LOL I wouldn't have made this feedback, but would genuinely like the ask the players here about this. I recently commented on a thread Spoiler: Market Place because I was curious on how the player had an awesome knuckle (every bucc's dream). And since Admins and GMs are now requiring EVERYONE to SCREENSHOT and RECORD every items I wanted to know how long it took and how many WS he used. Then out of nowhere, Forum Mod deletes my comment Spoiler: F . Honestly, I don't think I broke any forum rules that would warrant this. Stop limiting players from posting a reply or a thread and deleting everything you find "offensive." (obviously unless someone is hella trolling or being rude as fuck, then yes do your job)
Im not into drama but I honestly would get pretty annoyed if everytime I try to sell something someone asks me where and how I got my stuff from. If you genuinely wanted to know this information you could pm him ingame rather than posting it on his forum selling page, which arguably would lead people to think that his item is dubious/suspicious and ultimately affect his sales. Just a thought from a trader. Also, I think the comment wouldnt have been deleted if it was as you said in screenshot number one. The reason it got deleted was probably due to your real comment having "do you have screenshots of scrolling or buying?" which suggests that he/she got it through illegitimate means when you have no proof whatsoever. I dont know that person nor do I know you but just wanted to say how I feel regarding this issue since this was what you asked.
I mean that reply do fall into off topic reply since its not related with the thread in market place. If you suspect someone RWT you should just report abuse.
Uploading a clearer screenshot cause bom3's screenshot of me quoting the statement seems blur for some reason Edit: fixed bom3's blurry screenshot Also, if anyone feels the forum warnings I have given out are unfair or inappropriate, feel free to let other Staff know so that the Staff can review my actions accordingly Warning Points assigned wrongly or unfairly can be cancelled
If you really don't think that comment is rude af, then you have a serious problem with your social skills bro. I understand that you may have some feeling against the GMs regarding your ban, but you should keep it between you and the GMs.
#deleteforummods Spoiler on a semi-related note, i know players love tagging tim when a suspicious forum account is selling high value goods. we have caught a significant amount of vote abusers and RWTers this way, but it would be more helpful if players used the report function without drawing attention so as not to alert the abuser and give them time to transfer their cargo. ty everyone
Forum Mods stands for Forum Modifier they modify the flow of the thread farming all likes in one post
I don't see how that question warrant a warning point. Has bom spammed multiple times or kept replying on the same thread to justify warning points. Unless I'm missing something, why it's rude to ask for origin of items when it was just a straightforward question?
In the past I've removed posts that are just flinging shit ("lol rwt", etc) and while this straddles the line more than normal, I don't think it's crazy to want to know where the item came from, at least it could logically lead to someone saying "Okay yeah I'll buy it" instead of just flaming for the sake of flaming.
You can ask the person such questions via DM instead of doing so at the Selling thread Hinting at RWT can be seen as attempting to tarnish the Seller's reputation If bom3 is able to justify why he must ask that question that hints at someone else RWTing instead of asking it privately, I will retract the Warning Points given Else the Warning Points are staying for his attempt to harass other players on the Forums
Oh I see now. Personally I would reply those with "Yes I bought them in FM or made them myself blablabla". But hinting at RWT I wasn't seeing the question that way I genuinely thought he was asking out of curiosity
His initial question before editing "Where did you acquire" does seems like something to be asked out of curiosity, such as the gachapon location But bom3 later on edited it to include "Do you have screenshots of scrolling or buying?" which I can only see as an attempt to tarnish the Seller reputation It also doesn't make sense if bom3 gonna justify it as he wanted to know how to obtain the weapon as he's currently perma-banned So if bom3 is able to justify his actions, I will request other Staff to review the case
Personally I find this behaviour quite disrespectful towards the seller(s) but it is worth noting that staff members including Tim himself have done similar things to other players' selling threads. It's perfectly reasonable to investigate via PM and the buyer(s) and/or seller(s) have no obligation to respond to comments like these: Spoiler within a marketplace thread. All this is doing is feeding into the shaming culture within this community, which imho shouldn't be condoned.
there absolutely should be a "shaming culture" against people who rwt, especially now with certain players who actively rooted them out gone
This thread has been locked as the thread starter has only used this thread solely to continue to harass another player.