ALL Your Character Names: bonbonsevals, shopwares, yummscake, healerette, oopsiee, chococream a few mules that follow the format of class/ap/etc description purely for storage, one warstrmisc? for cake. maybe one or two others, i can't recall. I've made a lot of mules recently. Last thing you did: cake pq Why do you think you got banned?: not sure. Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. What GM banned you (optional):
Hello, could you please explain how you have managed to obtain the large volume of candles that you have sold when you have purchased much less than that?
In the first days of the event i bought 4k candles at 100k ea and sold them at 150k in my shop. In addition to that Cinnabonbon and I ran cake a total of 11 times per cake, every 4 hours pretty much a minimum of 3-4 times a day, sometimes we'd wake each other up at 4am to do one last cake. We pretty much haven't missed a cake session while we're awake. Although, admittedly we're starting to burn out the past 2-3 days but we still participated on 90% of the accounts, mainly because the last 1-2 accounts were so unbearably long due to the lack of other cake pqers. We'd also been doing maple tree pq almost every single day 3 times on our accounts. Edit: and to add the obvious part which you know, we started selling them all when i noticed some of our candles were still able to sell at 70k ea when market price fell to 30-40k (which we didn't want to sell at) so we used the chalkboard and advertised our shop, started owling after selling out on all of our candles and hoarded anything under 55k, which is what you're probably referring to when you said bought we bought so little.
I've looked into your claims, and can see that you did purchase approximately 13k candles, and have entered the cake map on up to 11 different characters. However, upon reviewing the timestamps of when you have been entering the cake map, it appears that you have been bypassing the restriction that is in place to allow 1 character to enter the cake map at a time. Because of this, we are changed your ban to a temporary 14 day ban for glitch abuse. You can log in again after 16th June 2021 03:00 Server Time