Hi, Reading through Ban Appeals, I just have to say- some of the GMs here are super toxic. I've been here what- 4 years now on-and-off? I've always looked at Ban Appeals because of how funny it gets. But seriously, people like Tim should really not be a GM. People just want to play the game and yeah, if they did something wrong, go ahead and ban them. You don't gotta give them some shitty attitude that makes everyone look down on you. Peace.
People who just wanna play wont get banned, unless if they cant read the rules or lacks on common sense
Tbh.. if someone have to faced repetitive ban appeals and got all the solid evidence but yet you couldn't show the evidence just for precautions purpose that make them not much choice, but coming word without empathy since they know what is happening ... Otherwise give your feedback on how should they react with those ban appeal, not just flaming ppl without valid reason.
I'm gonna play devils advocate for a moment and speak to something I think the GMs probably go through on a daily basis. I gm'd another smaller server for a period of time and it gave me a greater appreciation towards the job gms have. There are Players who are guilty, know they are guilty and what they are guilty of, and will still lie straight to you in their ban appeal and play dumb or flat out pretend they're someone else. You can only deal with so many ban appeals that blame a sibling or an imaginary cousin that visited once and downloaded hacks to a game they've never played onto a pc they dont own and havent played since and somehow never visited you again, before you begin to feel cynical towards those appeals. You will have evidence that is so damning in some cases that the only thing you didn't get from the person was the persons bank account blood type or a social security number. Someone like Tim whose job is to sift through thousands and thousands of pages of numbers, connecting accounts and emails to pins and ip addresses can get lost in the numbers. When a gracious player is kind enough to report someone on suspicion of RWT, Tim has to line up logs, which can date back months or even years in some cases basically recreating a scenario that played out through trades or drop trades and then pin point that and line it up with the evidence thats been given to him. Then those same players taunt or attack you despite the evidence you have. The theres the players who get banned for vote abuse. Do i think its excessive to be perma banned for voting too many times if you're new? Yes. Do i think its unfair for a player to gain more nx per account than the rest of us who only vote once? Also yes. Do i have a good solution for instances when a player genuinely doesnt pay attention to the rules and gets banned? No i do not. However for every player who joined and voted without reading the rules and got a perma ban there are hundreds of players who knowingly do this, with the intention of dumping as much of it as quick as they can to gain as much real world money as fast as they can. These same people will play dumb when they're caught voting on 67 different accounts all named 4voteabuse and just add an ever incrimenting number at the end of the account with all of the same emails and passwords. You get tired mentally and emotionally seeing these sorts of dumbasses every single day. in the end you have players that almost certainly take on the job of being a GM in the hopes they can help make the server better. And all they get in return is a bunch of cheeky little tos breaking turds that lie, cheat and abuse, its almost impossible to not grow almost cynical reading ban appeals that look eerily similar to one another cause nobody bothers to read how to properly write their ban appeal despite it being something you must click a check box to acknowledge you saw how to write the appeal properly before you can even begin to write and submit your appeal. If GMs get overwhelmed they should be able to step aside for a time and expect the duties they take part in will continue to be taken care of. As we know not all GM's work at the same pace, or share the burden of the job equally. This is an issue that has be prevalent for several years now. Part of that issue is not entirely Royals fault. We had some bad eggs that got staff positions who abused those positions and really made the staff look bad despite none of them being any the wiser to what had gone down. This has caused the duties that would be reserved for an admin or someone who has deeper access to the intricate parts of the server to be delegated to like 1 or 2 people instead of more. It then has a trickle down effect on all of staff where the work load doesnt get shared equally and some staff get more burned out faster than others. Thusly leading to what you sometimes see as passive aggressive or responses that can sometimes lack empathy. This is not entirely the staff members fault as there are factors some of which i mentioned above, but many others as well. I'm fine with Staff getting passive aggressive sometimes. It can be a good way to let off steam and stress especially in cases where were dealing with rwt or hackers. If they start to get super aggro outside of appeals then thats when i start to worry. But as ive yet to see that, i'm not worrying right now.
I can summarize that wall of text to: The audacity of some of these players are annoying and probably don't deserve any respect since they have reflected poor character traits