There has been a huge change to the market upon the arrival of Chair Gachapon and Miwok Artifact Enchant Scroll Event. Chair Gachapon is simply doing mesos dumping and quickly shrink the amount of mesos the market had. All item prices in the Free market had dropped significantly (for example, Maple warrior from 1.65b to 1.55b, sometimes even 1.5 or 1.4). This is good as it makes newer players easier to catch up with older players. As for Miwok Artifact event, personally it depleted my 600k NX easily, and also increased the prices of NX to meso ratio (originally, it went down to 1-3 but now up to 1:4 or 1:4.2, with 1 enchanted scroll reaching 7m as of now). Is this another method to dump our NX? You sussy devs. I see what yall are doing to us
Step 1. LHC content release! New grind map! Step 2. Feedback Uproar: Is LHC worth doing?? Step 3. Verdict: Bossing serves better for endgame players Step 4. ???? Step 5. HT 32k dmg RIP Step 6. LHC smegas only Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..
The event quest requires to kill 500 level 120+ mobs which are only at ToT (prequest) NT (prequest) Crimson guardians (annoying af) and LHC (no pre quest for crockys).
- Make HT do 32k damage so (almost) no one can run it - Promise to fix with a patch within a day - Still not fixed in almost a week - MW20 rising to 1.9b - Gen30 rising to 700m - Conspiracy to manipulate economy confirmed!! Edit: I know the bug wasn’t intentional and y’all are working hard to fix it - I’m just messing around.. I mean, unless…