After ~30m of smegs I was able to find the best LHC party ive had so far. 1hr: ~231m exp (63% at lv171) ~70 totems (someone got 3 att pac) Please run this content. Most people I interact with have never tried LHC, but its maybe the best endgame content in the game. -ign Ramsayy
Is that 30mil mesos of smegas or 30 minutes of smegas? I was in a party that just finished Blood Reindeers and I finished with 197m exp and gained around 100 totems. @Zancks has a thread trying to compile this information, so do you mind posting your experience (or encouraging your party members to) over there? Also @noobgamer97 , how is LHC to you as a Bishop? I've noticed that there are next to no mages exploring LHC right now (which is pretty justified for them specifically.) Do you feel that a party can benefit from including a mage over an attacker in the party?
I enjoyed it, it felt like very unique content and I got 68 totems in the 54mins I was there. It's looking like I'm much better off at Reindeers for the totems though... In terms of how beneficial I was to the party in comparison to another attacker, I really don't know! Maybe another melee attacker would be more beneficial
Which Bearwolf map was that and what Atk pot did you use? 231m exp is far from my numbers for bearwolf. keep it up!