I sell leech and npc quite a bit of junk, not too sure if this is possible, but can you make like a bundle edit or something? Like, i can pre-select all the items iw ant to sell with a tick, and then click sell once instead of spamming mouse click or mouse and enter blindly. Would make returning to leech that much faster and convenient.
we necroing an old thread? guess i'll bring this one in because we've been asking for this a long time in the nx suggestion
You are right. Actually with the drops, it shouldn't be too much of a hassle with the Monster Book info.
If I could remove one thing, it would be maple weapons. Or at the least only have them drop during anniversary, and only have special anniversary scrolls that all have a chance to boom them, to shrink the market. They make all other weapons and builds redundant, and can be farmed all day everyday. And take ele staffs off all gachapons as well. Ok I'd also remove HP washing. Add just one thing? Steal Mastery. In third, or even fourth job, I just have too much fun stealing treasure lol Or any of my MM suggestions ...or Omok tournaments ...or viable/comparable staff/PA/2HBWs (and buff arch mages 1v1 a bit) ...and I would honestly make a beginner in an instant in the alternate reality where they have these skills