Weird accomplishment, but I managed to get my Monster Book at Lv8 (441 total). Black colour looks sick.
Fri, May 14, 2021, 05:23 - ch3 ign: ucker, voltatemer, jjoe, hashim(rip died after killing head A - jumping into headb, 30% split)
untradeable luck go crazy lately Spoiler dropped a 13/11 krex ring on my previous nl because i was so sure i was quitting the game but we back i guess ty traphik sir free cs gz on 200
20/146 Finally completed this after 1.5 years. It was a long journey but it would not have been possible without many important people. Thank you @Tomfoolery @whiteins @CWCW for the daily auf runs since 2020. For not giving up when I looted multiple 7str/int/dex helms but just no 7luk. Also thanks everyone else that chipped in to run when we were short of attacker. @Guden @Aeronautics @Adel @TrungKien @ChocoBoy @moemiao @Daisies @Vares ♠️ (rip) mimi and lenick. Also thanks @Momo for loaning the last few miracle 10%. Good luck to you on your circlet. All of you are finally gonna get the mir 10% splits after 1.5 years lmao. Time to pay off debts now Spoiler: pls click this no nerf auf circlet plzzzzz