There's a lot of feedback regarding this, but based on the recent GM Blog: "We've got some small but not insignificant changes coming to the patient of you who have been asking... Marksmen, Dark Knights and Shield-wielding Warriors, look out for the next patch!" there will be some changes.
Dang bruv how'd you miss that one. I believe matt or Tim said something in shoutbox when I was hollerin about the nerf along the lines of it being an old unintended glitch, which I argued wasn't because 99% sure you have to flag a skill to ignore cancel. HH and ninja ambush can still ignore cancel as well still, and NL are top attackers, so if there's no crash they can keep pacing ahead during a cancel, as well as pallies if they have good timing. And shads can also ninja ambush, and if they want they can bomb and dominate any damage contest, plus ambush. Unsure how nerfing snipe but not these other skills justifies the overall loss to mm since they are very low tier, if not lowest besides arch mages. Old snipe obviously did nothing to help them in rankings Ah yeah and I think there was an issue with some attacks being abused by hackers that was part of the same patch, so it was perhaps also a precaution, but not sure if that was related or coincidental
Sorry to revive this thread. I have reached lv151 and maxed SE, MMB as well as Snipe. What should I focus now? With the rework of Blind, should I max it first? Before the patch I was thinking of Piercing Arrow but now I’m not sure. Appreciate to hear from any experts!
sure its been said but, mm vs bm manual vs automatic. mm have to tap (4x) their accelerator for strafe, pace that around a nitro boost snipe, idle to downshift into a pierce, and keep flashing their brights to blind bosses, and make SE pit stops, shift up into a booster, hit the reserve SA router, and take it through a MW car wash, sometimes call for an aerial spotter (fp), and honk your horn (db) bm just leadfoot the accelerator (hurricane), put it on cruise control, and stop for some McSE when everyone in the car yells at them loud enough to remind them over the kpop blasting
My experience leveling at Jr. newts. I used my ironman lv106 with a 1318-2321 range,lv15 golden eagle and soul arrow. No W.ATT potions. 5544960 EXP/h sniping Jr. Newties on the mid middle platform. 7101440 EXP/HOUR sniping Jr. Newties on the forward middle platform. During the respawn time of the first Jr I would snipe the second Jr. I used Golden Eagle 88% stun chance on the first Jr so he can't knock me off the platform. (puppet doesn't reliably take jr aggro ) 5423360 EXP/HOUR sniping bottom Newties and Jr Newties. Same strategy as forward middle platform. I had to use Power Knock-Back and Blizzard a few times. It takes too much times to kill Newties. The second technique is the best exp wise. It just requires to pay attention to Golden eagle. I fell off the platform once and I use a potions when Golden eagle fail to stun.
Is there an accurate multiplier for piercing arrow's damage? Specifically how much each successive monster multiplies the damage. I did a 40 minute experiment at HHG1 and from what I can tell, 1.2x per mob hit is on the money which contradicts the only result I could find that even mentions what successive hit should be doing. Attack range: 7592 - 8411 Observed non crits (from 1st to 6th): 71k, 83k, 102k, 121k, 146k, 177k Calculated using a 1.2x mulitplier: 71,493, 85,792, 102,950, 123,540, 148,248, 177,898 Observed crits: 91k, 108k, 131k, 156k, 185k, 226k Calculated using 850% + 240%crit and 1.2x multiplier: 91,679, 110,015, 132,019, 158,422, 190,107, 228,128
It's x1.2 per each mob You can see all the formulas here and it's one of them