I'm an american at a DO medical school. I was a biopsych major in college and did research for a few years before applying to med school. I agree with @Ravenlore. Not sure of the job market structure where you're at, but in the US, generally comp sci majors can finish college and start making lots of money right away, while people who major in the biological sciences tend to have to get secondary degrees, or get low level lab jobs in research (which is what I did). Not knocking it, but it would help to decide how much schooling you want to take on to get to a comfortable income instead of just following your "passion." Everyone is passionate about something until bills come knocking on their door.
Economics major and frankly, regretting choosing to major in that. Comms & New Media, Sociology or Psychology would've suited me better, but well being the eldest child and wanting to help my family out of the financial rut we're currently in compelled to pick the seemingly more pragmatic route.
I'm going to enter Uni during spring. I've already decided where & what to study. Which is Game Character & Background designing. Pretty much wanted to do something related to gaming since I was 11. Which was when I started playing Maple
I've been a make-up artist for 3 years now, but I'm hoping to go back to school soon to get into Social Work.
I'm a Nursing Major as well... I've been a Nursing major for over 3 years now... still no degree yet. Ugh. I was also minoring in Spanish Language and Biology. However, since personal life issues came up, I dropped out of my 4 year program to maintain my dignity and not be expelled. I'm currently in a community college starting over as a 2nd year pre-nursing student waiting on acceptance into the RN program. This way I can get a direct entry pass and finish my 4 year degree and obtain my bachelors in 1 year instead of another 2 years of school.
I'm doing a 4-year English Interpretation/Translation undergraduate course atm :3 going up to 2nd year this year.
I am a major in both comp sci and biochemistry at a ~10 ranked comp sci school. Let's look at your outcomes: pure comp sci: 1. talent + hard working: Go to grad school and aim for $250k+ job 2. talent + not hard working: Work as a good software engineer 3. no talent + hard working: Work as your average software engineer 4. no talent + not hard working: Work as your average software engineer pure biochemistry 1. talent + hardworking: Go to medical school and get Obama Cared 2. talent + not hardworking: Go to grad school and get fucked 3. no talent + hardworking: Go to grad school and get fucked 4. no talent + not hardworking: Be unemployed comp sci + biochemistry see pure comp sci, but graduate in five years Conclusions: Do pure computer science
We've got some geniuses in Royal. Once I enter university, perhaps out of state, I'll be majoring either in Cellular and Molecular Biology or Biochemistry. After college, it's a master's program for me. Life of a scientist. Woop woop. I want a life and a family, so a doctor's out of the road for me. It's simply way too many years of schooling.
As @darkie1231 thats the basic run down, I'm currently a sophomore computer science major when you do pick class please please pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease use www.ratemyprofessor.com to find the best programming / math professor cause having the wrong person teach you your core job skills will make you hate the subject as a whole. So don't hurt your future and best of luck to you.
I'm a Human Biology junior. I was double-majoring with Pre-Med Studies but with my mediocre B/C grades, I figured medical school wasn't gonna happen. So now I'm planning on jumping into lab work / research when I graduate, which will be just as fun. ^-^ Science FTW.
Loooooool. Yes please use that website. It'll save your life. I got 2 more years after this Spring quarter ends. Quarter systems are a pain, but you get to learn more. Guess it has its perks? Idk. Recently switched from Biology to Psychology with a minor in Sociology. Planning on going to do a Masters Program afterwards and then hopefully work at a hospital as a Clinical Psychology. Planning on diagnosing people with their mental problems. Huehuehuehue~
Hi ^_^ I'm just about finishing my junior year, majoring in International Political Economy. I'm also an honors candidate for my school's International Business Diplomacy certificate, as well as a pre-med student. I've been pursuing both medicine and finance (which is exhausting lol), but for this summer, I'm going to be doing the finance thing at a summer internship... we'll see how that goes But yes, RateMyProfessor is bae <3
I use RateMyProfessors! You have to remember to take reviews with a grain of salt though. Some people are just pissy because they slacked and didn't get a good grade with their lack of effort. >.>
TBH i would recommending graduating with Comp sci, and forget about biochemistry... Comp sci degree has such wide career path, while with biochem, you'd probably need more education to be considered, and it is just so limited. Comp sci your options are so open, you can either go straight into industry, or get more education to have like a double major/specialization. highly recommend it <-- waterloo comp sci major