Many players do not read the forums or even keep updated about the game so some are left unaware of the great changes that have been made thus far (HP quest, 10% Exp buff in party, Medals, New RP etc.). I think I saw a thread regarding this issue as well but I just want to bring it up again because reminding players about these changes can prove to be of great help to both new and veteran players. With the new GM blog mentioning about pushing forward, this will help to keep traction with new content. Here are the my recommendations for visiblity- Patch Notes In-game (Quick Summary + Reminder to check forum) This can be done by leaving a note or message after a big patch (at the bottom right where people login) just highlighting the changes and a reminder to check forums for full details. Maple Tips (Blue/Yellow messages in chat) Those quick tips can remind everyone about HP quest in Magatia, Exp buff in PT, even different party quests such as RnJ, and other content that is left unknown. [MapleTip] Did you know, you can gain 10% bonus Exp per active member in the party? Maple TV Can also be used to advertise recent changes. These are all I can think of at the top of my head but I'm sure others have ideas as well.
"Since the initial introduction of a custom Bonus Party EXP system in Update 67, we’ve been able to evaluate the effects it had on the meta, which did not achieve our goals. Given that a common request is for us to increase the viability of grinding, and especially partying up with friends, as a method of progressing through the game we’ve decided to bump up the numbers and see if it helps encourage a more social and co-operative gameplay style. As such, this buff may be subject to change! A refresher on how it works: You gain extra experience for the monster kills that you make and party member is considered 'active' if they have made a monster kill within the last 30 seconds, bosses are excluded. We have also added a RoyalsTip in the game to advertise this feature so please try it out with your friends" While I agree with the overall point of the thread, I also think you didn't read it xd