Your post must be written in this format and posted by the person who owns the account: All Your Character Names: sirhcnl Last thing you did: play a popular maple story server Why do you think you got banned?: i betrayed royals and played a popular maple story server Ban message when attempting to log in: gtfo What GM banned you (optional) the dude. Failure to write your post in this format will result in your ban appeal being closed without staff intervention. I apologize for my misbehavior im bored and want to kill mushrooms again If you are certain that you did not violate any rules but received the banned message, please restart your router / modem and try again, as you may have been assigned a banned IP address.
You have been permanently banned for major vote abuse. Spoiler: MapleRoyals TOS Major Infractions: Major Vote Abuse Punishment: Permanent ban. Vote Abuse - The act of attempting to, or successfully, bypassing the restrictions of voting no more than once per 24 hours. Please be aware that, in cases of severe abuse as per the discretion of Staff, we reserve the right to respond with a permanent ban regardless of if it is your first offense. Additional information regarding the above terms may be found in the following appendix, included assisting in better understanding of terms that may include special circumstances or situations. Please note that not all of the above terms may have further explanations. Appendix: Vote Abuse - Please be aware that while the voting rules of this server may be complex, they are made available to players every time they access the MapleRoyals voting page. While we understand that players may at times unintentionally engage in vote abuse, ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable justification for breaking them. See Voting Rules for more information.
Im pretty sure another popular private server uses the same voting system could it be that when i vote on the other server your detection system or however you guys detect multiple voting caught this cause i do remember when i first started a name of a popular private server i tried to vote for both royals and another server ms
I dont recall vote abuse can you provide a little more information? I believe that when i voted for another private server and royals it was under the same website so it may have caused some conflict. Also if I was wrongfully banned what can I do to lift this ban or is all my time in the server just wasted?
I seek your patience and understanding on this matter as the admins have many things to attend to besides your ban appeal. I'm locking this thread until an admin will be able to follow up on your ticket, please avoids creating additional appeals as they will be closed and locked without further reply.
Sirhcseslave is a straight mule for bossing, I believe the only time i voted on it was early on to get a pet on it. I could be wrong but I dont remember vote abusing or recall ever voting on that character aside from getting a pet on it. Also, my main is so close to 200 it wouldnt be a smart choice to vote abuse for a couple extra nx for gaching.
Aside from that the only situation that I believe can happen is that sometimes i like to check forums on my phone and my phone has a auto log in function so I may have voted on the wrong account but aside from that I dont recall abusing votes at all
since you dont own TuffNoodles the amounts of double votes you did on just sirhcNL and sirhcSEslave are considered minor vote abuse, the 14 day ban for that should have expired by now so you should be able to play again now
thanks tim, it is working fine now! just for future reference what is the fine line between minor/major vote abuse?
we dont disclose the fine line between minor and major as players would skirt on the edge of minor vote abuse hoping they wouldnt get caught, and if they did they would be fine after 14 days