More than 17000 healthcare workers around the world have died from coronavirus. COVID is very real, and in many parts of the world we’re starting to see a resurgence in cases. Get your vaccine as soon as you can folks! And stay safe during the Easter period.
I was lucky to receive my first dose of Moderna on the 27th, for those curious the shot is absolutely painless - you literally can't feel a thing. I had side effects the following days: dull arm ache at injection location (like tetanus shot), extremely tired, chills, fever - all of which lasted shortly. I was told symptoms are amplified the younger you are because your immune system is a bit more active and the second shot you should experience more intense symptoms. In many areas you might be able to volunteer at a vaccination distribution center (no medical background needed) and you're likely able to receive a vaccine at the end of the day. Just search your local health officials/hospitals for information. Be safe and be smart
I received my first dose of Moderna on Sunday which was a nice Easter gift to me. Same with @Nerd, the shot was painless and quick! The following day my arm was sore and I had a minor headache with a bit of a chill. None of the side effects felt too bad and I was able to perform my daily activities no problem. After another day I was completely fine with no headache or chills. The arm soreness is still there but nothing to be afraid of . My 2nd dose is expected to be received in the beginning of May.
Ooh I should probably also share that I have been vaccinated--it has now been a week since I received my second dose of Moderna! After the first dose, my arm was extremely sore (literally could not even lift it). Fortunately, no other symptoms. After the second dose, however, not only was my arm extremely sore but I had a really bad fever for a few days as well. Probably the "sickest" I've really felt in a long time. Sure beats dying from a debilitating lung disease though lol. New York City has been a literal fiesta for covid activity, and fortunately all of my family and friends have been safe (it helps to have paranoid first-generation immigrant parents). Online law school is terrible--added on top of the fact that law school itself is already terrible. Soon I will have spent both of my summer internships in an online setting, meaning that I literally will have zero tangible experience in the legal profession. Y'all 'boutta see some malpractice up in this bitch :^)
Updates: 1. I got the flu shot today. 2. It's been 3 and a half weeks since my second dose of Pfizer. 3. I still remember the day after that second shot I literally felt like I had COVID 4. I'm flying back to NZ in 2 days! It's been a long journey and I hope the Australia-New Zealand border reopening - in one way or another - gives people hope that we will one day return to normalcy. P.S. I have just witnessed a case where a woman quite literally almost killed herself by taking an estimated 150000 units of vitamin D daily for > 3 months in an effort to "prevent COVID". Please, PLEASE follow trusted sources of information. Vaccines don't make you autistic. Vitamin D overdose can kill you.
Work has been miserable. Countries with fluctuating reopening/closure/quarantine rules changing almost constantly makes it so difficult. I was lucky to have at least traveled to Guatemala for a week. Spoiler After getting so much paperwork done, and finally being approved by the Malaysian government for a special permit to enter Malaysia, they put out a new MCO with new quarantine requirements and such, effectively canceling my plans
Sorry that our government fucked you over on how incompetent they are on handling Covid-19 situation. This is the third time now that Malaysia is announcing new MCO and at this point, everyone feels like the government doesn't really know what are they doing at all now...
Covid was absolutely a gift from god for me. Cuz I was doing military service during July 2019 ~ January 2021, and almost did no drills during my military service thanks to covid Of course wearing masks were super uncomfortable, but no drills and no roll calls made my army life like a picnic I'm still thankful to god almighty
I've lost count of how many shots I've given, thousands tho. I stopped saving the vials after a while, but I have several bags full of vials (green/red tops are shingles not covid). (Big vials are 10 shots, the little ones are 6) Spoiler Never gets old hearing how you're enabling a socialist regime by giving shots, or that "I'm only getting this because work is making me/they won't let me travel/my kids won't let me see the grandkids/etc". It's pretty surreal knowing people who have died on a semi-regular basis. Most family members don't change after. They still don't wear masks and they attack my techs, if it's grief it's not clear. There's a global pandemic and the world revolves around them sort of shit. Most people are fucking awful, heartless, and selfish. Spoiler: unrelated Also, ya'll are loud, and people don't keep your confidence as much as you think they do- I'm not even listening and I'm hearing a stupid amount of bitching. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So how has covid affected me? Get back to me after this shit is over lol, I'm going to spend a week in hawaii, drinks are on me.
Sorry for the necro, just needed to let this one out for real. Things just get worse here day by day, it's not just the COVID-19 but the political turmoils that's related to this pandemic and such, is slowly ruining every single Malaysian out there, especially those who are trying their best to work things out just to feed their families, meanwhile you have those backdoor government of a fossil and elites lining up their own pockets, being so tone deaf and out of touch with our suffering and all. I don't know man, this government sucks at handling the pandemic, they enforce these lockdown rules for us and yet they didn't follow the same rules like, goddamn man. Also, they're so in denial that they think they are doing a great job at handling this crap, like look at this. Translation : Everyone asked to be patient, don't trust any campaign saying the government failed on handling the pandemic, but look at this : How did it went from 8k new cases on 12th of July... 13 fucking k cases just in two days? How is that "not a failure" to you guys? Lol idk what even
It hurt the economy, made people really isolated, turned school into online learning, and much more. Also delayed the olympics, took away most new movie releases, messed up live sports for a while. A really hard time for many. Not to mention the U.S. political nonsense.
I hate this dumb pandemic and lockdown, its just a simple shutdown button for everything . I wonder when will it end, and i hate it when it keep spreading and make the lockdown more and more strict. Imagine being like in a jail and every activities need to be stop and can just stay at home, just like in a jail. It brings to me many horrible days. I hope ppl keep distance with everyone when go outside and not do dumb activities like party or gather group of ppl. Protect yourself and protect other ppl too. No more spreading that virus.
It's been almost 2 years since COVID was first discovered. There's apparently been more than 7.8 billion vaccination doses delivered worldwide and 2 weeks since I've had my third Pfizer shot. It's been a busy month with meeting after meeting about the various nuances associated with a controlled opening of our borders to the rest of the country - and soon - the rest of the world. I am so grateful to be in one of the few cities in the world that has the ability to be able to plan a coordinated response to expected community transmission from a position of 0 community transmission with only 4 outbreaks since the start of the pandemic. The space of COVID-19 has changed all of us. It's also challenged our beliefs and our traditional pillars of what 'evidence' might look like. There have been an unprecedented volume of randomised trials conducted across the world in an attempt to treat COVID both with existing and novel therapies. We now understand SARS-CoV-2, as it's called, miles better than when it first came about. I guess the updates to any health advice would be that - masks are still an effective barrier to transmission. - hospital grade surgical masks are superior to fabric masks in reducing transmission even if you throw a one-time-use surgical mask into the wash 10 times. - indoor contact is much riskier than outdoor contact. - vaccinations are effective at preventing transmission, and extremely effective at preventing 'moderate+' disease - that is, the bit that lands you in hospital on oxygen, ventilators, etc. - the most effective of the newer treatments target the 'anti-viral' phase of COVID-19, that is, BEFORE you get to the bit that lands you in hospital. - usually the critical bit starts in week 2 of your illness. - therefore, if you have symptoms, GET TESTED as soon as possible because there could be treatments available that reduces your risk of severe COVID - almost as good as the vaccine. I'm really keen to resume travelling next year (even though I'll likely be one the very last groups that's allowed to travel without restrictions) and I hope the world will be a welcoming place then. It will never really be the same and I anticipate many places will get a 5th-6th-7th outbreak but I would love to see my family and friends from all over the world again. Get vaccinated if you haven't already and get tested if you get symptoms!
Dude that's an incredibly insensitive and selfish thing to say, millions of people died and people have lost their loved ones to covid and your happy for covid just so you get to have an easier time in the army? Shame on you honestly.
2 years, insane economic crash, 3 doses, 90% of population vaccinated and still need to wear a mask to go to school. Where's the world going? This is a total joke. 'Just my opinion'
Met my girlfriend on MapleRoyals during lockdowns. We moved in together in April. So COVID-19 wasn't all that bad for me.
What are people's thoughts on Omicron? Early evidence seems to support reduced risk of severe disease; that is hospitalisation, ventilatory support and death. A number of challenges though: 1) There is strong evidence of significantly higher transmissibility and immune escape from the existing regimen of 2 vaccine doses. 2) It's unclear if the South Africa & UK data were extrapolated from the vaccinated or unvaccinated population. We know with good level of certainty that vaccination reduces risk of progressing to severe disease. Similarly, the previously infected population would have some degree of immunity against severe disease. 3) Paxlovid, amongst other antiviral treatments were not studied against the Omicron variant. 4) There is stipulation that anti-spike protein monoclonal antibodies may not be as effective against the Omicron variant, as most mutations are of the spike protein. 5) There is significant vaccine hesitancy with getting a booster dose despite early evidence suggesting a third dose may confer significantly increased protection. 6) Lockdown fatigue is real. This Christmas has by far been the worst for Australia as this Island country battles against a fresh rise in COVID-19 infections and an extremely fatigued population. I can only imagine how tough it is for families who have been away from each other - to endure more lockdowns and restrictions that have been reinstated in many parts of Europe, North America and Oceania. I'm really still hopeful that everything will still swing in the world's favour though - that Omicron will be the last 'variant of concern', that Paxlovid will signal the end of this pandemic, that as a generation we will outperform the tragedy 100 years ago - that is, the Spanish flu. COVID-19 is likely to become endemic like seasonal flu - however it should only be treated as such when the population has attained an appropriate level of immunity against the hyperinflammatory syndrome that is so feared of the disease. I'm still hoping travel will be a reality for all of us in 2022, and that family will get to reunite in the wake of these challenging times. Happy new year to you all.