21 atk scg s/b 20b a/w 22b 122 atk dragon revolver s/b 22b a/w 23b sold Spoiler 2/5/5/0 (2 str 5 dex 5 int 0 luk) ring of alchemist 2b straight 17 atk pgc 17b straight 2 dex 2 luk (0202) element pierce ep earring 400m straight
I'd prefer meso/cs/ws so currently no downgrades, but in the future if I still haven't sold I may accept downgrades then ^^
Sure I'll take it as sb 17b, will update c/o and sell in 48 hrs Sure, my ign is Tsue. You weren't on right now but if you let me know when you're free we can meet up