's up with that?

    This is a "community" blacklist thread for God's sake. COMMUNITY. If you cannot identify who is trying to be a good individual in a community and who is being the toxic one ruining everyone's days, then I have no idea why you're playing an innocent game like this. Maybe try League or Fortnite or whatever games are out there that doesn't heavily involve making friends through in-game interaction.
    Jen123, xcalista, Artemis and 5 others like this.
  7. Hoodratz

    Hoodratz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    Illumi must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed lmao. He was the clear instigator in this situation as evident in the video. Hanapookiez said a total of 3 things before illumi got hella triggered, and continued instigating even when there was silence. If you hate people typing, why play this game? And I also don't understand the "Mushroom game" diss. Aren't you're playing the exact same game? I don't see how you could tell people to blacklist hanakin and pookiez and not Illumi. Pretty biased if you ask me.

    I completely understand them leaving the run - very unfortunate for the two people that got caught up in that mess. Should he have taken the apples? probably not, but illumi could have gotten them back after apologizing for being a complete jerk for no reason.
  8. bloodsicle

    bloodsicle Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2019
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    petition to add illumi and chillisause to the blacklist for instigating and harbouring toxicity in our game :3
  9. Inugami

    Inugami Developer

    Jun 12, 2019
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    Sorry @Tail, I love you and you're my friend, but these guys are right. You cant just put HanaPookie in the blacklist but left out Illumi for the blatant toxicity and being such a miserable person in general (not a personal attack, just saying this based on what i saw in the video, with the "imagine edating in 2d mushroom game" and clear "it must be sad that you cant get pussy in real life" statement, had to point it out just in case).

    If he acts like this to just two person jokingly sharing some affectionate moments, imagine what would he say or react to people who are legitimately oversharing some public display of affectionate in PQ (and I know there are tons of people who do that).

    But like others have pointed, two wrongs doesnt make one right, both parties did wrong things but at least HanaPookie acknowledges what they did.
    Metronome, Jen123, Hae and 7 others like this.
  10. Artemis

    Artemis Donator

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Seems like case closed to me, and the video proves it: Illumi was obviously being a dick and I believe 90% of the server would've stolen the apples after being picked on so much for no reason in the heat of the moment. And the party members didn't even try to defend Pookiez and Hanakin from all that. Should've kicked Illumi out of the party at the end of the run and moved on.

    Illumi, blacklisted.
    Last edited: May 2, 2021
  11. bloodsicle

    bloodsicle Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2019
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    i love how the community can smell bullshit from a mile away
    Metronome, xPredator and Guado like this.
  12. Bunnyx3

    Bunnyx3 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2019
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    Actually i have several APQ mules so im not so salty after being ditched (lol ^_^')

    There's some small other conversation before my record so actually my record not fully express it all (i only record when the party/boss run about to happen).

    However from what i observe:
    - chillisause is nice party leader, he is polite to everyone and always ask nicely for request (im abit not concentrate at first in the game but he ask nicely too, and also the same for haste)
    - illumi maybe use abit strong word which is hard to hear, but sorry im abit biased on him as he is kindly ask to offer to help me with key even i already done and get inside waiting
    - hanakin and pookiez was just talk with each other as friend and actually i find it normal, but who know if someone don't like it, and causing conflict
    - me + markman: we actually just play the game and i myself dont want to have argue so i didnt say anything. Eventho, if ask for my thingking, i admire Illumi offer to help me with key and i also find hanapookiez express caring to each other is normal, so actually im ok with both side so i don't know what to say. Thats why i don't really care and just being neutral. Actually in mind i hope the run can just be in peace and go smooth as leader want too.

    I believe chillisause as me and markman are just in the midddle of the conflict, the reason he post hana and pookiez on here because conflict happen but you guys just decide to leave the party first and ditch it (i not feel it fun too, even tho i feel normal and cute when you guys express your friendship). Dont say about markman, i believe he left too because he smells this run will die soon.

    As always, conflict happen and we gone mad if things is "too much" for us in some way. Through this story as always, if we dont like someone, just avoid them in next run, everyone right/wrong sometimes.

    To solves it, i believe our leader is in the neutral party as me and markman and he did everything very polite already, he post it here just because hana and pookiez decide to leave the runs first but also, hana and pookiez feel like they are attacked and not welcome so thats why they choose to leave.
    After they leave, I actually have several mules (and im sure i cant run on all of them in whole day) so if shit happen, im not salty and just pass it and online other char to go other runs. But as many ppl not as me (not everyone is the same) so thats why have the blacklist post here.

    I hope no one gonna be put on blacklist, as both right/wrong in some way.-.-'

    Now i can see its headache for who manage this thread to have to read many things that don't related to their life and have to decide put someone on the front page or not. -.-'
    Diphenhydramine and AhLiGaddo like this.
  13. bloodsicle

    bloodsicle Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2019
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    imo pookiez an hanakin should have ditched even before the run was complete. only wrong thing they did was taking the apple, but cant fault them for that after being abussed so much. we all agree that stealing apple as wrong and two wrons dont make a right, but they were completely in the right to ditch that run. and ill go further than that, and say that it was the party leader's responssibility to take care of that situation. he may be nice to everyone , but being a party host/leader has some responsibilities. if you notice toxic behaviour from one or more of your party members, it is your responsibility to get them to cut it out, or cut them out of your party would it suck a bit to either disband the party or need to scout for more people? yes. but that doesnt mean its fine to enable such behaviour.

    a party leader is like a teacher in school/kindergarten. if you notice bullying in your class, and do nothing about it because you dont wanna insult the bully, you are a bad teacher. you can be the nicest teacher in the world, and most polite one, but you are still a terrible one. you said it yourself, you are biased towards him. his behaviour is more suited to dictatoric regimes than an online game, and i cant stress enough, not only does he deserve to be on the blacklist, but ditching the run after the host and other party members failed to stop that behaviour is more than justified. and as much as the two people who tagged along got screwed, they are not in the clear either. if you notice disruptivee behaviour, you need to do something about it. doing nothing is enabling that behaviour.
    Guado likes this.
  14. Bunnyx3

    Bunnyx3 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2019
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    Hey, but what if we already have a tired working day and we just play for fun, and dont want to have/careing about people arguments, thats why i don't care what they talking about and just play the game. Also i think same for our leader, he is leader just to talk to npc to get thru the run and its not his responsibility to solves people arguments ^_^'.
  15. bloodsicle

    bloodsicle Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2019
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    that's partly why i dont say that the two people are AS guilty aas the leader. they can be tired, having their own tuff to deal with etc. it doesnt fully excuse them, but theyre still not innocent, just to be clear.
    the leader tho is guilty. if he is tired, or cant handle people arguing, he shoudnt host parties. it is extremely easy to join an apq, people are literally running it all the time. if you cant lead the pq, dont. its thee equivalent to a guy hosting cwkpq and saying to the party "yeah you guys figure out mon/bon on your own, im too tired to take carre of that"
    if youre too tired, dont know how, or dont want to take the responsibilities of being a leader, just ask sosmeone else to do it, or join a running party.
    edit: an dfor the record, all it wouldve taken from the two party members to be on the right, is saying "illumi, that's not cool. cut it out" and by that not enabling his behaviour. that's why the two pople dont deserve to be on the blacklisst, but theyre also not in the right
    and just to be clear, i dont agree with the apple stealing, but i sure as hell agree with dithing the party that isnt stopping such behaviour. in the end of the day, its a game, and there isnt a single reason to remain in a party that just lets a member abuse you because they either dont care enough to say anything about it, or agree with his abusive behaviour.
  16. Bunnyx3

    Bunnyx3 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2019
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    Im one of the two person you talk about, how come we are not innocent when we just want to play the game in peace =="
    Now its arguments between other ppl but we didnt nothing wrong still count as not innocent, how come? =="
    Perionms likes this.
  17. Bunnyx3

    Bunnyx3 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2019
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    Lol please be polite, i don't think i just want to play the game in peace now count as guilty? Also please read my post above again, im not in anyone side, i just dont care, and i already told above no one need to put in blacklist, did you read it clearly? Why twisted my word?

    Fine im done with it, it become too childish to continue it now.
    Last edited: May 3, 2021
  18. bloodsicle

    bloodsicle Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2019
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    i mightve misread what you said, but i read that you said that you dont think illumi did anything wrong
    and again, not being wrong does not make you right.
    i literally said that youre not guilty, but not innocent either.
    and no one asks to be dragged into these situations, but once youre in them, you have duty to act. as i said, you dont need to do much to fill that duty, saying "illumi cut it out" once is more than fine to be in the clear, morally speaeking.
    and just to clarify, not doing the right thing does not make you guilty. but only doing the right thing makes you innocent. life int black and white - you can be not guilty while not being innocent either. the only real way to be innocent though, is doing the right thing.
    and i really hate to make it political, but after ww2, here in israel, people who treat their own business, or "just follow orders" are considered guilty.
    with that aside, im not saying youre guilty. im just saying youre not innocent. i said it literally in every post i did - don't blame me for not reading your posts if you cant be bothered reading mine
    Guado likes this.
  19. Bunnyx3

    Bunnyx3 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2019
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    First time i see i just want to play the game in peace and dont want to talk/argue in game count as not innocent?
    If thats your point i dont know what to say.
    See after my post, who start all these arguments when try to accuse me im not innocent when i just dont care about how ppl argue in game and want to play in peace?
  20. bloodsicle

    bloodsicle Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2019
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    yeah actually
    if you see a crime, you have a moral obligation to do something about it. you dont need to do much, but in any shape showing "hey, im not fine with this behaviour" is fine.
    the behaviour of just minding your own business as people around you are trampled is toxic too, because it encourages that behaviour.

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