this event NX item Oversized Beret (White) my char and mule all left space to trade, but still can not trade, also can not drop, and 2 chars no full meso.
hmmmm ok now, it disappeared. when I went into the CASH SHOP and put Beret in CASH inventory then leave, and log off then log in, and then went into the CASH SHOP again, the Beret disappear...
Hello, I've made a note for an Admin to remove and replace your bugged Oversized Beret (White). Thank you!
thank you so much, but now a new problem is, it disappeared between servertime 22:10~22:25, I can not remember accurate time, like as my previous message, I went to in the Cash Shop, put Beret into the Cash Shop inventory, log off then log in, and it disappear. after those things happened, I am so worried it can not be back because my friend also had this similar problem before, and she did not get it back at the end, so I bought a new Beret (white) right away, I did not ss, but you can check, I kept smega to buy a new one, and finally found a seller ,bought a Beret (white) about at servertime 22:45~23:45, seller is Ryml or RymI, I am not sure the last word is "I" or "L", I paid 1 CS and 300m total. So now the problem is , the Beret(White) in my char is can drop and can trade, not a bug Beret, if remove it and replace, I still lost 1 Beret(White)
Even if the bugged NX disappeared, the Admins are able to check the logs and identify which NX was bugged + disappeared You may request your friend to tag me on her thread if she wishes to still get her lost NX back, I may have missed out on her thread yes, this is my friend thread. Thanks to all the staff for your hard work and btw, in the film, my IGN is Moeyuki
Your friend's thread has been resolved and she can contact a GM to obtain the lost NX For your lost NX - Oversized Beret (White), it will be scheduled to be fixed later on, earliest would be next Server Check
A GM will refund you the following item in game: 1005476 - Oversized Beret (White) Please let us know here when you are next in game so that it is easier for us to locate you, thanks.