Without a door without a teleport rock If you participate in CWKPQ or go hunt the mobs Then Valley Heroes you have to pass it. Valley Heroes is an jump quest, But if you have the Marker of Heroism , you can skip the annoying jump quest:3, When you teleport on the statue, your screen will be black to reach the next statue. Although it’s very easy to pass Valley Heroes, the screen turns black during teleport, Remove this redundant step(Screen turns black) and imitate Lower Ascent and The path of Strength map Statues teleport (Instant). Valley Heroes 1.2 Lower Ascent and The path of Strength You can share any thoughts or opinions on this matter below. m(_ _)m
I think it's set up like that so you don't accidentally teleport onto the totem, it refreshes the map and thus refreshes its position to where it starts. It'd be really annoying if it didn't reset the map and you teleported onto a one hit KO
You are right! Because of The totem starts to move the moment it enters the map and is out of sync with other players, So the 3rd statues in Valley Heroes 1 if the map is not refreshed during teleport, have a chance to touch the totem. Except for the 3rd Statues in Valley Heroes 1 is dangerous, other statues are safe. the 4 statues in Valley Heroes 2 will never touch the totem, but there will still be screen turns black step during teleporting. If want to achieve remove screen turns black teleport(Instant), need to move the statue to a safe spot, such as the 3 spot on the upper left or on the upper right. More thoughts and opinions?
Teleport straight from first statue to door without going through the statues in between. but tbh this is such a minor inconvenience like leaving door open so you don’t have to turn the door knob kind...