Hello! I'll try to keep this short and sweet. I like hunting Bigfoots. In GMS, I remember vividly hunting bigfoots all day and night, and everything that came with that, the good and bad. Friendly leeching, and KS wars. Outside of MapleRoyals I am purely a PVP player, and enjoy any PVP aspects in mmorpg's. Bigfoot 1v1's were a great way for me personally (and I'm sure many others) to enjoy a PVP aspect in Maplestory, by manipulating Bigfoot with precision timing and rush control. In MapleRoyals, I've found this to be impossible, after testing with another warrior. The Bigfoot in MapleRoyals seems to have a slightly different I-frame, whether it be slightly longer duration than GMS, or during his attack animation, I'm not sure. This makes it impossible to control Bigfoot in the manner that was done in GMS. It is almost impossible to "take" control of a Bigfoot someone is attacking, because the I-frame mechanic is so different. [I'd like to make clear that any Bigfoot KS'ing in MapleRoyals that I plan on being involved in will be purely consensual and friendly competition] On another note: I cannot properly pin Bigfoot with a Stonetooth + Sword Booster. This was easily done in GMS. The I-frame seems to be too long and the speed of Stonetooth+Booster does not line up like it did in GMS. I can pin him without Sword Booster, but some attacks still miss into his I-frame where it never would have in GMS. I have killed thousands of these things in GMS, and plan on doing so in MapleRoyals all the way to level 200. Examples: Spoiler: MapleRoyals: Trying to rush & attack between rushes. Every Brandish misses into his i-frame between rushes. Spoiler: MapleRoyals: Pinning with Stonetooth + Sword Booster. Every 3rd brandish misses into I-frame, and he comes off wall eventually. Spoiler: MapleRoyals: Pinning without Sword Booster. The pin is decent, but not optimal kill speed without Sword Booster & even with no sword booster, it misses into an I-frame sometimes. Spoiler: GMS: Rushing & attacking between rushes, every attack lands. Not captured in this GIF, but these mechanics allow the Bigfoot to be taken by the opponent if precisely timed to attain aggro. I'm not sure what the cause of this is, but I literally play old school Maplestory servers for Bigfoot hunting, and I kindly ask that if it not be too time-consuming, if this can be adjusted to mirror that of the original games mechanics. I'm sure this will be appreciated by many. Thank you for your time!
This was proposed by user Rinn here: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/fix-bigfoots-broken-i-frame.186096/ And perhaps in earlier threads before that. My opinion as a player is unchanged: this was the way Bigfoot was designed to play in v0.62 which is what Royals was based on, and what I and many others have grown accustomed to. It’s quirky and not entirely optimal yes, but also part of the mob’s identity, and I think it adds flair to a mob that would otherwise be another EXP piñata. On my warrior I am entirely able to pin the monster with some uses of Rush thrown in there to bring it back to the corner.
Best way to kill as a hero with St is without booster. And with claymore + booster you can pin really easy
As a player, I fully respect your opinions. I'd like to clarify, I'm not posting because I'm having trouble pinning per-se. I understand there are methods to pin him, I just think its much more fun and fluid with the updated I-frame mechanics. And a counter argument @Joong to this server being based on v.62, MapleRoyals General Discussion Sticky topic about server General Information states the current client is based on V.83. If this is because it’s v.62 with added v.83 content, then I’d argue the V.83 Bigfoot would be a more enjoyable experience overall. It does still have an i-frame and requires pinning, however without the needless clunky-ness. I guess my question is, what is the logic for retaining the v.62 Bigfoot? Bigfoot is an EXP Piñata regardless of the version.
Pinning a Bigfoot with booster + ST is very simple. Just add a very slight delay after each Brandish, this boss has been my primary form of exp from level 130-200 on nearly 2 Heroes. What makes this boss really annoying is fighting it with other people, because of the i-frames I pretty much prefer to fight this one solo. Also I think he means that more people (of classes other than warriors/shad) would be killing this boss if it's made even easier to kill than it is now.