It works like an alternative way to pin if I understand correctly? It also looks like the warrior can be easily replaced by the mule (?)
A level 146 HB mule can do the job 11/10. Open 2nd PC, put 1 finger on rush. Profit Back then that is. If player is skillful, can be handled with 1 PC too. Probably easier then using a crash mule in HT anyways.
Exactly. Ppl thinks that even just barrage is still OP nowdays, and free rush mule makes it just waaaaay easier. My proposal was: Lock it to be only usable at lvl 175 or not allowing it at all. And even with that kind of questionable tbh. After giving a 2nd tought, several ppl have lvl 200 warrs that they quitted on, so theres still a room to be abused by lvl 175+ rush mules. Wasnt my best idea tbh.....Some sort of CD just for auf(and again at high lvl usable only), but seems like too much work just for 1 boss Edit. I still like my original idea(the one originally posted on the other thread) , And even geyforlife troll comment with a bit lower movility and KB dmg doesnt sound that bad
At the time, you use only rush and not other skills to keep it pinned on the left side. Mules can replace warriors as the only criteria was to be a able to tank it, use rush and decent multi clienting skills.
I have a question, did Neo Tokyo come before Cwkpq? I'm wondering because it seems like the Warrior boss doesn't suffer from KB/Rush as much as Auf seems to be. Is Warrior boss better coded to keep being aggressive even if it got knocked back?
Red Nirg’s KB is 80k so most warriors only end up KBing it on crits. Rush’s effect is the same otherwise. I think we have to accept that ultimately all bosses in Maple are farmable and people are going to eventually find solutions to all the methods that make bosses more challenging. The reason why people run The Boss less is not because it’s more difficult than Auf but because there is minimal incentive to do so. At the end of the day the easiest solution to encourage party play at Auf is probably just to increase its HP significantly +/- increase the number of helms and number of drops. Most people would be discouraged from solo/duoing this boss if it takes 2 hours+ to do so.
My Auf experience so far: Spoiler: Background Info I joined Royals 1,5 years ago and mainly invested my time and generated income in Washing/Leveling up my 3 attackers rather than my gear (e.g. still didn’t save enough to buy a perfect weapon) 200 BM (17k HP, 30 Atk CGS) 189 Bucc (19,3 k HP, 40 Atk CGS) 189 DrK (19,8k HP) 151 unwashed Bish + more mages & mules Spoiler: Run 1 My setup: solo client BM Party: 1 Pally and 1 Bucc Result: Buccaneer died because he forgot to bind Heroes will, Pally died to stun+SED and i left because there was no way i can finish Overall the BM experience in auf was quite aweful because you it attacking mid air doesnt work Some days after that run i hit 200 on my BM and I asked @Jooon for some advice and what he would do with my set up. I was kinda leaning towards making an NL but he encouraged me to stick to my Bucc and dual Attack on my BM. Then recruit an NL+Bish and do Duo Auf. Thankfully my RL buddy @Pepe9191x who started the Royals journey together with me is a NL and I talked about it with him and we gave it a go. He didn’t complete the prequest on his bish yet and we decided to recruit more ppl for our first attempt. Spoiler: Run 2 My Set up: Bucc Dual Attacking BM in Royal Guard & Core Blaze -> SE Mule in Auf, Bish Mule Party: NL, NL+DrK as HB Mule, Shadower Result: Had to ress NL twice at royal guard which was only possible Duo to TL. Bish mule died right away in Auf from then on I just logged in off after Core Blaze in the future runs. BM died some minutes into the Auf run. Run was successfully completed. Spoiler: Run 3 My Setup: Bucc Dual attacking BM in Royal Guard & Core Blaze -> SE Mule in Auf, Dk as HB Mule and Bish Mule Party: 1 NL Result: BM was thrown into Core Blaze and died. We managed to kill it just in time and were able to ress him. He then died within the first minute in Auf again and we completed the run without SE. For the following Runs the setup didn’t change. Spoiler: Run 4 Bucc died in Royal Guard due to Auto pot fail and I forgot to TL ress so the Run failed. Spoiler: Run 5 Bucc died in Auf (idk how, auf was pinned left, no SED/stun) at 25% HP left. I then Switched to attack on BM and soon died during SED when I no longer had heroes will. I then switched to my weak DK and died there too. Finally NL died and run failed with 20% hp left. Spoiler: Run 6 BM died Royal Guard but was ressed. BM died at some point in Auf. Run was finished without SE. Spoiler: Run 7 BM died during first Mini Auf+SED. Bucc died at Auf with 20% HP left. Again idk how/why. NL soloed it till he had 0 stars left when auf was on 1% HP while I just kept his HB up. Then I had to finish Auf with some last hits on my DK. Spoiler: Run 8 BM died at Auf with 25% HP left. Run was finished without SE. At this point i invested even more into washing out some extra MP on my BM to have a better chance of keeping him alive during Auf. With minor HP gear i now reach 19k HP on him. Spoiler: Run 9 DK was pushed into Core Blate and died. We tried to ress but it died again. Bucc died at 25 % HP left in Auf. Switched to attack on BM. Had to use Heroes Will twice and stop attacking during its CD. Run was successfully completed. Extra: My Partners NL HP is 19k+ too but without HB he would’ve died in almost all of these runs too - Especially when mini Aufs spawn I need to keep his HB up 100%. Our Duo Runs take 1:50~2:20h depending on BMs death. You can just argue „Git Gud, Auf is ez“ but then compare this to all the other bosses in the game. Personally I say we don’t need to make it much harder as it already is quite a challenge. Still I can understand Veterans looking for a challenge. You guys prolly kill Auf way faster leaving less time for errors too. This challenge could probably be found in Pink Bean SoonTM. TL/DR: Auf is not easy for everyone and it requires a lot of Time+effort to be able to Duo it with mid game gear. A new endgame challenge should be found in Pink Bean SoonTM.
What do you guys mean by more aggressive? Attacking faster or that Auf actually cares what happens to her and not just walk loose through the room (when not pinned)? Because that feels pretty weird to me. BM/MM - The Bowmaster experience in auf is pretty bad due to the fact that it’s impossible to attack mid air I tried strafe too so MM is probably the same. NL is great - what else to expect Shads I’ll leave that to you @Kenny Pally seems good Hero is useless Dk is HB Mule if you’re not @Relmy Sair Never ran with a sair but since they can attack mid air, have good dps and auf hits slow they prolly do well Bucc is Good because they can pin (feels boring though) Actually I had the most fun when my Bucc died and I had to switch over to my BM. The annoying part was that there is no really good platform on the left to attack it from there (attack midair old) and that’s the risky side anyways. Flying left and right Depending where auf is was quite cool. Some more control over her movement would be nice though. If seduce is random i think my Bucc will be no longer be able to survive a full run besides you shorten Hero’s Wills cooldown. Maybe even raise its level cap for that? If atleast demolition was able to use midair would also help with that. Edit: I still think current Auf is the best boss in the game right after Dojo Panda gameplay wise
Can you please elaborate on this? it looks like a very reasonable approach to me We meant to give auf the difficulty that it deserves. The current auf boss mechanic is very boring. it only takes 1 bucc and 1 range attacker to duo it
I don't think all the players duo auf and feel bored. The majority is trio or more. (we always 4- or 5-man) in my opinion, it's too long for me to take 2 hours+ to do a boss run, especially if no corresponding drops/rewards.
People doing last boss on duos while we the mid funded still trying to get 1 more att on equips to even join an HT expedition at level 170-180 lol.
This is a privileged perspective from someone with the means to duo auf. Only the high tier end game players duo auf, and coincidentally these are the same people who are asking for those increase in difficulties. The average level 200 with middle level tier gear i.e. their first 200 will not be able to duo. If your purpose is to let auf be an only end game boss (which I assume is fitting for a 200), aren't you just creating a bigger divide between the middle tier and the super wealthy?
Any solution to the rubberbanding on monster magnet? This isn't the only area where it's happening but it is the most painful/dangerous. Thoughts on allowing warriors to start charging monster magnet while in air? Or would that make pinning too easy? Also can any Paladins confirm if they are missing a lot of attacks on the left platform It feels like as a melee I am not hitting auf remotely close to the same amount as my ranged counterpart. Are the i-frames this bad or am I in the wrong spot when pinning left?
I think rubberbanding happens when you try to magnet auf while she is attacking. Only when she starts moving left/right is when your magnet will affect her. This is for most moving bosses like royal guard and wulin yaoseng also. Auf has an issue where her hit box will reduce to the center of her character when she gets knocked back. It is a problem where many melee classes will not be able to reach her hitbox from that platform. Moving down will let you hit more often but she will stun so frequent that it isn't worth it . Only buccaneer have an easy time if they spam barrage because barrage will only channel if her hitbox is in range. The problem is that melee are almost essential for pinning auf for the party, though they will do much less damage because of the hitbox issue..