Ultimate "BBB" alternate continuum

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cooler, Aug 23, 2021.

  1. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    This is my ultimate "what if bb never happened and the game progressed" alternate continuum.

    This is not strictly feedback and not strictly royals oriented, but royals IMO has currently (mostly) the healthiest overall skill baseline, and I very much approve many of the recent progressive changes they've made, and they're also the only PS I've played (although I do like to snoop at other ps skills)

    With that said, this is a free, open discussion about the concept in the first sentence. These are all 100% my original ideers. Many suggestions I've made in the past I'm completely scrapping and forgoing to be more objectively balanced for this particular thread. I know it won't all be perfectly harmonious, and that's also kind of fun, but I hope the intention/inertia makes sense, and if anything, you enjoy the ideas and have fun discussing them, as well as this general topic, as it essentially applies to this and all ps, and the fun of core gameplay, balance, development, and individuality, for a more rewarding end game, and a more colorful and dynamic early and midgame, and lots of new optional styles to develop.


    Every single class+job gets a new meta alternative (alt) skill (an additional alternative skill that competes with a commonly maxed existing "meta" skills), and for some classes, more than one. As well as many skill tweaks, qol changes, various class identity and distinction improvements, and balanced, flavorful skill branch options. makes skill branching and planning a priority, and shakes up min/max builds.

    New skills were carefully balanced against current skills, either to mesh with current skills, compliment unused skills, open new natural feeling playstyles, or have opposite utility options against their meta skills.

    In the same vein, many current skills have been scrutinized for similar balancing for an overall healthier, more robust meta, and fun.

    And most importantly, these new skills give you more rewarding options (and investments, to previously underwhelming skills) to build your own char and customize your role with classic routes, or new secondary, and sometimes more, class build routes.

    full thread on all beginner skill changes here. a very fun thread and thought experiment i loved creating. do check out all their great beginner style skills and advancements!

    "New Game+" concept awarded to the wild pioneers that get a beginner to 200:
    • chars on the same account with a 200 beginner can run +1 additional boss run per day on all bosses with limiters.
    • level 150+ beginners grant a blessing of fairy effect for all characters tied on that account.
    • level 150 +1 to STR/DEX/LUK/INT
    • level 160 +1 to STR/DEX/LUK/INT
    • level 170 +1 to STR/DEX/LUK/INT
    • level 180 +1 to STR/DEX/LUK/INT
    • level 190 +1 to STR/DEX/LUK/INT
    • level 200 +1 to w.att, +3 to m.att

    Common Adventurer Skills
    Hero's Will 5+:
    Hero's Will has an additional SB to unlock advanced levels and perks to all classes, from this thread.

    Recall. Summon cancelling. skill that costs 0 mp, has no animation. used to instantly cancel a summon. (if the manual skill icon right click cancel never becomes possible, or at least until then)

    MW20+/ECHO: at 200, instead of Echo, you can choose either an improved MW20+, or echo. this is a concept that i do like, but would need better understanding/math to balance and tease the idea out properly. Both would be needed to optimize runs, so multiple 200 chars with both skills would be needed.
    MW 20+ would also have a CD.
    neither can be TL.

    Cleave - alt to iron def/power strike. costs 25 mp and a keydown charge time, next attack will ignore up to 100 w.def, but you will take more damage if hit before/during cleave. Cleave/heavy cleave will cancel if hit before executing. (possibly using the old charge mechanic that needs you to keydown, but need to be fully charged to execute, like Field Medicine, and will cancel if hit before striking, causing you to try again)
    factors weapon speed. slower weapons receive higher multiplier

    Iron def +5 per level (+100 at max)

    Final Attack reduced to 20 SP

    Rage increases STR but lowers acc and w.def, keeps you in "alert" state (can't change EQ/sit, etc)
    skill renamed to: [Adrenaline]

    Spirited - if an attack misses, randomly gain between 1-21 accuracy and adds up to three lines to your attack to attempt and hit (at max level) Will stop attempting once you hit. -1-21 additional mp per attempt, depending on acc gain at max. +1-5 acc on first line, +6-12 on third line, +13-21 on third line. Allows fighters/heros to require less acc but burn much more mp.
    20SP. gains second and third line at lvl7 and lvl14.
    Shout increases FA damage vs stunned mobs, gives short +5 to all stats to members in range (kept in alert status, 2 seconds), and changes 1/1 to 100/100 for party members in range at max. Gives this skill much more utility and attention without overpowering it, and gives it a rewarding optional playstyle/tech if implemented

    Duelist - Alt to Shout.
    req lvl 30 combo
    requires and consumes 5 (or 10 with aca) combo orbs, causes monsters in a small range to auto-target you for a period of time, lowers your w/m def, will lose more exp (15% total) if you die during duel, and -5m mesos at max if you die dueling. Causes monsters to drop more mesos. Boss spawns will auto-target you if ACA Duel was used. Cancels if you enter a smokescreen, mystic aura, CC, or new map. can be dispelled.
    cancels PG/can't cast PG during
    cancels if mounted
    slowly consumes orbs during duel, and will cancel if you run out

    Shield mastery buffs (+100 def, 50 m.def & +25 avoidability)

    armor crash: costs magic crystal and -100HP/MP

    mentioned below, but combo finishers have a hard time staying relevant. if overall, the top shelf attack potions of the game were all lowered about -15~20 att, and reconsidering some new skills and styles and party mechanics supplementing this loss, and slightly buffing coma/panic when using aca orbs, they could probably scale into end game, with effects such as bringing darkness effect back to panic [original skill effects: 350% WA, 90% chance to inflict darkness], mp drain effect to coma on non-boss mobs, recover +400 MP against boss mobs if using ACA coma.
    GFX: flip panic and comas cast gfx and effect gfx (coma's eye gfx fits better on panic, and panics green blast fits better on coma)
    have panic be stronger using axes, and coma stronger if using a sword.
    secondary effects can only proc during a weapon cancel/crash from aca orbs (darkness/mp drain)
    Enrage, requires max rage, raises STR greatly, lowers potion healing/cleric heal by 20%, lowers accuracy/m/wdef, no passive healing, ignores harmony/mystic aura effects, all attack skills, except shout, cost same amount of hp as well as mp.
    if shout is used in time for it's 1/1 mitigating effect, it can dampen 1/1 to 250/250.
    increases damage taken during duel, exp loss, but boosts meso reward during enrage. guardian won't proc during enrage. if a mob/boss has a def-up buff active, enrage ignores it. CD. cant be dispelled, but consumes -100 MP when hit with dispel, will be dispelled if MP is below 100. consumes 10 orbs to cast.
    pets will ignore your commands and not heal you during enrage, locks you in alert state (cant sit/change eq)
    enrage will ignore stun status but cost -100 mp if struck with a stun inducing attack. wont proc if you have less than 100 MP
    -attacks accrue combo orbs at half rate. red color is added to all attack animations during enrage
    skill renamed to [Red Crusade]
    Red Crusade's Brandish will do more damage vs single targets than multiple. Can randomly ignore up to -150 wdef vs single targets. Will consume 1 orb if attack ignores 130 or more def.

    Heroics: alt to Enrage/various. will grab a falling party member and keep them from falling off a ledge, cost hp+mp, has one minute CD, consumes two orbs (has "CATCH" animation from the mount quest)
    Can block a nearby party member from a 1/1 attack at a 15% chance at max (requires ACA, consumes two orbs), 1m CD.
    hero needs to be same level or higher as other chars to apply these two saving effects. hp and mp cost to catch is based on the characters level that is being caught [their levelĂ·2, rounded up]
    If 10 orbs are accrued, increases passive speed +5, jump +5 (can go over limit) and climbing speed, rush speed (a to b speed, not cast speed, and MM charges slightly faster, and +5 max speed to all mounts (can go over max). Alt to enrage. heroics do not proc during enrage
    Heroic effects require 6 or more orbs to proc (aka, req ACA, and active duty)

    if magic crash is active, heroics grants an extra 10% chance to break through during crash at the cost of 1 orb

    coma can can crash DR (damage reflect) if all 10 orbs are available, and consumes them all, costs 260 MP

    small golden angel wing helmet animation when heroics effects proc (grabbing/1/1 blocking/extra magic crash %) same shape as the timeless warrior helm, same gold effect as most 4th job skills

    Threaten buffs, etc, -10% rates, increases FA dmg vs threatened mobs.

    Final Attack reduced to 20 SP

    Heavy Cleave - improved cleave. alt to threaten/FA. (ignores 200 w.def), 20% to crit, increased mp cost & damage taken if hit during cleave charge. factors w. speed. slower w. have slightly higher multiplier. will cancel if hit during charge. cleave/hc will not proc FA. charge time is slightly increased.
    >White Knight
    Magic Crash [changed from Total Crash]:
    req: one elemental charge maxed
    at max, has 30% chance all attacks will ignore weapon and magic cancels.
    -120 MP requires and consumes x3 Magic Crystal, and dispels a LVL30 elemental charge (magic crash requires one maxed elemental charge to be unlocked)

    Despirit: alt to mp recovery/shield mastery/magic crash.
    req. max threaten.
    an adv threaten. -20% rates at max and previous threaten bonuses.
    increases damage slightly to despirited mobs that have no ele weakness. lowers m.def -40. mp eater effect on despirited mobs (20% proc at max).
    only affects mobs/bosses your level or below. works on bosses at half rates, and costs a magic crystal to affect a boss mob.

    Shield mastery buffs (+100 def, 50 m.def & +25 avoidability)

    Charged Blow: stun chance lowered from 90% to 60%. Charge Blow (and ACB) can now proc a Final Attack, if FA is active

    SP cost reductions to mp recovery, elements/cb?
    Shining Armor - reflects all magic attacks like mana reflection. CD, drains mp, will be hit through smoke, and avoid drops to zero (all attacks will hit you), 10% chance to ignore/resist some status conditions during
    can't cast HH during, but slightly increases ACB dmg (+10% total to base skill), and PG reflect. guardian will not proc during SA, but shield users reflect additional damage, +10%. SA cancels out acchile's passive dmg reduction effects while SA is active. works while mounted/won't cancel on mount. Alt to guardian/acchiles/HH. cannot be dispelled.
    [gfx: radiant golden effect over all eq/nx and character sprite extensions. hiboxes of all skills are more visible due to added golden shimmer effect inside hitbox ranges of your skills during SA. when magic is reflected, large outward arcing crescent animations proc from your character]
    costs 3 magic crystal, and requires holy charge to be active, and dispels it

    ACB: ACB dmg increased +10% when in Shining Armor. ACB can proc Final Attack if active. Stun chance boosted to 70%

    heaven's hammer gives reverb mastery:
    lvl11 HH: any attack with a 2HBW that will deal damage over an enemies KB threshold and knock them back, you will deal an additional splash line of up to 20% (at lvl30 HH) of that attack. (199k will deal an extra 39k)
    this helps keep 2HBW slow, but build up more damage over time to compete. this does not work with HH, only when attacking with a 2hbw eq and hitting over KB threshold

    or alternatively, only slow/slower speed 2hBW can break the damage cap

    Highjump, alt to iron will/FA. active buff, can be dispelled.
    req. max spear or PA mastery
    +30 jump at max, increases damage of attacks in the air by +10% to base skill (not total damage)
    damages up to 3 enemies you land on, 100% dmg. lowers your w.and m.def when in air. jumping costs -5 mp when highjump is active.

    Iron will buffed (+80 def/m.def, -88 MP at max). will stack with bless.

    Final Attack reduced to 20 SP
    >Dragon Knight
    Sacrifice can hit through weapon cancel. ignores all defense stats. qol changes: can't kill yourself using sac, but can't do max damage if you have very low HP.
    sacrifice can proc Final Attack (alt to roar/hp mitigation)

    Fury/crusher spear/pa harmony *PA viability* Only two skills, Fury, and Crusher, no weapon specific skills.

    Dragon's Blood SP goes up to 30 and instead buffs your weapon's preferred attack animation ratio based on your hands stat, blocks passive regen, lowers total w/m def 10%, more HP loss, but this skill can KO you, unless buffeted with Aura of the Beholder. MP -66, HP-66 at max. has cd.

    Dragon Dive: works with spear/pa, 30 sp, must be in air, can hit multiple enemies, hits two lines. ignores 30 w.def at max. if highjump is activated, you will do 100% dmg when you land (same if you fire off a crusher or fury in the air before you land)

    power crash lowers w.att -20 for 10 seconds at max. 20s CD. requires one magic crystal, -100 hp/mp
    >Dark Knight
    Scaling zerk, colored states

    Beholder: Storm Aura
    increases aerial damage to and number of enemies you land on when jump attacking/highjump is active. increases avoidability when in air during HJ. ignores up to -60w.def when using dragons dive. lowers your def/m.def when active. increases final attack damage to sacrifice when in air.

    Dragon Cloud: alternative to zerk, can attack in the air on a cloud under your feet, increases damage to sacrifice, roar, dragon dive (but no landing bonus), dragon fury/crusher, but increases damage taken while on cloud.

    this and some other skills provide an alt route to drk and zerk style. you can keep your HP higher but you take harder hits, and do slightly less damage than perfect zerk dpm. mix style *could* be possible but very dangerous and possibly not viable.

    Berserk: 15% stun resist when zerking. if stunned while in berserk, can continue attacking without any speed buffs but can't move left or right (all skills used during berserk stun cost as much HP as their MP cost)

    [Acchiles changed to:] Scales: different sb, 20% damage reduction, also gives 10% abnormal status resistance/chance (except stun) req./consumes -30 mp on a resist

    Aura of the Beholder will staunch Dragon's Blood from Ko'ing you, but will cost you large amounts of MP if you remain at 1HP and halt the benefits until healed above 1 hp

    for swordsmen, two skills now help you accent your early to midgame style.

    iron body was buffed well for those who sacrifice the SP to go out of their way and max this skill. this is not easily maxed in first, slashblast and powerstrike take priority. for those that can make the effort to max iron body, you will be properly rewarded down the line. more recommended for players who plan to become drks, but benefits all, especially shield users

    cleave gives you a early-midgame bossing advantage if you are a careful, tactical warrior.


    all second job warriors get lowered SP cost for final attack to help relieve SP allocation


    fighter's rage and Hero's enrage buff STR now, allowing you to still stack att potions, but as a trade off, lowers your accuracy and increase the incoming damage you will take. but, Spirited, for those who try to play very low acc, or want to use rage/enrage, can be supplemented extra conditional acc--at the heavy cost of MP.

    Crusaders take their fighting lust and moxie and can now challenge monsters with Duel. Shout is now a more signature move, than a strange stun AOE, granting a very short SP buff to party members in range, and the ability to dampen 1/1 to 100/100 if you watch cues and react quickly

    coma/panic: panic again deals a darkness effect to mobs, and bosses at 1/3 rate, costs double orbs vs boss mobs.
    coma has mp drain effect on mobs slain from coma, and had a 50% chance to ignore w.cancel for 5/10 orbs

    Hero's Heroics skill grants them a handful of special buffs to set hero's apart, and live up to their name, giving them some conditional party defenses, saving falling members and blocking "deadly attacks" (1 /1s) at the cost of ACA orbs, as well as some slight mobility buffs if ACA is at 10 orbs.
    this is a high utility route, vs the aggressive high str enrage route. passively costs orbs to proc these perks

    Page's Cleave becomes more destructive, at increased peril to the user, a little extra fun for the slow going page and white knight, who don't have much compared to raging, spirited fighters, or hyperbody, highjumping spearmen, and a precursor to the powerful blast in their future. Threaten lowers w.def/w.att -10% (not 20%), but will also cause monsters to take more final attack damage if threatened.

    white knights can learn a buff to threaten, which now becomes Despirit, to unlock its full -20% potential (-20% to all mobs and bosses from a 2nd job skill is a bit OP. Despirited mobs will slightly lower elemental *resistances* (not weaknesses), helping the wk/paladin deal a little bit extra damage when encountering monsters that resist all their elemental attacks. its effects are shorter than its precursor

    Charged Blow will proc FA, helping boost those who made the commitment to FA, and want an extra reason to unleash a CB in third job.

    And some SP levels are lowered, giving WKs flexibility in their skill customization.

    Paladin's Shining Armor is a temporary buff that gives them a mana reflection skill for added DPM, slight increase to Charged Blow, but zero's their avoidability, pauses their guardian skill, and pauses their ability to use heaven's hammer. avoid and guardian are negated to maximize reflected magic, and because they become a shining beacon on the battlefield, even through a shadower's smokescreen, or a blinded boss. hammer is temporarily sacrificed to bolster their defense, instead of attack--however, shining armor empowers their mighty ACB swings to supplement this tradeoff. the knight in shining armor can even ride in on his trusty steed(mount) while shining armor is active. SA might seem a bit underwhelming if you consider the total package of paladins, and that's exactly the case--they have lots going on to aid in battle, magic crash, despirit, heaven's hammer, rush, divine charge, so giving them new niches wasn't exactly necessary as far as new skills went, so the common alternative defensive route, instead of the offensive HH, was teased out, and molded around the paladin's motifs. zeroing avoid/guardian/acchile's and putting HH on CD during SA though, makes it an offensive mode all the same, increasing the dpm output via reflecting all magic attacks (and then some of you are a shield user--so shield/guardian users aren't totally redundant), and the slight glittering ACB dmg buff (combined with FA proc'ing with ACB) will help supplement the temporary lack of HH. use it wisely!


    spearmen also develop in a few new ways. spear and PA are now viable, so mix builds won't be necessary.

    Iron Will is now a much more definite and beneficial buff for your investment, as it wasnt often maxed. Could be quite potent stacked with max Iron Body, and Scales!

    Highjump is a new skill and playstyle, evocative of the dragoon class. You will take more damage when you are up in the air, but you can land on enemies dealing 100% of your range, and get a special vertical jump boost that even assassins may be jealous of, when active.

    dragon knights have a few core improvements. the crusher dominance is balanced by fury getting equalizing buffs, and a new skill is thrown in for more aerial style players, Dragon Dive, which can only deal damage from the air.

    Dragon's blood also gets a similar buff to rage/enrage, but this skill still comes at a risky cost, and can KO you unless you have aura of the beholder active.

    Sacrifice can now proc Final Attack, and will ignore w.cancel. These buffs intend to help it contend with Roar when choosing how you control your HP

    Dark Knights now have an alternative style to berserking. On dragon cloud, they will incur more incoming damage than normal, but they won't have to battle half dead, and beholder: storm aura brings provides cloud/aerialist style bonuses.

    Achilles is changed to Scales. The buffed damage reduction (-20%), and 10% resistance to basic status effects helps the DRK, wether in the air taking more damage, or zerking at low health.

    And Berserk now can potentially ignore the effects of stun, living up to its name and helping the DRK in this extreme state

    Curse, 1st job magician skill, alt to MP recovery. lowers monster m.def, but raises mobs avoidability
    (baseline LUK acc recommended), cursed mobs will drop more MP recovery items. supportive, -23 mp, 1v1 (re-colored light purple, faded, 2nd job thunderbolt anim, same range). 10sp, lasts 6 seconds. has cursed status animation over mobs head (light purple magic tag or rune, etc)

    >F/P Wizard
    Meditation buffs: increases INT by 20 instead of m.att, keeps you in alert state, lowers m.def -66

    MP eater nerf to 20% rate for both wizards, mp eater wont proc during infinity, eats less mp when using ultis, MP eater effect goes down to 10% vs cursed mobs

    Poison brace - 20% chance that a poisoned mob can poison one other mob once via touch

    Curse II - hits up to 3 mobs at max, increased rates, including avoid, 12 seconds. will replace curse hotkey. slightly darker purple

    Fire arrow slight damage nerf but buff via DOT
    >F/P Mage
    Curse III: - can hit six mobs, increased rates/mp cost and range. new chance to make cursed
    mobs drop magic crystal or summoning rocks regardless if they cant drop MC/SR, can drop multiples/bundles (1-3) of MP recovery items and mc/sr. 18 seconds, darker purple

    Comp: two lines for each element, can do fire dot as well as poison at 25% chance. scorpion animation added

    Partial Resist - poison status has 50% chance to heal you instead of damage each interval for same amount, at max

    Mist - bit more faded visually, will dissapear if you cc
    >Arch F/P
    Cauldron: 10 SP, need sb from carta to unlock. -120 MP casts all status-effect skills at once, based on their current level, on any mob inside the mist. Includes: curse, slow, seal (+poison mist for f/p. special i/l cauldron effect: can crit frozen mobs in cauldron's effect at 10% for 110%) hangs for 30 seconds like mist. (60 during infinity), increases summon damage to affected mobs. saves a lot of hotkeys and those who have invested in all these skills get what you put in.

    Ifrit. fp summon is now ifrit, requires summoning rock. elemental damage is buffed by demon lvl, summon damage buffed by cauldron effect

    Meteor. 8 sec CD, 4 during infinity. or hold key to charge for 4 second cast speed (can't move/tele while charging, costs 10% more MP). has original volcano animation behind caster.
    less mp eater recovery from ultis

    Demon - Increases damage to fire+p elements, increases summon damage, lowers mobs m.def greatly for 10 seconds, harsh fire dot under the effect -125 MP

    Paralyze, vanilla effects + dangerous venom effect, purple, can poison nearby mobs like brace at 100% chance at max. poison stacks with mist/comp/cauldron. can dot bosses at a low rate for shorter duration.

    Greaver 20SP - alt to paralyze. requires max comp and 10 demon and a SB. Single target, short range/swing. increased damage if using staff, cast animation speed affected by spell booster, att swing speed affected by si. Hits two lines, one fire and one poison element. If an enemy is weak to an element, that line will be a critical at 100% rate at max
    -88 mp and hp. demon assists damage

    >I/L Wizard
    Meditation buffs: increases INT by 20 instead of m.att, keeps you in alert state, lowers m.def -66

    MP eater nerf to 20% rate for both wizards, mp eater wont proc during infinity, eats less mp
    when using ultis, MP eater effect goes down to 10% vs cursed mobs

    Curse II - hits up to 3 mobs at max, increased rates, including m.avoid, 12 seconds. will replace curse hotkey. slightly darker purple

    Thunderbolt - increase MP cost, hits one less mob, 10% chance to stun.

    Cold beam - can slow mobs that can't be frozen
    >I/L Mage
    Curse III: - can hit six mobs, increased rates/mp cost and range. new chance to make cursed mobs drop magic crystal or summoning rocks regardless if they cant drop MC/SR, can drop multiples/bundles of MP recovery items.18 seconds

    Partial Resist - stun resistance, 20%, cold map damage reduction

    Thunder Spear - can hit through mobs (3 max) like iron arrow, but vanilla thunder spear distance, chance to stun: 15%

    Comp - two lines, each element. stuns mobs that can't be frozen at 15%, piezo crystal animation. ice and lightning dot.
    >Arch I/L
    Cauldron " "

    Elquines. I/L summon is now elquines, requires summoning rock. elemental damage is buffed by demon, summons damage buffed by cauldron

    Blizzard 8 sec CD, 4 during infinity. or hold key to charge for 4 second cast speed (can't move/tele while charging, costs 10% more MP if charged). has original animation behind caster. less mp eater recovery from ultis

    Ice demon. makes temp slippery terrain under the demon cast. increases I+L elemental dmg, +summon dmg, lowers m.def greatly, harsh ice dot for 10s on affected mobs. -125 MP

    CL can stun at 15%

    Scepter 20SP. /alt to CL. requires max comp, level 10 demon and a SB. Single target, short range/swing. increased damage if using staff. cast speed affected by spell booster, att speed affected by si.
    Hits two lines, one Ice and one Lightning element. If an enemy is weak to an element, that line will be a critical.
    -88 mp and hp. powerful 1v1 attack that requires max ele comp. demon assists damage

    Teleport - distance increased slightly at max vs f/p+i/L, mp cost increased

    Smite - very close range holy magic attack/swing, does more damage using staffs, 1v1. -44 HP/MP, slight recast delay.
    animation: reskinned 2H mace/axe max mastery swing gfx

    Holy arrow - faster cast speed, but can never KB a monster

    Mp eater rates are vanilla (30%), cleric advantage over i/L+f/p

    heal - nets more exp in major boss battle maps on active players (major boss maps, PQ bosses)
    *Holy Symbol rework:*
    Holy symbol is not a party buff. It is a status that affects mobs (like taunt) and can fade after the normal amount of time and need to be recast, will end if you CC/DC or enter a new map. Members in a party that kill a hs'd mob will get the exp bonus, with a slight buffed party exp share. Bosses have a shorter duration and a chance to avoid HS.
    However, if the Priest/Bishop has Mystic Aura up, HS automatically extends to all party members, until MA fades out.

    Mystic aura - creates a temporary healing zone around the priest, decreases party members current passive recovery intervals to 7 seconds (instead of 10) inside MA, and slowly heals party members hp, damages undead mobs/zombie status. if inside, your current level of HS will automatically apply to you and party members.
    -200 mp. has 10m CD. Costs 2 magic crystal

    Dragon summon hits two lines, neutral damage, increases all dk skills +500 damage at max lvl if any are in party and dragon is summoned. costs summoning rock

    all doomed mobs will take extra damage from smite and both dragon summons
    Bahamut hits two lines, is ele neutral, req summoning rock, can summon baby at same time, increases drks damage +1000 dmg at max level if Baja is on field with drk in party, stacks with baby to +1500
    Bahamut levels 21-30 increases smite's 2nd job rates. one line (-88 mp/hp) will crit if enemy is weak to holy.

    Genesis 8 sec CD, 4 during infinity. or hold key to charge for 4 second cast speed (can't move/tele while charging, costs 10% more MP to speed charge). has original animation behind caster. less mp eater recovery from ultis

    Angel Ray fires slower, but always KBs any non boss, adds tele attack (damages mobs you tele through at 100% of your range at max). angel ray ignores m.def-up buffs

    Harmony. buffs mystic aura. costs 3 magic crystal. if drks have points in berserk, casting Heal will harm drks if above zerk %, heals them if below, to thresholds (final level perk, 30) Additional exp bonus from heal+heal rates in aura and in boss rooms. chance to passively cast doom+disorder to mobs that enter mystic aura depending on their/your level, 90%.
    increases mystic aura rates (passive hp/mp regen, faster passive regen intervals: 4 seconds, higher aura healing, increased range and duration).
    increases damage aura deals to undead mobs during. has CD.
    bs can't use any attacks during harmony/mystic aura. only attack with heal/summons/buffs/res/door (except doom or curse 1) during. increases
    cleric/priest/bishop buff and summon durations (bless, invincible, hs, holy shield, dragons, door, etc)

    Resurrection now requires a summoning rock and 3 magic crystal to cast!

    >Common 4th Job magician skills
    Reflect - increased rates at max. costs magic crystal

    Big bang - three lines (adjusted damage), can push at %. (no element)

    Infinity - increased rates, increases INT greatly, has CD, but lowers mdef and passive resistances both to 0 during. costs 8 m.crystal. mp eater does not work during.

    not many changes to mages except the ultimate 8s CDs. they can be ignored if you manually charge them (for four seconds, and increase mp cost by 10%). this obviously tries to curb leeching, but its still possible, just less simple for mages.

    and the curse/cauldron skills improve their farming gain overall if implemented, and offer a fun, possibly lucrative alternative to their passive MP recovery skill in first. bishops are likely to go traditional MP recovery, while farming/leeching cauldron arches might want curse.

    MP recovery tweaks also help balance the leeching meta out to be less op and simple.

    all mages now have better 1v1 options, and a bit more defined flair and color. demon skills setup a window to attack full force when bossing, and greaver, scepter, and smite provide nice 1v1 dmg, as well as improved summons, and secondary elemental attacks.

    infinity becomes a powerful 4th job state with a few new benefits to help those mages who also want to see bosses fall in battle

    HS gets overhauled, but mystic aura, if you're inside, will have it work the same. Holy arrow now fires much faster, but can never KB a monster, while angel ray fires slower, and will always KB mobs. Clerics also get farther teleport, and eventually a teleport attack, as well as buffed summons that give small buffs to drks, and Harmony, which will always tame their berserking nature, will harm drks if their HP is over their zerk threshold, to the threshold (no exp is given for this) and heal them if in berserk, just under their berserking threshold, if in mystic aura with max harmony

    more powerful skills now require magic crystals and summoning rocks appropriately. the price from purchasing them from alacaster and elsewhere has greatly increased, but curse/cauldron allows them to be more farmable

    [Nimble body changed to:] Sneak Attack: Same stats as NB (+acc/avoid), but goes up to level 30 (vanilla rates scale)
    Adds a passive bonus to monsters attacked from behind at lvl20+,+10% dmg base to skills at max (30).
    adds a 10% chance to crit monsters from behind at max, for 110% crit damage.
    [sneak att bonus applies to single target skills: lucky seven (not shadow partner) disorder, double stab, shadow meso, assaulter, savage blow, disorder claw, triple throw, assassinate.
    this is a difficult early SP investment, but pays off.
    [Note on sneak attack: some mobs/bosses won't be affected/have no "back"]

    Disorder: -60/60 at max (instead of 20/20). better pay off for maxing this skill

    Secret Training 20SP, alt to drain.
    20% Resistance to Poison, Blind, and Weakness, and duration of effects is reduced by 20% at max if resist misses.
    (Purple reskinned HP Recovery/nimble feet animation on proc or halve)
    can proc during DS

    Drain: nerfed to 100% at max (not 160%), can work when punching

    Claw Mastery: increases vanilla +200 star capacity increase to +300.
    Disorder Claw: alt to web/shadow meso. 20SP, requires 10 or higher disorder. passively casts disorder at a % (90% at max) when you "punch" mobs. Uses your current level of disorder's rates. increases punch damage. punch sneak attack bonus.
    disorder green reskinned magic claw animation

    Alchemist no longer extends att potions but goes back to 150% buff and works for all potion effects except attack buffs. (works for all potion effects except attack, including avoid potions, m.def potions, etc.). sneak att gives a great dpm buff. sneak attack buffs can supplement the lack of alchemist att potion bonus time.
    alchemist no longer extends monster card buffs or nx/gm buffs that boost att

    Spider Web: hits 3 monsters at max (nerfed from 6).
    has a chance to slow additional monsters that are in contact with a trapped monster. has a slight delay when casting (2s CD)
    drain saps more HP from webbed mobs, can use drain "punch" on webbed mobs [close range/no throw]

    Shadow Meso scales better with your range+level,costs mp as well as mesos. stronger and more reliable. good for lower level mobs/spawns to save stars. sneak attack bonus
    -shadow meso ignores def up
    if meso UP is active, adds the additional mesos to the shadow meso damage, but wont drop the additional meso up coins.
    >Night Lord
    Advanced Web: alt to ninja storm/ambush req max spider web. Can hit up to eight mobs. adv web must be cast from Darksight at increased mp cost than spider web, and will take you out of DS, like assassinate. Web lasts longer. Up to three untrapped mobs can become trapped with a webbed monster if they come in contact, as well as slowed. increases dmg bonus from sneak attack. lowers mobs avoidability -77. 25% chance to recover/not consume stars vs adv webbed mobs. good for grinding.
    if venom is maxed, duration is slightly increased vs. adv webbed mobs
    drain deals extra damage to adv webbed mobs, as well as drains more HP. won't consume stars when using drain vs. adv webbed mobs.

    unique NON-RECHARGEABLE, untradable set of stars, are available, high w.att, high cost. amount not affected by mastery, average stack quantity (~2000). "Elin crystal needles" "red icicles" "versal stingers" w/e. They could be anything, but the point is they are basically single
    unrechargable sets of stars you can buy from NPCs for an attack boost without buying sets of very expensive rechargeable stars.
    yes I'm helping NL, they are people too

    Steal: additional +10% chance to steal when behind a mob

    Endure: max level raised to 30, rates scale (90/30 hp/mp at lvl30)

    10 SP
    req haste 10.
    allows you to jump during weakness, costs 50 mp, cd 10s at max. double tap jump while weakened to activate. doesn't cure weakness. has +20 jump at max. can be used in DS. can only be used while afflicted with weakness
    >Chief Bandit
    Steal Mastery: 20 sp, requires max steal. replaces shield mastery. can use steal from Darksight for more MP, increased item steal rates & meso value from DS steal based on your hands stat. will pop you out of DS just like assassinate after using steal.
    steal mastery increases steal chance by 15% and stolen meso value, increased MP. Chance to not aggro a monster when stealing (up to 77% at max)
    can steal mesos from bosses (extra from behind) works together with PP. stolen mesos will also merge into larger sacks if you have points in ME
    -procs a ~f11 face, similar to shifter on successful steals
    -if a monster drops magic crystals or summoning rocks normally, steal mastery has a chance to steal them in bundles (1-3), in the chance the bandit steals a mc/sr.
    -can steal mesos after an item is stolen, if you wish. [normally, before stealing an item, you can steal mesos indefinitely until the monster dies, or until an item is stolen, then no further mesos or items can be stolen.

    Pickpocket scales better based on your hands stat. higher rates from behind.

    Meso Explosion rates begin much weaker. at max, upper limit of ME damage is capped somewhere appropriate. every 20 bags merges to a slightly bigger single bag on the ground. explodes for the same rates lines and dmg as the 20. this effect will continue to stack. easier to visualize your coins and pick them back up. others can't pick the enlarged bags up. effect only happens when ME has points invested. pickpocket has a similar effect, and uses an averaged rate to combine coins.

    Meso Guard blocks 30% damage at max, (nerfed from 50%), costs more mesos.

    Misschief. alt to chakra/various. opposite of powergaurd. when an attack/bump misses naturally (not from shifter), will automatically counter attack an aggro'd mob/boss at 120% at max if in range (dagger swing range) proc costs MP
    orange reskinned magic claw animation
    khanjar users do two lines, one for 100% of your range, and one for 40%

    Chakra: gives a powerful bonus crit buff to next attack after using chakra.
    won't go towards misschiefs counter. promotes and rewards consistent chakra healing rather than pets/potion
    Dagger Guru, 30

    [requires max chakra & max dagger mastery]
    "the inner resolve of the self-sufficient Shadower blooms in the darkness, and they become one with their weapon"

    if a shadower has no shield/khanjar equipped, many skills and their rates are improved, rewards higher skill attention/chakra use, to have similar DPM to powerful STR d.khanjar users. reintroduces the STR/LUK dichotomy, plan ahead! luk/guru style is a bit more defensive and technical, and shines when using chakra to heal or in emergency situations
    • -raises dagger mastery based on your hands stat
    • attacks randomly ignores monster w.def, up to 100
    • disorder rates doubled
    • 33% chance to crit when using assaulter
    • sneak attack back bonus: raises mastery of sneak attacks by 10%.
    • Increases Nate's fourth hit to always 100% crit
    • increases misschiefs counter damage to 135%, 20% chance to proc misschief counter from shifter at max
    • halves springs' CD and MP cost
    • increases mastery of all your attacks inside smokescreen +10%
    • lowers your MP consumption of all skills based on your level of guru inside smokescreen (-25% at max)
    dark sight:
    • lowers MP cost of skills cast from dark sight (nate/steal/chakra/springs),
    • stance effect while in DS only, 77% at max
    • chakra can be used while stunned but not cure stun status
    • can be used at 77% hp threshold or below
    • chakra next-attack bonus multiplier increased, and will crit at 100% rate for 130% crit damage /ignores all monster w.def, increases mastery to 100%
    • chakra can be used in DS, same risks apply, costs double MP and same amt of HP. won't dispel DS
    • chakra cast time slightly increased
    • chakra MP cost increased
    • adds dark prismatic chakra gfx effect to next attack animation/around user until unleashed
    • chakra gives a +77 w/m.def buff during animation, and until the next attack is unleashed
    • all secondary effects (stun/venom/steal/etc) will be 100% if the next attack lands
    • stance effect while casting chakra, 77% at max
    Guru benefits from a max endure build considering the additional MP costs and chakra usage, especially in 1/1 or emergency situations

    Venom. has rates doubled if eq w/ a khanjar/d. khanjar/asura khanjar dagger. venom has 1/3 rates to proc boss mobs, with a shorter duration, during their weapon cancels only.

    Assassinate: can cancel anytime with assaulter. sneak attack bonus applies to nate. Only holding left/right will proc the final 4th dash hit. Final hit ignores all defense. no charge time needed.

    boomerang step: the stun from bstep gives a big advantage when grinding. lower it from 90% to 65% and bstep dmg is lowered 10% to factor that one line from bstep will always proc the sneak attack bonus

    smokescreen: can be used from DS

    a reverse/timeless khanjar (asura khanjar) will be introduced, with higher req base STR than the d.khanjar.
    lvl 110+ LUK daggers will now carry some weapon/magic defense and avoid to supplement dagger guru style

    Ninja Ambush: can randomly ignore from 100 up to all monster's def at max, each hit. will ignore def-up buffs. more randomized dmg. reduced cast delay.
    requires summoning rock

    Shadow Shifter: shifter now costs MP to proc, -5 MP at max. if MP is 0, current level rates are halved.
    this is to somewhat curb/balance and cost both thieves extremely excellent avoidability/survivability (especially shads)

    Rogues will now be rewarded for being a bit more sneaky, and using their mobility to their advantage.
    Sneak Attack is the same as Nimble Body, but also increases damage to enemies and bosses hit from behind to +10% on the skill used (not total damage), with a 10% rate to crit at 110% dmg.
    Works great with Darksight, Disorder (which de-aggros mobs and almost always makes them turn their back on you), their avoidability, flashjump, assaulter, etc, and gives some "dimension" to the 2D gimmick, and class. However, maxing it, and making the most of it could be tricky...
    Disorder is also buffed well for those who make the most of it.

    In general, some NPCs will sell sets of one time use high att Stars. These can't be recharged, like arrows, and help those who cant afford high att stars when they become available to you

    Since Assassin's will be well rewarded to maximize Sneak Attack and its style, not many of their new skills or changes will push that envelope, but they will flesh out their characters, and aid in controlling or setting up more advantageous situations to be even more efficient.
    Secret Training passively resists some common ailments, as well as speeds up recovery from them.
    Drain now heals you for less in general, but is still an excellent skill for such a strong, ranged class.

    Hermit's Shadow Meso is improved to be a more viable skill, although stars will always be better.
    Alchemy won't extend att potion durations, but it will extend the effects of all other potion buffs, as well as recovery, retaining the vanilla 150% bonus. Sneak Attack will still provide an advantageous buff in many situations.
    Disorder Claw gives a passive buff, based on your level of Disorder, for when mobs get too close, causing your claw punch attack to also cast Disorder at a chance, and increases punch damage
    Web can be cast once from DS (like assassinate), and as a Night Lord, web also gets buffed in various was to manipulate troublesome mobs

    Advanced Web aids the spidery/solo/grinding style NL, helping with very high level mobs with lots of HP, especially with the aid of sneak attack. more monsters can be trapped, as well as be trapped from Darksight, and their webs can even trap other mobs as well. prey trapped in the night lord's web with their back turned stand no chance.

    Both thief's Ninja Ambush gets some buffs so it won't do fixed, predictable dmg, and has its delay lowered.

    Bandits become a bit more bandity, when using steal from behind a mob, your level rates go up slightly. Their Endure levels raise to 30, scaling to boost their well rounded style, and also get a fun emergency skill in Springs, letting them jump even if afflicted with weakness.

    Chief Bandits become much more Chiefly, being able to steal loot much better than before with Steal Mastery: improving rates to max Steal, allowing you to use Steal once from Darksight, like assassinate, with a buffed chance to steal an item, and more fantastic bonuses for those who love the life, such as: increased chance to steal, increased meso value, better rates from behind. As well as being able to steal mesos from bosses, which will help if you like using Meso Explosion.

    Meso Explosion is initially nerfed in it's low levels to curb powerleveling. When dropping mesos to bomb, it will cost you slightly more, but now bags will merge into one larger bag, to streamline and improve qol for this technique. the same amount of damage will apply, but you can grab your extra large meso sacks easier, and visualize your ammo better. Stolen mesos will also contribute to this, as well as pickpocketed mesos, buffing your dropped meso value when bombing!

    Chakra is a slept on skill, and its next-attack critical bonus setup will hopefully bring it to the foreground, and has even greater rewards in 4th job.

    Meso Guard is nerfed from its overpowered 50% dmg reduction. with all that shadowers are capable of, this effect gives them the biggest advantage. damage will also cost more money, so start treasure hunting!

    Assaulters stun chance is now 70% at max.

    Misschief is a close range counterattack skill against aggro'd monsters who MISS you when attacking. You will instantly counter them if they're in close (reg attack) range, at 120% dmg. Khanjar users do 100% get a second line added for an additional 40% dmg. if this stacked with shifter it would be too OP and instantly be a new must-max meta skill.

    The Str/Luk dagger pathing fully diverges in Dagger Maestro (or Dagger-Guru)
    While Khanjar users get automatic attack bonuses, shieldless, single-dagger maestros will get many manually achieved rewards for their style. chakra is passively buffed in many ways, gives a higher next-attack bonus and raises mastery of next att and ignores all w.def , attacking during a smokescreen raises mastery inside, counterattacks are now 130%, final hit from nate always crits, and improved mastery on sneak attack(attacking from behind) damage to +10%).
    this contends with the khanjar meta and relies mainly on using chakra for its bonuses, and maximizing your smokescreen bonus. chakra cast time is slow and you stop attacking, and using it has risks (you can receive more damage while healing, this is a vanilla effect). what school will you choose?

    Venom's proc chances are doubled with a khanjar/d.khanjar equipped, and bosses can be poisoned at a low chance and short duration during their weapon cancels, so don't just stand there!

    Boomerang Step's stun chance is lowered to 70%, and damage is lowered slightly to factor that one of the two lines from bstep will have sneak attack applied.

    and to further khanjars & STR meta, a new "timeless khanjar", as well as giving some high level (110+) LUK daggers more natural avoid and magic defense

    Field Medicine: alt to focus. -40 MP, -5 non-quest etc items, charge fully to properly cast. cures basic status afflictions (poison, blind, weakness, etc). has 10m CD (can't use if sealed, stunned, or sed). uses green reskinned beginner skill: hp recovery

    Focus: +30 avoid if maxed

    Vanish: alt to FA/PKB. Costs HP/MP. Dissapear in place, avoiding touch damage and some projectiles.
    Cannot move, passively regen, or heal while vanished. pets won't heal you during vanish. can be dispelled.
    magic attacks from aggrod mobs will still strike you

    Arrow Bomb: stun chance lowered from 60% to 40%

    Final Attack: 20 SP (was 30) adds splash line to DS/AB instead of additional animations. can also proc FA once, vs the first mob, when using arrow bomb. active.
    Tracker: alt to mortal blow/puppet/etc.
    Passive. Slightly increases your chance to find recovery items from monsters, chests (or map objects), as well as quest items.

    [Silver Hawk swapped to:] Golden Hawk:
    now prioritizes attacking mobs nearest in range

    Thrust is now unique to Rangers
    Elven Mantle: alt to concentrate. -150 MP. has CD. 15% shifter effect during.
    while using hurricane, the longer you attack without getting hit, the more w.def you can ignore on a mob/boss, and the more HP/MP you will passively regenerate, as well as increases damage reduction up to 10%. 3% chance you won't consume an arrow (consumes -4 MP on an arrow save. if SA is active, 3% chance to not cost mp). if your shifter effect is proc'd, your rates will automatically go up one stage. ignores mp drain attacks during.
    bonuses peak at 15 seconds of uninterrupted firing, or enough shifter effect procs raise the stages to max. max stages: 5 (every three seconds of uninterrupted hurricane)
    at stage 5, a 7% chance to ignore w.cancel perk occurs.
    stages drop back to 0 if hit during EM.
    light green reskinned energy charge (bubble aura) animation/display
    shifter effect: gold reskinned nimble feet gfx on proc

    Phoenix can dot bosses only during cancel.
    Lvl21+ allows Phoenix and Golden Hawk to be summoned at the same time w/o cancelling each other, and buffs golden hawk to +60% at lvl30 Phoenix.
    parting dot attack if you die while Phoenix is summoned on mobs in range
    Phoenix costs 1 summoning rock

    Concentrate: increases DEX instead of weapon attack, based on your level [formula: XĂ·10+10. x=your level. at 130 you get +23. at 200 you get +30] 15% stance at max during, but lowers your def/m.def -300/350. increases MP cost (instead of lowering it) to all skills, and stops passive healing during concentrate unless inside mystic aura. can't be dispelled.
    defense buffs from bless or potions won't raise them during concentrate.
    still has CD. -200 MP

    Dragon's Breath: has slight added delay (cant spam. about 1+ second) consumes 10 arrows

    Endure. alt to soul arrow/FA. 20Sp +60/30 additional passive recovery.

    Final Attack: 20 SP (was 30) adds splash line to DS/AB, and can proc vs the first mob in line when using iron arrow. active.
    Aim (replaces thrust. no thrust skill for snipers!) when prone (holding the [down] key), increases crit rate and dmg, ignores up to 40 w.def. increased MP cost of some skills, but increases damage taken while prone/aiming/attacking while using aim, use with caution. can still passively regen while prone, unlike gunslingers plank shot.
    [increases: reg attack, arrow blow, double shot, iron arrow, final attack, strafe, pierce. Snipe's mp cost is unaffected. snipe's animation/firing speed (a to b speed) is *slightly* increased when firing prone.
    can't use buffs/other skills not listed when aiming.
    fallen maple leaf pile gfx fades in/out around the sniper while prone

    Jungle Focus: alt to various. requires focus?.
    greater avoid boost (+100 at max), and decreases environmental (hot/cold/underwater/rocks) + trap/hazard damage by 20%. dark viney green reskin of focus. can be dispelled. increases thwack/PKB damage greatly but lowers xbow KB/PKB "push" effect chance to 0%, zero percent. lower duration than focus, higher mp cost, 4 minute cd.

    Mortal Blow: slightly higher rates than Ranger's mb, increases MP consumption

    Puppet: sprite changed to wooden training dummy (to differentiate classes for easier visualizing in parties with both classes such as PQs, bossing)

    [Gold Hawk swapped to:] Silver Hawk:
    Silver Hawk now prioritizes attacking the farthest mob in its range
    upgrades Strafe to hit *3* stronger, more efficient arrows instead of 4, for higher dmg. Strafe receives rifled gfx update
    additionally, MMS now has 40 levels. lvl31-40 req a new SB and optionally lets you add more SP. does not increase any skills or damage, but only buffs your eye of amazon skill to increase xbow range/distance from 120 to 140 at max, and grants a 15% resistance to darkness

    BLIND: originally proposed buffs to blind were implemented in royals. victory!

    EVIL EYE: active buff. alt to BLIND. -66 MP. the sniper's stalking presence rattles the boss, causing it to prevent its ability to heal under the pressure of being hunted.
    if a boss is hit with consistent snipes (or fully charged pierces?), will prevent a boss from casting their HP recovery spells.
    >keeps snipe (and/or charged PA) in rotation for an active bonus party perk. (some bosses healing rates are buffed if they are too low/slow to factor this skill). effect ends and must be recast if Snipe (or fully charged Piercing Arrow?) doesn't strike the boss in the given window.
    low levels give you shorter windows (5 seconds), max level gives you the largest 10.). Max snipe recommend. Preventing boss healing is a potential DPM boost.
    [GFX when cast is a crosshair that looks like a spider's web, with an eye in the center, and a smaller version of this over the bosses head when in effect.]
    can be dispelled.
    [im thinking snipe must land at least 2 or 3 times to activate this effect, not with a single snipe. additionally it having a % chance to stop recovery, or reduce recovery spell's effect, or some combination would also work. where max level could block all, or 90% of them, or 90% their effects, etc. cool concept and gives MM a reason to keep snipe in rotation end game]
    costs 1 magic crystal to cast, increases MP cost of Snipe during
    alternatively, some bosses can potion lock as well.

    Dragon's Breath: has slight delay (cant spam. about 1+ second) consumes 10 arrows (unless using SA. increased mp cost if SA is active)

    Frostprey costs 1 summoning rock

    Snipe: when snipe lands on bosses, (or the rare mobs that are insta death immune and have over 200k hp), a short autotarget effect is applied. exactly like bullseye, but without the damage boost, it makes all attacks focused on the boss/target for a short window. this slightly (or in some cases greatly) helps dpm when a flurry of summons or mobs are in the way. this keeps snipe useful and in rotation at all levels, even if strafe can overpower it when gear is optimized.
    this effect, which i absolutely love for MM, unfortunately makes implementing Evil Eye's anti-heal effect too easy, and was removed

    Snipe has an slightly improved gfx. more vapor trails spiraling from the arrow.
    the target that will be hit has a golden crosshair on its hitbox animation point. when the snipe arrow strikes the crosshair, it disintegrates away to the right/left as if from a high velocity impact

    archers get some real fun and funky new skills to give them some needed class distinctions. Field Medicine gives them both a nifty optional ironman type skill for hairy situations out in the bush, when early archer life can be spooky, and Max Focus now has slightly higher avoid to reward the commitment

    Final Attack has its SP lowered to 20, and will instead add a splash line to AB/DS, and the first mob using arrow bomb or iron arrow, if FA is active and procs

    Hunters now get a defensive skill with Vanish, similar to Darksight, but the hunter is unable to move around or heal, they simply fold into the environment, waiting out the danger.
    Arrow Bomb's stun chance was lowered because stun status is simply so powerful in general, and gives too much control (in fact all skills stun chances have been lowered in each class).

    Ranger's new skill is Tracker, since they weren't very rangery in general, and gives them an edge when questing or looking for extra potions.
    Thrust is now exclusive to Rangers!
    Golden hawk now attacks the nearest mobs, to try to stop the Ranger from getting hit.

    Both fourth job Archer's Dragon Breath skill consumes 10 arrows, and has a slight delay now to give this very excellent control skill a bit of a drawback.

    Bowmasters get a few new perks.
    Concentrate now will buff your attack with raw DEX, give you a slight stance effect while active, but cause you to take more damage, and consume *more* MP.
    Conversely, their new skill Elven Mantle, doesn't raise attack, but increases avoidability, and the longer you continually hit a boss or mob without taking damage, the more your natural HP/MP regens, and the more w.def you will ignore with Hurricane

    Crossbowmen now diverge more from their siblings. While bowman are quicker and a bit flashier, xbowmen are more patient and tactical. Endure comes in as a new skill, providing passive healing, apropos to their patient resolve, and from lugging a big xbow around.

    Snipers get two new skills. Aim, which replaces Thrust, and Jungle Focus.
    Thrust and its mobility is forgone to make way for Sniper's new skill: Aim. Aim allows the Sniper to fire some attacks when prone, or laying down. MP cost is increased, but so is the damage you recieve if struck in this vulnerable state, but it gives a small crit dmg/rate boost to some skills.

    Jungle Focus gives greater avoidability, and resistance to environmental hazards while active, but has a cooldown. It also makes your thwack/swing/PKB attacks much stronger, but you lose the ability to "push" enemies back during. Sniper's getting a freezing attack is already pretty OP, but they also don't necessarily need it.

    Silver hawk attacks the farthest mobs it can detect, scouting for you, and has its stun proc lowered to 50%
    Mortal Blow's rates are slightly higher than Ranger's, but consumes more MP, adding to the lethal style of Snipers.

    Marksmen get a few improvements to existing skills, and one new skill: Evil Eye.
    Pressures mobs and bosses with the mortal terror of being stalked as prey, Evil Eye freezes their ability to heal after being struck by several Snipe attacks. This is the counter skill to Blind, both having great party benefits. EE also reignites Snipes obsolescence in the late game, and rewards attentive play with not exactly a DPM boost, but still speeding things up in battle with a nifty ability.
    Marksmanship will now streamline their Strafe into a 3 arrow burst (instead of 4) by firing stronger, more efficient shots. Additionally, 10 new levels in MMS will unlock optional buffs for some MM to be able to fire arrows farther than BM, and some resistance to darkness, at the cost of 10 more precious 4th job SP~

    Dive - alt to dash. a tactical barrel roll. (Shorter range, slower assaulter that does no damage, (small cd), -30mp, can only be use on the ground, makes F1/F5 face

    improve grenade dmg and splash, bugs fixed (can launch when hit, while walking), consumes 6 bullets at max

    Improved wings. allow wings to be activated in air when falling once (but no jump animation in air/double jump), by pressing the skill key while in air, as well as it's current from-ground use. This very fun skill becomes sort of useless end game, and sort of is useless in general except for the fake flashjump combo. it being able to be cast in the air gives it lots more use long term.

    plank shot - 20sp. alt to wings/various. can shoot, use some skills while prone (holding down),
    consumes +5 more MP per skill, +15 accuracy and avoid when prone, but -50 def/m.def if attacking/alert during prone. can't passively recover while attacking prone. Max level deals 90% of normal skill damage (low level low shot has reduced skill damage)
    Can use: reg attack, double shot, triple shot, rapid fire, grenade, bombshell, hypnotize. can't cast buffs/summons/backstep shot when prone.
    secondary attack/skill effects (stun/freeze etc) are lowered 20% when prone

    invisible shot consumes up to three bullets instead of one, depending on mobs, costs more MP

    blank shot deals no damage, but stuns at 60%, has 1.5s CD
    Bombshell 40 sp (fire/ice is 30 each) requires max grenade, consumes 10 bullets. alternative to flamethrower or icesplitter/3rd/4th mobbing.
    throws snail with a bombshell on it, has splash hitbox, lowers w.def on monsters randomly between 40 and 80, lowers speed of non boss monsters randomly between x-x. makes snail death noise and explosion sfx. three snails animation
    (wind-up/throw) but with a snail with a gaviota bomb for a shell. 6s CD
    High Bounty/Wanted - 30 sp. alt to hypno (hypno is 20 sp) monsters will clamor with eachother for your bounty. monster's you've aggro'd/mobbed have a 40% chance to hurt eachother (via touch damage) as they chase you. doesnt affect bosses.

    Hypnotize: requires 20 points in blank shot. Hypnotize now ignores and avoids monsters in bullseye. Hypno does 1 damage? Hypnotized mobs won't try to bump bosses if they have a magic attack ("smarter" ai)

    >initial damage of homing beacon and bullseye is huge. Lower it a bit, or lower it a lot and give it a 20% chance to KB (with max bullseye) Sairs got a massive qol with mount/dismount speed

    Anchor? - 10 sp
    req max ship & bullseye
    100% ship stance at max but cant move ship when anchor is down. must manually raise/lower (toggle on/off) to move in ship, and to dismount. added skill depth and attention for stance perk. Slightly increases ship repair time (cd) if anchor has points invested.
    (this is a possible skill idea. the concept is good but it makes sairs more technical)

    Armament Boost:
    [formerly elemental boost]
    includes boosts to bombshell rates as well as fire/ice.

    Rigging - alt to mp recovery/barrel. can climb ropes/ladders faster, passive endure effect. mobs that bump/touch you on rope/ladder while in energy or trans state take 100% dmg from you (not while mounted)
    Shockwave = can stun at 50 % (makes stun mastery useful). Can use at max energy for less rates without transform, less powerful

    E. Blast, can now stun 40% at max (makes stun mastery useful!)

    Cannonball - when in energy/transform, can damage up to 3 enemies you jump/ fall on (100% of your range), 20% chance to stun for 1 second increased damage in energy/trans/hightide/supertrans. gives stun mastery usage
    Time leap requires full energy and depletes it, increased MP, -250

    Speed infusion requires full energy depletes it, hp -100, mp -100. increases att speed 1.5 stages, not 2.

    vibe: Change the snatch weapon thing to an anchor. And honestly change a lot of the energy effect to look more like water/waves. I get zero pirate vibes from this class. none. it's weird.
    Dragon strike should be leviathan strike, look like a sea monster. Shockwave should just be wave. Transform possibly keeping your image but half transparent, like in darksight, overlayed on the vanilla transform/ST animation

    Super trans has CD

    E. Orb can bounce like cl, or hit one monster up to six times

    Monster throw/ 20sp, alt/opposite to snatch. grab and shoulder throw a monster near you in the direction you're
    facing if there is another behind it, dmg varies on energy/trans state. will dmg+stun both. uses monster/mount catch animation. damage bonus if a boss spawn is hurled at a boss.
    if hurled mob doesn't die on contact, will land on ground and have a 1 sec stun at 70%

    High Tide 60SP, alt to demo/super trans style. requires full energy to cast. energy attacks won't consume energy, has CD. increased damage and lines to all energy attacks, gives e. attacks a crit rate, higher stance effect, has powergaurd effect, rates (acc/avoid/m.def/w.def/w.att) boosted from energy. e. blast can hit more enemies and adds one line to e.blast. energy attacks ignore -100 w.def.
    Can't use snatch, cant use demo. decreases MP recovery CD time, e. drain damage, shockwave/wave damage and lines, increases passive healing rates (can stack with rigging) Has CD, drains mp. if casting SI/TL, HP/MP costs are doubled to compensate free energy from High Tide
    good combo rotation would be a mix of barrage/e.blast/m.throw/jump e.orb to cannonball/mp/hp drain

    the fun loving class gets even more fun to play, getting a whole new cargo of whimsical but right at home skills to deepen their already enjoyable playstyles.
    dive is the foil to the all around great dash skill. this short range jump can put you on the other side of a dangerous mob, but has high MP cost and a slight CD, so break it out wisely

    gunslinger's get a bit more fine tuned mobility, and a stronger grenade, to contend with their two other 2nd job mobbing skills. duck shot plays like sniper's Aim, but doesn't increase any damage, just gives you the ability to dodge projectiles and attack in battle or off your ship. increased bullet consumption for grenade and invisible shot to accurately reflect use. hopefully this makes them even more fun and dynamic. wings can now also act as a proper feather fall one time in the air, giving it more flexible usage, instead of just being used as a fake flashjump

    outlaw's homing beacon's cast damage is now only 100% of your range, and later, bullseye's cast damage too remains 100%, but can KB monsters 20% of the time. the single line damage from max bullseye is insanely OP for just throwing an egg from a likely low str pirate, and could be abused defensively to KB very high level bosses, but it still retains a latent RNG KB.
    outlaw's new skill is an alternative mobbing skill to their fire/ice skills: bombshell. bombshell will randomly lower mob w.def and slow them, but has higher SP to master. which skills will you choose to use?

    captains enjoy some fun new abilities. armament boost will upgrade your fire/ice skills, as well as bombshell.
    Anchor employs a new conditional tech granting 100% stance status, but manually needs to be raised/lowered, and movement is locked while anchor is lowered, and anchor must also be raised to jump off the ship! being a captain is hard work, but it pays off, and your notoriety is acknowledged in another new skill, high bounty/wanted
    high bounty works similar to hypnotize, but aggro'd mobs will be able to deal bump/touch damage (not magic) to eachother if they are chasing you down, greedily trying to get to you first. hypnotize equally gets some needed QOL: hypnotize doesn't target bullseye'd mobs (a redundant combo), and hypnotized mobs will not kamikaze into other mobs, they will instead use magic/distance attacks, if available.

    brawlers get a great optional ability via rigging: slightly faster climbing speeds, as well as a built in endure effect, after learning the ropes.

    marauders finally get a few skills that can stun, to help their stun mastery skill not be dependent on other classes (or useless), in e. blast, shockwave, and cannonball, which is a new skill that lets marauders/buccaneers damage mobs after a jump, like highjump, if your energy is charged, or are in transformation. shockwave can now be used outside of trans, if your energy is charged, but does less damage.

    and finally, similar to other classes, your fourth job bossing style isn't limited to just using super trans: high tide is now the energy equivalent to super transformation: increasing all your stats similar to e.charge/trans, and boosting stance, and all energy attacks to have more damage and lines, as well as cannonball, and will let you use e. skills without consuming energy. energy orb is now upgraded to work like chain lightning, up to six mobs can be hit. if only one target is present, that mob will be hit six times. if two to five are, the last mob in the chain will take the remaining extra hits. hightide style combos include jumping for cannonball, two line energy blast, barrage, energy orbs, dragonstrike, hp drain, monster throw. demo/snatch is not available in hightide
    monster throw is the opposite of snatch, shoulder throwing mobs near you into the first monster in its path (boss spawns get a critical chance applied if thrown into the boss that spawned them)
    the powerful ubiquity of SI/TL now require much higher MP (and with SI, HP) cost, as well as using all of your energy (unless in hightide), a fair trade and curbs mules!
    high tide and super transformation both have CD to balance them.

    New 4th Job Skillbooks
    Hero's Will 10

    Heroics 10/20/30

    Shining Armor 10/20/30

    Dark Knight
    Dragon Cloud 10/20/30
    Scales 10/20/30
    Beholder: Storm Aura 10/20/30

    Cauldron 10
    Greaver 10/20

    Cauldron 10
    Scepter 10/20

    Harmony 10/20/30

    Night Lord
    Advanced Web 20/30

    Dagger Maestro 20/30

    Elven Mantle 10/20/30

    Evil Eye 10/20/30
    Marksmanship 40

    High Bounty 10/20
    Anchor 10

    High Tide 20/40/60
    Monster Throw 20

    some of these skillbooks will initially be obtained by class quest rewards, or only drop from some bosses/mobs if you are currently in a quest to obtain them specifically, as well as dropping from expedition bosses/high level bosses as usual

    *Boss Changes*
    Bosses in general are buffed by about 10% HP (and some can recover more hp when they heal), and boss maps will have some environmental traps and behavior changes to boost difficulty and fun engagement. Slightly higher liquid meso drops. New skills and styles give players some new advantages, but all will be equalized in more difficult boss maps...

    Krex - can reach full map, both eyes are available, way more summons, crumbling plats

    Zak+ - floor pits open/close at random, poison traps, plats fall/return during body, slow conveyor belt towards center during third body

    HT+ - crumbling platforms (will reform), slippery effects, rocks attack similar to fire pillar, randomized plats (plats will be in reverse, or a different arrangements that will alter your tactics

    Ergoth+ - more summons, slow conveyor belt, pits, hp lock (requires you yo kill a mob or group of mobs before you can continue damaging a boss--like dunas ship)

    Auf - dissapearing/reappearing plats, belts, HP lock

    Shao - belts, HP lock

    Pb - belts, ???

    Pap+ - belts on top plats, more summons, DR while hiding

    Balrog - skill lock, hp lock, belts, crumbling plats, slippery. poison traps, falling rocks

    Hob, slippery, rocks, summons
    etc etc etc

    what are some new meta alternative skills you would add to classes? there are still lots of in-game mechanics that have not been tapped.
    what are some dynamic new boss challenges/hazards that would keep you engaged and not fall asleep?
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2024
    icedem0n, Metronome and Tiffaux like this.
  2. Hwaiting

    Hwaiting Donator

    Oct 10, 2015
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    This mechanic is so cool. I think a lot of these ideas are way too custom, but this, this is cool.
    Cooler likes this.
  3. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    well with each class getting one new skill, which is something that would likely happen over time, instead of all the skills getting scrapped like after BB, they are definitely gonna be custom, but i tried to keep the core physics and spirit/feel of the game and classes in mind for them.

    the biggest challenge was to not make them outright excellent, because they would just simply replace existing meta skills, they all had to have ups and downs that kept every other skill in their ecosystem relevant, while still bringing something new and helpful (while preventing mule exploitability/abuse), and which is why many other skills needed to have a few tweaks as well.

    i think despite them obviously not being real, they arent too far off from being possible alternate reality skills we may have seen if the old school skills weren't wiped, and none of them are too novel or crazy (dragon cloud might be fussy but its just a temporary plat that only the drk can use, flags the drk as being in the air even though they're not, and increases some skill's damage, and increases damage they receive)

    also thanks.
    i think hero suffers most from class identity crisis: combo orbs immediately stop having function besides being a simple damage. multiplier, finishers arent used, enrage is ultimately lost. after that they just have shout, and rage. all classes deal damage, so what's so heroic? obviously strictly forcing a role on a player isn't fun, and most people like hero because theyre just in the middle, so i didn't try to make them too extra. (duel could technically draw mobs away to help members, but shout can still stun and if you're fast, even buffer damage in bosses)

    and while i did want to try to do more with the finishers, i didn't. i think they could have more use to end game if the top att potions in the game were all lowered by about -20 att, that way their multipliers might not cap them so fast and they could possibly get tiny buffs from ACA.

    that particular heroics mechanic is just simply applying a stance effect to a random nearby party member when an attack will knock you forward, instead of back, within a certain distance of a ledge (not via jumping). since this mainly applies in HT, zak arms, grampa balrog (somedayTM) and some other maps, it was given a few other small but fun heroic tweaks to stand out a tiny bit more, without tipping the damage scales
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2021
  4. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    added summaries for each class to explain the relationships between new alternative skills and their contemporaries, as well as explain and get into existing skill changes and why some abilities were altered. hopefully they make sense and the healthier meta improvements or requirements lead to more rewarding gameplay
  5. DeCero

    DeCero Donator

    Jul 28, 2014
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    Honestly HT should just fly
  6. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    a bump for fun cause i loved making and thinking abt this thread and would love to chat about it any time

    an upcoming PS is using my sneak attack/back attack concept that i discussed with them a long time ago! its a very easy implementation as well, as i figured. how interesting~ although they are way, way too custom for my taste, still an appreciated nod at me.
    all ideas/suggestions of mine are for the greater creative consciousness to keep the great original concept of the game fresh and modern while keeping true to its identity and integrity to continue to be fun and entertaining without getting lost in it its own pitfalls or meta
  7. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    minor edits and improvements all over. enjoi
  8. 7upinice

    7upinice Donator

    Nov 25, 2016
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    In my mind, <Tenvi> is always what <MapleStory 2> should have been.

    And the dungeon <Temple of Antalion> is HT rebooted.
  9. Rhynhardt

    Rhynhardt Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2019
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    wow real talk you're right, surprised ive never seen this!
  10. JuliusOmega

    JuliusOmega Donator

    Aug 14, 2014
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    for me personally, it would have been, to reach lvl 250 or 300 and enable the future of Henesys and Perion (area from lvl 170+), even put Empress Cygnus as the last villain and that he himself break down MW 30

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