Zancks' Bossing Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Zancks, Sep 21, 2021.

  1. Zancks

    Zancks Donator

    Feb 10, 2020
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    Roppongi Mall
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    1 Preface

    2 Boss Skills
    2.1 Attacks
    2.2 Debuffs
    2.3 Selfbuffs
    2.4 Other

    3 Bosses
    3.01 Capt. Latanica
    3.02 Chao
    3.03 Ephenia
    3.04 Papulatus
    3.05 Crimsonwood Keep Expedition (CWKPQ)
    3.06 Scarlion
    3.07 Targa
    3.08 Zakum
    3.09 Krexel
    3.10 Wu-Ling Yaoseng (Shaolin)
    3.11 Horntail
    3.12 The Boss Expedition (incl. Bodyguad A & B)
    3.13 Toad
    3.14 Vergamot
    3.15 Dunas v1
    3.16 Nibergen
    3.17 Nameless Magic Monster
    3.18 Dunas v2
    3.19 Auf Haven Expedition (incl. Royal Guard & Core Blaze, Cursed Auf Haven & Summoned Auf Havens)
    3.20 King Castle Golem
    3.21 Von Leon

    4 Rankings
    4.1 Exp:HP Ranking
    4.2 Exp Ranking

    5 Updates
    5.1 History
    5.2 To be Added

    6 Credits

    1 Preface
    When i first started to play Maple Royals it was hard to gather accurate information about custom changes and things that are different from GMS. Therefore i decided to make a list with useful information about the Daily Bosses in Maple Royals. Area Bosses are not included so far.
    All the shown exp values are after factoring in Royals Exp-Rate of 3,2x. The values for the recommended HP do not take buffs/skills like Achilles, Meso Guard, Magic Guard or Hyper Body into consideration.

    2 Boss Skills
    I decided to divide this into Attacks, Debuffs, selfbuffs and other knowing that some of the debuffs i listed are caused by attacks, but i found the debuff these cause more important.
    1/1 - Sets your HP and MP to 1 each
    Dispel - Cancels all your buffs (besides Advanced Combo, Transformation Super Transformation, Concentrate..)
    Super Knockback - Knocks you back further than usual
    Poison Mist - Casts a toxic fog which damages you per second while you touch it
    HP Drain - Quickly takes some of your Health Points
    MP Drain - Quickly takes some of your Mana Points
    IMG_9886.gif (Mass) Seduce - Locks potion usage & movement and forces to walk to the left/right or jump
    IMG_9885.gif Stun - Disables movement and skill usage for a short period of time
    IMG_9887.gif Confusion - Reverses your movement
    IMG_9888.gif Zombify - HP and MP potions are 50% less effective and bishops heal deals damage to you
    IMG_9883.gif Poison/Bleed - Damages you per second
    IMG_9881.gif Seal - Casts an abnormal status upon you that locks your skills
    IMG_9880.gif Darkness - Casts an abnormal status on you that decreases your Accuracy
    IMG_9879.gif Weakness - Casts an abnormal status upon you that locks your jumping ability
    IMG_9882.gif Curse - Casts an abnormal status on you that decreases your experience gain
    IMG_9884.gif Slow - Casts an abnormal status on you that decreases your speed to 60% or 80%
    IMG_9899.png Weapon Cancel - Sets all incoming weapon damage to 1
    IMG_9900.png Magic Cancel - Sets all incoming magic damage to 1
    IMG_9891.png Damage Reflect - Reflects some of your damage back to you
    IMG_9893.png Weapon Damage Reflect - Reflects some of your physical damage back to you
    IMG_9892.png Magic Damage Reflect - Reflects some of your magical damage back to you
    IMG_9894.png Hard Skin - Only critical hits hit through it's debuff
    IMG_9895.png Weapon Attack Up - Increases it’s own/others parts Weapon Attack
    IMG_9896.png Weapon Defense Up - Increases it’s own/others parts (AoE) Weapon Defense
    IMG_9897.png Magic Attack Up - Increases it’s own/others parts Magic Attack
    IMG_9898.png Magic Defense Up - Increases it’s own/others parts (AoE) Magic Defense
    Heal - Heals itself/and other parts
    Teleport - Warps itself to a different position & causes to lose target locking
    iFrames - Moments of Boss‘ invincibility
    Summon - Spawns Monster XY

    3 Bosses

    3.01 Capt. Latanica
    Level: 100
    HP: 2.000.000
    Exp: 672.000
    Exp/HP: 0,336
    Attempts a day: infinite - requires White Essence to enter & summon
    Recommended HP: 3,8k
    Elemental Weakness: Holy
    Damage to Knockback: 10k
    Boss Skills:
    Summons Selkie Jr. & Anchor
    0-1 5k NX Cards
    0-1 1k NX Cards
    0-1 250 NX Cards
    0-1 100 NX Cards
    1 Soul Lantern
    1. Be Level 63
    2. Talk to Ralph the Wanderer at Boat Quay Town in Singapore - Kill 100 Pac Pinky & Slimy.
    3. Talk to Ralph the Wanderer - Kill 120 Slimy & Selkie Jr.
    4. Talk to Ralph the Wanderer - Kill 300 Mr. Anchor. Return to Ralph the Wanderer to receive the White Essence. You can now use it to summon Capt. Latanica by dropping it at the middle door at The Engine room.

    3.02 Chao
    Level: 120
    HP: 7.500.000
    Exp: 1.856.000
    Exp/HP: 0,247
    Attempts a day: 2
    Recommended HP: 3,3k
    Elemental Weakness: Fire & Holy
    Damage to Knockback: 25k
    Boss Skills:
    Summons Primitive Boars
    0-1 5k NX Cards
    0-1 1k NX Cards
    1-2 250 NX Cards
    Yellow Snow Shoes
    Earring Str 30%
    Ellin Crystal
    Chao‘s Tusk
    1. Do Papulatus Pre-Quest (check below)
    2. Be Level 110
    3. Talk to Yuris, Loha & Tess at Altair Camp in Ellin Forest - Get 200 Moss Snail Shells from Mossy Snail (recommended to prefarm 50 more as you need them later) & return to Loha.
    4. Talk to Athena Pierce & Perzen at Camp Conference room, Yuris, Ellin at Deep Fairy Forest, Yuris, Tess & Shadorin at Western Region of Mossy Tree Forest 2- Kill 999 Tree Rods, get 200 Tree Trunks & 100 Forest Stones (untradeable) from them. Then return to Tess, Perzen & Arthena Pierce.
    5. Talk to Loha, Sion at Tent House 1, Loha, Perzen and Rius at Mossy Tree Forest Trail - Get 200 Black Mushroom Spores from Mossy Mushrooms & 200 Rubbles from Stone Bug. Then return to Rius, Perzen & Sion.
    6. Talk to Loha & Kanderun at Boulder Mountain Entrance - Kill 999 Primitive Boars (prefarm 200 Tough Leather from them as you need them later) & return to Kanderun.
    You can now fight Chao while being in a party and going through the left portal at Rock Mountain Cave. The battle starts immediately.

    3.03 Ephenia
    Level: 125
    HP: 15.000.000
    Exp: 2.560.000
    Exp/HP: 0,171
    Attempts a day: 2
    Recommended HP: 4,1k
    Elemental Weakness: Fire & Holy
    Damage to Knockback: 20k
    Boss Skills:
    Super Knockback
    Poison mist 3k dmg/s
    Poison 1,5k dmg/s
    Slow 60%
    Summons Ancient & Shinning Fairys with buffed HP values
    0-1 5k NX Cards
    0-1 1k NX Cards
    1-2 250 NX Cards
    Yellow Work Gloves
    Earring STR 60%
    Earring DEX 60%
    Earring LUK 60%
    Ellin Crystal
    Ephenia’s Shard
    1. Do Papulatus Pre-Quest (check below)
    2. Do Chao Pre-Quest (check above)
    3. Kill Chao, get 1 Chao‘s Tusk from him and 200 Tough Leather from Primitive Boars. Then return to Kanderune & Loha.
    4. Talk to Yuris, Ellin, Arthena Pierce & Perzen - Kill 999 Ancient & Shinning Fairys. Then return to Perzen.
    You can now fight Ephenia while being in a party and going through the top right portal at Fairy Forest 3. The battle starts immediately.
    To finish the EPQ Pre-Quest simply return to Perzen for the last time after killing Ephenia. This will also unlock the Ellin Forest Guardian Medal.

    IMG_9811.gif IMG_9812.gif
    3.04 Papulatus

    Level: 125
    HP: 24.590.000
    Exp: 7.516.800
    Exp/HP: 0,301
    Attempts a day: 2 - requires Piece of Cracked Dimension to summon
    Recommended HP: 5,2k
    Level: 125
    HP: 23.000.000
    Exp: 2.860.800
    Exp/HP: 0,124
    Elemental Weakness: Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: 10k
    Boss Skills:
    iFrames when hiding
    summons bombs that do up to 5k dmg on the ground & 8k dmg on the platforms
    Level: 125
    HP: 1.590.000
    Exp: 4.656.000
    Exp/HP: 2,928
    Elemental Weakness: Holy
    Damage to Knockback: 12k
    Boss Skills: None
    0-1 5k NX Cards
    0-1 1k NX Cards
    1 250 NX Card
    1 100 NX Card
    Papulatus Certificate (untradeable, one-of-a-kind)
    [Mastery Book] Infinity 20
    [Mastery Book] Angel Ray 30
    [Mastery Book] Ice Demon 30
    [Mastery Book] Fire Demon 30
    [Mastery Book] Barrage 30
    [Mastery Book] Snatch 20
    [Mastery Book] Hypnotize 20
    [Mastery Book] Power Stance 20
    [Mastery Book] Brandish 30
    [Mastery Book] Blast 30
    [Mastery Book] Bow Expert 20
    [Mastery Book] Marksman Boost 20
    [Mastery Book] Hurricane 30
    [Mastery Book] Piercing Arrow 30
    [Mastery Book] Venom 20
    [Mastery Book] Boomerang Step 30
    [Mastery Book] Shadow Claw 30
    1. Talk to Mr. Buffon at Path of Time in Ludibrium - Get 10 Tachion from Soul Teddy, Buffy, Lazy Buffy or Master Soul Teddy
    2. Talk to Mr. Buffon - Get 300 Tachion from Soul Teddy, Buffy, Lazy Buffy or Master Soul Teddy
    3. Talk to Mr. Buffon - Get 100 Mysterious Powder (untradeable) from Master Death Teddy
    4. Talk to Mr. Buffon and Flo at Path of Time - Get Piece of Cracked Dimension A, B and C (untradeable) from Gigantic Spirit Viking and Grim Phantom Watch. Return to Flo and he will give you a Piece of Cracked Dimension (One-of-a-kind).
    You can now receive one every day by talking to Mr. Buffon and then to Flo.
    5. Talk to Mr. Buffon - Get Ludibrium Medal (untradeable) from Gatekeeper and Thanatos.
    You can now fight Papulatus while going through the middle portal at Deep inside the Clocktower and dropping a Piece of Cracked Dimension at the Crack on the right side of the map.

    IMG_9838.png IMG_9842.png
    IMG_9840.png IMG_9841.png IMG_9839.png
    3.05 Crimsonwood Keep Expedition (CWKPQ)
    Level: 130
    Exp: 77.152.000
    Exp/HP: 0,067
    Attempts a day: 2
    Recommended HP: 5,5k
    Level: 130
    HP: 200.000.000
    Exp: 13.760.000
    Exp/HP: 0,069
    Elemental Weakness: Holy
    Damage to Knockback: 20k
    Boss Skills:
    Weapon Defense Up
    Can cast pillars to block projectiles
    Tips & Tricks:
    Pin her to top left
    Bishop can dispel the Weapon Defense Up
    Level: 130
    HP: 240.000.000
    Exp: 13.760.000
    Exp/HP: 0,084
    Elemental Weakness: None
    Damage to Knockback: 15k
    Boss Skills:
    Tips & Tricks:
    Pin to top right
    If your Archer solos him he/she can use Puppet to silence him
    Level: 130
    HP: 231.000.000
    Exp: 14.240.000
    Exp/HP: 0,062
    Elemental Weakness: None
    Damage to Knockback: 15k
    Boss Skills:
    Super Knockback
    Summons Black Bird
    Tips & Tricks:
    Pin bottom right as regular knockback is right too
    Tank touch to avoid his attacks and debuffs
    Bishops can cast Holy Shield to protect the party against debuffs
    Level: 130
    HP: 233.000.000
    Exp: 14.432.000
    Exp/HP: 0,062
    Elemental Weakness: Ice
    Damage to Knockback: 15k
    Boss Skills: None
    Tips & Tricks:
    Pin bottom right as regular knockback is right too
    Level: 130
    HP: 255.000.000
    Exp: 14.570.000
    Exp/HP: 0,057
    Elemental Weakness: Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: 80k
    Boss Skills:
    Super Knockback
    Summons Stormbreakers, Windraiders, Firebrand & Nightshadow
    Tips & Tricks:
    Pin bottom right as regular knockback is right too
    Tank touch to avoid his attacks and debuffs
    Bishops can cast Holy Shield to protect the party against debuffs
    Mark of Naricain (untradeable, 1 per boss)

    CWKPQ also has a Bonus Room with additional loot:
    Gelt Chocolate (untradeable)
    Banana Graham Pie (untradeable)
    Naricain's Demon Elixir
    Ssiws Cheese
    Mastery Book] Time Leap 30
    [Mastery Book] Sharp Eyes 30
    [Mastery Book] Shadow Stars 30
    [Mastery Book] Piercing Arrow 30
    [Mastery Book] Hurricane 30
    [Mastery Book] Demolition 30
    [Mastery Book] Brandish 30
    [Mastery Book] Boomerang Step 30
    [Mastery Book] Blizzard 30
    [Mastery Book] Big Bang 30
    Elemental Wand 6
    Elemental Wand 7
    Elemental Wand 8
    Elemental Staff 7
    Spectrum Goggles
    Blackfist Cloak
    Crimsonheart Cloak
    Flamekeeper Cordon
    Green Mittens
    Tao of Shadows
    Tao of Sight
    Tao of Harmony

    3.06 Scarlion
    Level: 140
    HP: 300.000.000
    Exp: 30.000.000
    Exp/HP: 0,100
    Attempts a day: 2 - requires Spirit of the Fantasy Theme Park to summon, can be done simultaneously with Targa
    Recommended HP: 8k
    Level: 80
    Hp: 60.000.000
    Exp: 2.580.480
    Exp/HP: 0,043
    Elemental Weakness: Fire
    Damage to Knockback: 10k
    Boss Skills:
    Super Knockback
    Weapon Cancel
    Magic Cancel
    Summons Scaredy Scarlions
    Level: 100
    Hp: 90.000.000
    Exp: 3.870.720
    Exp/HP: 0,043
    Elemental Weakness: Fire
    Damage to Knockback: 15k
    Boss Skills:
    Super Knockback
    Weapon cancel
    Magic cancel
    Summons Scaredy Scarlions
    Level :140
    HP: 150.000.000
    Exp: 23.548.800
    Exp/HP: 0,157
    Elemental Weakness: Fire
    Damage to Knockback: 50k
    Boss Skills:
    Super Knockback
    Weapon cancel
    Magic Cancel
    Summons Scaredy Scarlions
    0-1 5k NX Cards
    0-1 1k NX Cards
    0-1 250 NX Cards
    1 100 NX Cards
    Scarlion Helm (STR)
    Scarlion Helm (DEX)
    Scroll for Eye Accessory STR/DEX 10%
    Scroll for Face Accessory STR/DEX 10%
    1. Be Level 90.
    2. Talk to Lam at Kampung Village in Malaysia - Get 100 Bustickets from Yabber Doo. (Loot some Plane Toys from Booper Scarlion too since they are in the same map and you need them later.)
    3. Talk to Lam - Kill 200 Vikerola & get 200 Viking Helmets from them
    4. Talk to Lam - Kill 200 Booper Scarlion & get 200 Toy Planes from them
    5. Talk to Lam - Kill 200 Galloperas and get 200 Wooden Pony Tails from them
    6. Get 10 Rodeo‘s Masters‘ from Rodeoos and return to Lam.
    You will get 2 Spirits of the Fantasy Themepark upon completing the Pre-Quest and be able to fight Scarlion and Targa by talking to Aldol at Entrance to Spooky World in a Party of 3 and dropping a Spirit of the Fantasy Themepark at the Statue of the Scarlion, Targa or both depending on who you wanna fight. Repeat step 6 to get 2 more Spirits of the Fantasy Themepark.

    3.07 Targa
    Level: 140
    HP: 300.000.000
    Exp: 30.000.000
    Exp/HP: 0,100
    Attempts a day: 2 - requires Spirit of the Fantasy Theme Park to summon, can be done simultaneously with Scarlion
    Recommended HP: 8k
    Level: 80
    Hp: 60.000.000
    Exp: 2.580.480
    Exp/HP: 0,043
    Elemental Weakness: Ice
    Damage to Knockback: 10k
    Boss Skills:
    Super Knockback
    Weapon Cancel
    Magic Cancel
    iFrames while Dashing Attack
    Summons Ratatulas
    Level: 100
    Hp: 90.000.000
    Exp: 3.870.720
    Exp/HP: 0,043
    Elemental Weakness: Ice
    Damage to Knockback: 15k
    Boss Skills:
    Super Knockback
    Weapon Cancel
    Magic Cancel
    iFrames while Dashing Attack
    Summons Ratatulas
    Level: 140
    HP: 150.000.000
    Exp: 23.548.800
    Exp/HP: 0,157
    Elemental Weakness: Ice
    Damage to Knockback: 50k
    Boss Skills:
    Super Knockback
    Weapon Cancel
    Magic Cancel
    iFrames while Dashing Attack
    Summons Ratatulas
    0-1 5k NX Cards
    0-1 1k NX Cards
    0-1 250 NX Cards
    1 100 NX Cards
    Targa Hat (INT)
    Targa Hat (LUK)
    Scroll for Eye Accessory INT/LUK 10%
    Scroll for Face Accessory INT/LUK 10%
    1. Be Level 90.
    2. Talk to Lam at Kampung Village in Malaysia - Get 100 Bustickets from Yabber Doo. (Loot some Plane Toys from Booper Scarlion too since they are in the same map and you need them later.)
    3. Talk to Lam - Kill 200 Vikerola & get 200 Viking Helmets from them
    4. Talk to Lam - Kill 200 Booper Scarlion & get 200 Toy Planes from them
    5. Talk to Lam - Kill 200 Galloperas and get 200 Wooden Pony Tails from them
    6. Get 10 Rodeo‘s Masters‘ from Rodeoos and return to Lam.
    You will get 2 Spirits of the Fantasy Themepark upon completing the Pre-Quest and be able to fight Scarlion and Targa by talking to Aldol at Entrance to Spooky World in a Party of 3 and dropping a Spirit of the Fantasy Themepark at the Statue of the Scarlion, Targa or both depending on who you wanna fight. Repeat step 6 to get 2 more Spirits of the Fantasy Themepark.

    3.08 Zakum
    Level: 140
    HP: 482.100.000
    Exp: 50.498.560
    Exp/HP: 0,105
    Recommended HP: 3,3k
    Attempts a day: 2 - requires Eye of Fire to enter and summon
    Level: 140
    HP: 33.000.000
    Exp: 4.300.800
    Exp/HP: 0,130
    Elemental Weakness: Holy
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    HP Drain
    MP Drain
    Level: 140
    HP: 33.000.000
    Exp: 4.300.800
    Exp/Hp: 0,130
    Elemental Weakness: Holy
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    HP Drain
    MP Drain
    Level: 140
    HP: 22.000.000
    Exp: 2.867.000
    Exp/Hp: 0,130
    Elemental Weakness: Ice
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Poison Mist 800 dmg/s
    Level: 140
    HP: 22.000.000
    Exp: 2.867.000
    Exp/HP: 0,130
    Elemental Weakness: Fire
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills: None
    Level: 140
    HP: 30.000.000
    Exp: 3.584.000
    Exp/HP: 0,119
    Elemental Weakness: Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Level: 140
    HP: 27.500.000
    Exp: 3.584.000
    Exp/HP: 0,130
    Elemental Weakness: Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Weapon Attack Up
    Weapon Defense Up
    Magic Attack Up
    Magic Defense Up
    Heal (AoE) for 50k HP (CD: 30s)
    Level: 140
    HP: 25.300.000
    Exp: 3.297.280
    Exp/HP: 0,130
    Elemental Weakness: Ice
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills: None
    Level: 140
    HP: 25.300.000
    Exp: 3.297.280
    Exp/HP: 0,130
    Elemental Weakness: Fire
    Damage to Knockback:
    Boss Skills: None
    Level: 140
    HP: 66.000.000
    Exp: 0
    Exp/HP: 0
    Elemental Weakness: Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Weapon Cancel
    Magic Cancel
    Summons Boogie, Puco, Punco, Cuzco
    Level: 140
    HP: 88.000.000
    Exp: 0
    Exp/HP: 0
    Elemental Weakness: Ice
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Weapon Cancel
    Magic Cancel
    Summons Puco, Punco, Cuzco and Opachu
    Level: 140
    HP: 110.000.000
    Exp: 22.400.000
    Exp/HP: 0,204
    Elemental Weakness: Fire
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Weapon Cancel
    Magic Cancel
    Summons Punco, Cuzco and Opachu
    0-2 5k NX Cards
    0-1 1k NX Cards
    0-1 250 NX Card
    0-1 100 NX Card
    2-5 Zakum Helmets (untradeable, one-of-a-kind)
    Chaos Scroll
    [Masterybook] Genesis 20
    [Masterybook] Triple Throw 20
    [Masterybook] Infinity 30
    [Masterybook] Mana Reflection
    [Masterybook] Meteor Shower 20
    [Masterybook] Blizzard 20
    [Masterybook] Time Leap 20
    [Masterybook] Airstrike 20
    [Masterybook] Power Stance 30
    [Masterybook] Enrage 20
    [Masterybook] Berserk 20
    [Masterybook] Heaven’s Hammer 20
    [Masterybook] Bow Expert 30
    [Masterybook] Concentrate 20
    [Masterybook] Marksman Boost 30
    [Masterybook] Snipe 20
    [Masterybook] Venom 30
    [Masterybook] Bow Expert 30
    [Masterybook] Crossbow Expert 30
    [Masterybook] Venom 30
    [Masterybook] Smokescreen 20
    [Skill Book] Triple Throw (untradeable, one-of-a-kind)
    [Skill Book] Angel Ray (untradeable, one-of-a-kind)
    [Skill Book] Advanced Charge (untradeable, one-of-a-kind)
    [Skill Book] Advanced Combo (untradeable, one-of-a-kind)
    Scrolls for Ring for STR/DEX/INT/LUK 10%
    Zakum Certificate (untradeable, one-of-a-kind)
    Zakum Chair
    1. Be Level 50
    2. Talk to your 3rd Job Instructor in El Nath.
    3. Talk to Adobis at the Door to Zakum while being in a party (no other members needed).
    3.1 Part 1 - Get 7 keys from the following rooms.
    4-2 (rock)
    9-2 (chest)
    11-1 (chest)
    14-1 (chest)
    16-2 (chest)
    16-3 (chest)
    16-5 (rock)
    3.2 Drop them at the big chest in 16-5, loot the Piece of Fire Ore, bring it to Aura in the Room you first spawned and she will exchange it with a Fire Ore.
    4. Talk to Adobis for Part 2 - Complete the 2 Jumpquest Stages to get a Breath of Fire.
    5. Talk to Adobis for Part 3 - Get 30 Gold Tooth from Miner Zombies and pass them together with the Fire Ore and Breath of Fire to Adobis.
    You will receive 5 Eye of Fire upon completing the Pre-Quest. Repeat step 3-6 to get 5 more.
    You can now fight Zakum by talking to Adobis at Entrance to Zakum Altar in a Party of 3 and dropping an Eye of Fire at the Altar on the middle of the map.

    3.09 Krexel
    Level: 140
    HP: 500.000.000
    Exp: 57.600.000
    Exp/HP: 0.115
    Recommended HP: 2,5k
    Attempts a day: 2
    Level: 140
    Hp: 250.000.000
    Exp: 25.600.000
    Exp/HP: 0,102
    Elemental Weakness: Fire
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Weapon cancel
    Tips & Tricks:
    Safespot for Ranged Attackers best used with hurricane & rapid fire
    Level: 140
    HP: 250.000.000
    Exp: 32.000.000
    Exp/HP: 0,128
    Elemental Weakness: Fire
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Summons 2 Waves of Bacals at 30% HP (CD: 15s)
    Tips & Tricks:
    Spot that requires no repositioning for most Classes at the left side of the right eye
    0-1 5k NX Cards
    0-1 1k NX Cards
    1 250 NX Card
    1 100 NX Card
    1 Almighty Ring
    [Masterybook] Holy Shield 30
    [Masterybook] Ice Demon 20
    [Masterybook] Monster Magnet 20
    [Masterybook] Brandish 30
    [Masterybook] Ninja Ambush 30
    1. Be Level 70
    2. Talk to Ralph the Wanderer in Boat Quay Town in Singapore - Kill 50 Veetron & get 50 Veetron Horn from them, kill 50 Berserkie and get 50 Sweat Bead from them and kill 30 Montrecer & get 30 Oil Canister from them.
    3. Talk to Commando Jim at Ulu City Entrance - Kill 100 Slygie & get 100 Slygie Tail from them and 100 Petrifighter & get 100 Moss Rock from them.
    4. Talk to Commando Jim. Kill 100 Duku & get 100 Rafflesia from them and get 1 Soul Lantern from Capt. Latanica (Note: The Quest won’t consume the Soul Lantern and you won’t need it to enter Krexel later so you can either buy 1 in the FM or kill Capt. Latanica once in your Maple Royals career and reuse the Soul Lantern whenever doing Krexel Pre-Quest.
    You can now fight Krexel by going through the top portal at Ruins of Krexel 1 and hitting the orange Ball 6 times.

    3.10 Wu-Ling Yaoseng (Shaolin)
    Level: 150
    HP: 100.000.000
    Exp: 51.200.000
    Exp/HP: 0,512
    Recommended HP: 12k
    Attempts a day: 1
    Elemental Weakness: Ice
    Damage to Knockback: 10k
    Boss Skills:
    Summons 3 Clones (25.000.000 HP each)
    Tips & Tricks:
    Clones are classified as non-boss-monsters.
    All rush-like skills can be use on them.
    They can be hold on the opposite side of the fight with a Bishops Bahamut or SE Mules Birds and can be doomed/freezed/slowed/stunned.
    Warriors, Shads, Buccs and Corsairs with Bullseye can just ignore them.
    0-1 5k NX Card
    0-1 1k NX Cards
    250 NX Card
    100 NX Card
    [Masterybook] Holy Charge 20
    [Masterybook] Divine Charge 20
    [Masterybook] Chain Lightning 20
    [Masterybook] Ice Demon 20
    [Masterybook] Hamsting Shot 30
    [Masterybook] Blind 30
    [Masterybook] Frostprey 20
    [Masterybook] Assasinate 20
    [Masterybook] Snatch 20
    [Masterybook] Air Strike 20
    1. Be level 120.
    2. Talk to Receptionist Monk at Temple Plaza in Lushan (Eastern China) - Get 30 Giant Eagle‘s Feathers from 20 Bulgar‘s Wrist Guard from , 20 Bulgar‘s Leg Bindings from , 50 Black Bear‘s Nail from and 40 White Tiger‘s Tails from . Then return to the Receptionist Monk to gain access to Mahavira Hall and the Shaolin Temple there.
    3. Talk to Janitor Monk at Shaolin Temple Floors 1-2 - Kill 100 Small Bronze Monks & get 50 Bronze Hearts from them (I recommend getting 30 more Bronze Hearts as you need them later). Then return to Janitor Monk.
    4. Kill 80 Silver Monks & get 50 Silver Hearts from them (I recommend getting 30 more Silver Hearts as you need them later). Then return to Janitor Monk.
    5. Talk to Chengguan at Shaolin Temple Floors 3-4 - Kill 50 Small Gold Monk & get 50 Golden Hearts from them (I recommend getting 30 more Golden Hearts as you need them later).
    6. Talk to Chengxin at Shaolin Temple Floors 5-6 - Get 30 Bronze, Silver & Golden Hearts and return to Janitor Monk.
    You can now fight Wu-ling Yaoseng while being in a party and talking to Dharma Scroll at Shaolin Temple Floor 7. The battle starts immediately.

    3.11 Horntail
    Level: 160
    HP: 2.730.000.000
    Exp: 344.146.432
    Exp/HP: 0,126
    Recommended HP: 9,8k
    Attempts a day: 2 - requires Secret Medicine to transform to enter
    Level: 160
    HP: 330.000.000
    Exp: 31.142.496
    Exp/HP: 0,094
    Elemental Weakness: Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Seduce (Left/Right/Jump CD: 180s)
    Weapon cancel (Duration: 40s CD: 60s)
    Magic cancel (Duration: 40s CD: 60s)
    Summons 2 Waves of Red Wyvern at 95% HP (CD: 30s)
    Summons 2 Waves of Blue Wyvern at 75% HP (CD: 25s)
    Summons 2 Waves of Black Wyvern at 45% HP (CD: 20s)
    Tips & Tricks:
    First Player to enter the map will be the seduce target. In this case this will be the Character that leads the Expedition.
    Don’t move until everyone is in the map. It can start the Battle and no one can enter the map anymore.
    Watch out Dark Wyvern can dispel.
    Safespot at the very top of the rope.
    Level: 160
    HP: 330.000.000
    Exp: 31.142.496
    Exp/HP: 0,094
    Elemental Weakness: Fire
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Seduce (Left/Right/Jump CD: 180s)
    Weapon cancel (Duration: 40s CD: 60s)
    Magic cancel (Duration: 40s CD: 60s)
    Summons 2 Waves of Red Wyvern at 95% HP (CD: 30s)
    Summons 2 Waves of Blue Wyvern at 75% HP (CD: 25s)
    Summons 2 Waves of Black Wyvern at 45% HP (CD: 20s)
    Tips & Tricks:
    First Player to enter the map will be the seduce target.
    Don’t move until everyone is in the map. It can start the Battle and no one can enter the map anymore.
    Watch out Dark Wyvern can dispel.
    Level: 160
    HP: 130.000.000
    Exp: 17.526.080
    Exp/HP: 0,135
    Elemental Weakness: Holy
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Level: 160
    HP: 80.000.000
    Exp: 10.785.280
    Exp/HP: 0,135
    Elemental Weakness: Holy
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Super Knockback
    Poison 2k dmg/s (Duration: 20s CD: 40s)
    Tips & Tricks:
    Try not to cross to the right side of the map. That would trigger the SED timer of the Right Hand. Never touch the Tail (60k+ dmg).
    Level: 160
    HP: 270.000.000
    Exp: 36.400.320
    Exp/HP: 0,135
    Elemental Weakness: Ice
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Weapon Attack Up (Duration: 30s CD 40s)
    Magic Attack Up (Duration: 30s CD 40s)
    Heal (AoE) at 90% HP for 50k HP & 20k MP (CD: 30s)
    Summons 2 Waves of Green Cornian at 85% HP (CD: 90s)
    Summons 2 Waves of Dark Cornian at 55% HP (CD: 80s)
    Heal (AoE) additional at 30% HP for 150k HP & 50k MP (CD: 30s)
    Tips & Tricks:
    Level: 160
    HP: 230.000.000
    Exp: 31.007.680
    Exp/HP: 0,135
    Elemental Weakness: Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    MP Drain
    Seduce (left/right/jump) 120s after starting the Mainfight (Duration: 10s CD: 180s)
    Weapon Defense Up (AoE) (Duration: 30s CD: 50s)
    Dispel at 60% HP (CD: 300s)
    Mass Seduce (left/right/jump) at 30% HP (Duration: 10s CD: 60s)
    Tips & Tricks:
    Boss Skills besides SED only affect you when you are on the left side of the map.
    Gives a warning message when it’s HP is at 70% and 40%.
    Level: 160
    HP: 230.000.000
    Exp: 31.007.680
    Exp/HP: 0,135
    Elemental Weakness: Fire
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    MP Drain
    Seduce (left/right/jump) triggered when some1 crosses(Duration: 10s CD: 180s)
    Seal (Duration: 30s CD: 25s)
    Darkness (Duration: 30s CD: 15s)
    Weakness (Duration: 30s CD: 45s)
    Magic Defense Up (AoE) (Duration: 30s CD: 50s)
    Mass Seduce (left/right/jump) at 30% HP (Duration: 10s CD: 60s)
    Tips & Tricks:
    Boss Skills besides SED only affect you when you are on the right side of the map.
    Gives a warning message when it’s HP is at 40%
    Level: 160
    HP: 330.000.000
    Exp: 44.489.280
    Exp/HP: 0,135
    Elemental Weakness: Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Weapon Cancel at 99% HP (Duration 40s CD: 60s)
    Magic Cancel at 99% HP (Duration 40s CD: 60s)
    Summons 6 Waves of Red Wyvern at 95% (CD: 60s )
    Summons 6 Waves Blue Wyvern at 75% (CD: 55s)
    Summons 6 Waves Black Wyvern at 45% (CD: 50s)
    Tips & Tricks:
    Watch out Dark Wyvern can dispel.
    Level: 160
    HP: 490.000.000
    Exp: 66.155.840
    Exp/HP: 0,135
    Elemental Weakness: Ice
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Weapon Cancel at 99% HP (Duration 40s CD: 60s)
    Magic Cancel at 99% HP (Duration 40s CD: 60s)
    Summons 6 Waves of Red Wyvern at 95% then (CD: 60s )
    Summons 6 Waves Blue Wyvern at 75% then (CD: 55s)
    Dispel at 60% HP (CD: 300s)
    Summons 6 Waves Black Wyvern at 45% (CD: 50s)
    Dispel additional at 30% HP (CD: 180s)
    Tips & Tricks:
    Watch out Dark Wyvern can dispel.
    Level: 160
    HP: 330.000.000
    Exp: 44.489.280
    Exp/HP: 0,135
    Elemental Weakness: Fire
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Weapon Cancel at 99% HP (Duration 40s CD: 60s)
    Magic Cancel at 99% HP (Duration 40s CD: 60s)
    Summons 6 Waves of Red Wyvern at 95% (CD: 60s )
    Summons 6 Waves Blue Wyvern at 75% (CD: 55s)
    Summons 6 Waves Black Wyvern at 45% (CD: 50s)
    Tips & Tricks:
    Watch out Dark Wyvern can dispel.
    2-4 5k NX Cards
    1 Nine Spirit’s Egg (untradeable)
    2-4 Horntail Necklace (untradeable, one-of-a-kind)
    Clean Slate Scroll 1%
    [Masterybook] Maple Warrior 20
    [Masterybook] Genesis 30
    [Masterybook] Triple Throw 30
    [Masterybook] Meteor 30
    [Masterybook] Blizzard 30
    [Masterybook] Smokescreen 30
    [Masterybook] Enrage 30
    [Masterybook] Heaven‘s Hammer 30
    [Masterybook] Berzerk 30
    [Masterybook] Concentrate 30
    [Masterybook] Snipe 30
    [Masterybook] Air Strike 30
    [Masterybook] Time Leap 30
    Dragon Flame
    Dragon Battle Axe
    Dragon Axe
    Dragon Claymore
    Dragon Staff
    Dragon Wand
    Dragon Kreda
    Dragon Kanzir
    Dragon Revolver
    Dragon Mace
    Dragon Slash Claw
    Dragon Carabella
    Dragon Purple Sleeve
    Dragon Green Sleeve
    Dragon Shiner Bow
    Dragon Shiner Cross
    Dragon Hellslayer
    Dragon Faltizan
    Horntail Chair
    Upon completing the following quest you get 2 Secret Medicines which can be used to transform into a Green Cornian to enter the Cave of Live.
    1. Be Level 80.
    2. When doing this the first time talk to Chief Tatamo in Leafre.
    3. Talk to Moira at Cave of Life - Entrance in Leafre.
    4. Get 10 Tough Dragon Skin (untradeable) from any color Wyvern, 1 Cornian's Marrow (untradeable) from Green Cornians, 1 Skull Shoulder Pad and 1 Busted Dagger from Dark Cornians and kill 1 Manon (just stand in the map while it’s killed, no hitting or Party needed). Bring the Busted Dagger together with 1 steel and 1 mithril plate to Mos in Leafre to craft a Cornian’s Dagger.
    5. Return to Moira.
    You can repeat the quest one hour after you’ve used a Secret Medicine to get 2 more.
    It‘s adviced to bring atleast one party member with the Certificate of the Dragon Squad to skip the HTPQ and go straight to Cave Entrance where you can start the fight by talking to Encrypted Slate of the Squad.

    IMG_9821.gif IMG_9822.gif IMG_9823.gif
    3.12 The Boss (Full Expedition)
    Level: 175
    Exp: 168.000.000
    Exp/HP: 0,160
    Recommended HP: 5k (Ranged) & 27k (Melee)
    Attempts a day: 1 - requires Female Boss’ Comb from Female Boss (Anego) to enter and summon
    Level: 152
    HP: 400.000.000
    Exp: 44.160.000
    Exp/HP: 0,110
    Elemental Weakness: Fire
    Damage to Knockback: 250
    Boss Skills:
    Tips & Tricks:
    3 Bishops (Mules) for Holy Shield Chain recommended
    Touch damage ~ 17,5k
    Mid range attack (punch) 1 dmg + stun
    Close range attack (kick) ~27k
    Level: 155
    HP: 500.000.000
    Exp: 33.600.000
    Exp/HP: 0,067
    Elemental Weakness: Ice
    Damage to Knockback: 250
    Boss Skills:
    MP Drain
    Tips & Tricks:
    Touch damage ~13k
    Ranged attack (Machine Pistol) 11,5k
    Ranged attack (Rocket launcher) 1 dmg + MP drain
    Level: 175
    HP: 150.000.000
    Exp: 90.240.000
    Exp/HP: 0,602
    Elemental Weakness: Fire
    Damage to Knockback: 5000
    Boss Skills:
    Tips & Tricks:
    3 Bishops (Mules) for Holy Shield Chain
    Touch damage ~21k
    Ranged attack (purple rain) 1/1
    Ranged attack (blue tornado) 1/1 + seal
    Bodyguard A: None
    Bodyguard B: None
    The Boss:
    2 5k NX Cards
    0-1 1k NX Cards
    1 250 NX Card
    1 100 NX Card
    Brown Work Glove
    Shogun Earrings
    Gold Emerald Earrings
    Scroll for Face Accessory for STR/DEX/INT/LUK 30%
    None, you can start the fight by talking to Konpei at Armory in Zipangu and dropping the Female‘s Boss Comb under the window at the right side of the map.

    IMG_9824.png IMG_9825.png
    3.13 Toad
    Level: 180
    Exp: 152.960.000
    Exp/HP: 0,143
    Recommended HP: 15,7k
    Attempts a day: 1 - requires Samurai Knight Armor Piece from the Kacchu Musha to enter and summon
    Level: 180
    HP: 620.000.000
    Exp: 72.000.000
    Exp/HP: 0,116
    Elemental Weakness: Poison & Holy
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills: None
    Level : 180
    HP: 450.000.000
    Exp: 80.960.000
    HP/Exp: 0,180
    Elemental Weakness: Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills: None
    2 5k NX Card
    0-1 1k NX Cards
    1 250 NX Card
    1 100 NX Card
    2 Ninja Toad Headband (untradeable)
    Sky Ski
    Elemental Wands 5-8
    Elemental Staffs 5-8
    Emperor Toad Chair
    Scroll for Eye Accessory for STR/DEX/INT/LUK 30%
    No general Pre-Quest but there is a Jumpquest and a little Maze which need to be completed to get to Toad‘s map. The Jumpquest can be skipped if you did the following Quests once.
    1. Talk to Akai at Outside Ninja Castle in Zipangu.
    2. Talk to Nobuo at Inside the Castle Gate - Get 50 Kunoichi Dagger from Kunoichi and talk to Fuji at Inside the Castle Gate
    3. Get 50 Ninto Scroll from Ninto & 1 Samurai Knight Armor Piece from Kacchu Musha (Area Boss ) at Castle Corridor and talk to Princess Suzume at Inside the Castle Gate.
    After you did that you will still need to pay Sai at Caste Corridor 10 3m everytime you want to skip the Jumpquest.
    The Maze can’t be skipped. Enter the left of the 3 doors until you spawn a little closer to the middle of the map. Then enter the middle door twice in a row and you should‘ve completed the maze. Keep going to the right till you’re at Tower Room and drop the Samurai Armor Piece under Toads Poster in the middle of the map.

    3.14 Vergamot
    Level: 145
    HP: 300.000.000
    Exp: 40.320.000
    Exp/HP: 0,134
    Recommended HP: 12k
    Attempts a day: 1
    Level: 145
    HP: 145.000.000
    Exp: 9.920.000
    Exp/HP: 0,068
    Elemental Weakness: Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Super Knockback
    Slow (80%)
    Summons Summoned Overlords
    Level: 145
    HP: 85.000.000
    Exp: 13.440.000
    Exp/HP: 0,158
    Elemental Weakness: Fire
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Super Knockback
    Slow (80%)
    Summons Summoned Overlords
    Level: 145
    HP: 70.000.000
    Exp: 16.960.000
    Exp/HP: 0,242
    Elemental Weakness: Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Super Knockback
    Seduce (left) at bottom and mid platform
    Slow (80%)
    Summons Summoned Overlords
    0-1 5k NX Cards
    0-1 1k NX Cards
    1 250 NX Card
    1 100 NX Card
    White Scroll Fragment A
    Dragon Khanjar
    Black Garina
    Scroll for Eye Accessory for STR 60%
    Scroll for Face Accessory for DEX 60%
    Scroll for Belts for INT 60%
    Scroll for Belts for LUK 10%
    Scroll for Rings for LUK 10%
    Scroll for Earring for STR 70%
    [Masterybook] Big Bang 30
    [Masterybook] Dragon‘s Breath 30
    Silver Coins
    Nano Plant Omega
    Vergamot Chair
    1. Be Level 130.
    2. Talk to Asia at Kamuna in Zipangu - get 300 Ninto Scrolls from Nintos, 1 Armor Samurai Piece from Kacchu Musha and 1 Toad Oil from Castellan Toad. Then Return to Asia.
    3. Talk to Ponicher at 2100: Odaiba Port - Get 100 Lenses from Overloards.
    4. Talk to Ponicher get 1 Operational Unit (untradeable) from Afterloards.
    5. Talk to Ponicher - get 1 Calculating Domino (untradeable) from Afterlords, 1 Macromolecule Actualater (untradeable) & 1 Conductive Polymer Gain (untradeable) from Overloads and return to Ponicher.
    You can now fight Vergamot by talking to Ponicher in a party of 3. The Battle will start once you attack him.

    3.15 Dunas V1
    Level: 152
    HP: 230.000.000
    Exp: 29.440.000
    Exp/HP: 0,128
    Recommended HP: 15k
    Attempts a day: 1
    Elemental Weakness: Holy
    Damage to Knockback: 50k
    Boss Skills:
    Weapon Damage Reflect up to 15k
    Super Knockback
    Weapon Attack Up
    Weapon Defense Up
    Tips & Tricks:
    No Dispel Area at top right
    Safespot bottom right & left
    0-1 5k NX Cards
    0-1 1k NX Cards
    Element Pierce
    Dragon Khanjar
    Red Mantle
    [Masterybook] Phoenix 30
    [Masterybook] Hamstring Shot 30
    Silver Coins
    Nano Plant Omega
    Nano Plant Sigma
    1. Be Level 138.
    2. Talk to Asia at Kamuna in Zipangu - get 300 Ninto Scrolls from Nintos, 1 Armor Samurai Piece from Kacchu Musha and 1 Toad Oil from Castellan Toad. Then Return to Asia.
    3. Talk to Ponicher at 2100: Odaiba Port - Get 100 Lenses from Overloards.
    4. Talk to Ponicher get 1 Operational Unit (untradeable) from Afterloards.
    5. Talk to Ponicher - get 1 Calculating Domino (untradeable) from Afterlords, 1 Macromolecule Actualater (untradeable) & 1 Conductive Polymer Gain (untradeable) from Overloads and return to Ponicher.
    6. Form a Party of 3 and kill Vergamot and return to Ponicher and Asia afterwards.
    7. Talk to Dida at 2095: Park Outskirts - Get 1 Twisted Radar from Protolord (untradeable).
    8. Form a Party of 3 and talk to Dida to start the Neo Tokyo PQ where you need to defend Dida and get 10 Energy Transmitters. Then return to Dida and Asia afterwards.
    9. Talk to Commander Garuda at 2102: Akihabara - Command Room - Get 300 Eruwater Laser Guns & 1 Eruwater Transmitter (untradeable) and return to Commander Garuda.
    You can now fight Dunas v1 by talking to Commander Garuda in a party of 3 and then attacking the computer.

    3.16 Nibergen
    Level: 158
    HP: 349.000.000
    Exp: 40.320.000
    Exp/HP: 0,116
    Recommended HP: 11k
    Attempts a day: 1
    Level: 158
    HP: 172.000.000
    Exp: 9.920.000
    Exp/HP: 0,058
    Elemental Weakness: Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Weapon Cancel
    Level: 158
    HP: 95.000.000
    Exp: 13.440.000
    Exp/HP: 0,141
    Elemental Weakness: Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Super Knockback
    Weapon Cancel
    Level: 158
    HP: 82.000.000
    Exp: 16.960.000
    Exp/HP: 0,207
    Elemental Weakness: Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Weapon Cancel
    Summons Maverick Vs
    0-1 5k NX Cards
    0-1 1k NX Cards
    White Scroll Fragment B
    Blue Dragon Armor
    Dragon Khanjar
    Scroll for Eye Accessory for DEX 60%
    Scroll for Face Accessory for INT 60%
    Scroll for Belts for LUK 60%
    Scroll for Belts for STR 10%
    Scroll for Rings for STR 10%
    Scroll for Earring Str 30%
    [Masterybook] Ifrit 30
    [Masterybook] Snatch 30
    Silver Coins
    Nano Plant Omega
    Nibergen Chair
    1. Be Level 141
    2. Talk to Asia at Kamuna in Zipangu - get 300 Ninto Scrolls from Nintos, 1 Armor Samurai Piece from Kacchu Musha and 1 Toad Oil from Castellan Toad. Then Return to Asia.
    3. Talk to Ponicher at 2100: Odaiba Port - Get 100 Lenses from Overloards.
    4. Talk to Ponicher get 1 Operational Unit (untradeable) from Afterloards.
    5. Talk to Ponicher - get 1 Calculating Domino (untradeable) from Afterlords, 1 Macromolecule Actualater (untradeable) & 1 Conductive Polymer Gain (untradeable) from Overloads and return to Ponicher.
    6. Form a Party of 3 and kill Vergamot and return to Ponicher and Asia afterwards.
    7. Talk to Dida at 2095: Park Outskirts - Get 1 Twisted Radar from Protolord (untradeable).
    8. Form a Party of 3 and talk to Dida to start the Neo Tokyo PQ where you need to defend Dida and get 10 Energy Transmitters. Then return to Dida and Asia afterwards.
    9. Talk to Commander Garuda at 2102: Akihabara - Command Room - Get 300 Eruwater Laser Guns & 1 Eruwater Transmitter (untradeable) and return to Commander Garuda.
    10. Form a Party of 3 and kill Dunas v1. Then return to Asia and Commander Garuda afterwards.
    11. Talk to Old Fox Flagship AI at 2102: Old Fox Flagship - Get 1 Portable Laser Gun (untradeable) from Mavericks A and return to Old Flagship AI.
    You can now fight Nibergen by talking to Old Fox Flagship AI in a party of 3 and attacking the Maverick.

    3.17 Nameless Magic Monster
    Level: 160
    HP: 430.000.000
    Exp: 43.000.000
    Exp/HP: 0,100
    Recommended HP: 8k
    Attempts a day: 1
    Elemental Weakness: Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: 50k
    Boss Skills:
    Tips & Tricks:
    Safespot at top
    0-1 5k NX Cards
    0-1 1k NX Cards
    White Scroll Fragment A
    Dragon Khanjar
    Scroll for Eye Accessory for INT 60%
    Scroll for Face Accessory for LUK 60%
    Scroll for Belts for STR 60%
    Scroll for Belts for DEX 10%
    Scroll for Rings for DEX 10%
    Nano Plant Sigma
    Silver Coins
    1. Be Level 143
    2. Talk to Asia at Kamuna in Zipangu - get 300 Ninto Scrolls from Nintos, 1 Armor Samurai Piece from Kacchu Musha and 1 Toad Oil from Castellan Toad. Then Return to Asia.
    3. Talk to Ponicher at 2100: Odaiba Port - Get 100 Lenses from Overloards.
    4. Talk to Ponicher get 1 Operational Unit (untradeable) from Afterloards.
    5. Talk to Ponicher - get 1 Calculating Domino (untradeable) from Afterlords, 1 Macromolecule Actualater (untradeable) & 1 Conductive Polymer Gain (untradeable) from Overloads and return to Ponicher.
    6. Form a Party of 3 and kill Vergamot and return to Ponicher and Asia afterwards.
    7. Talk to Dida at 2095: Park Outskirts - Get 1 Twisted Radar from Protolord (untradeable).
    8. Form a Party of 3 and talk to Dida to start the Neo Tokyo PQ where you need to defend Dida and get 10 Energy Transmitters. Then return to Dida and Asia afterwards.
    9. Talk to Commander Garuda at 2102: Akihabara - Command Room - Get 300 Eruwater Laser Guns & 1 Eruwater Transmitter (untradeable) and return to Commander Garuda.
    10. Form a Party of 3 and kill Dunas v1. Then return to Asia and Commander Garuda afterwards.
    11. Talk to Old Fox Flagship AI at 2102: Old Fox Flagship - Get 1 Portable Laser Gun (untradeable) from Mavericks A and return to Old Flagship AI.
    12. Form a Party of 3 and kill Nibergen. Then return to Asia.
    You can now fight Nameless Magic Monster by talking to Asia in a Party of 3 and then attacking the crystal.

    IMG_9830.png IMG_9934.jpeg
    3.18 Dunas v2
    Level: 164
    HP: 350.000.000
    Exp: 38.400.000
    Exp/HP: 0,110
    Recommended HP: 12k
    Attempts a day: 1
    Level: 160
    HP: 100.000.000
    Exp: 6.400.000
    Exp/HP: 0,064
    Elemental Weakness: Holy
    Damage to Knockback: 75k
    Boss Skills: None
    Tips & Tricks:
    Dunas v2 walks around it and can be attacked although won’t take any damage. Trying to split the two is adviced.
    Level: 164
    HP: 250.000.000
    Exp: 32.000.000
    Exp/HP: 0,128
    Elemental Weakness: Holy
    Damage to Knockback: 75k
    Boss Skills:
    Weapon Defense Up
    Summons Imperial Guards
    Tips & Tricks:
    The 2 Imperial Guards walking around her have lots HP and will respawn if killed. Best is to split and hold them with a mule or let the bishop do it.
    0-1 5k NX Cards
    0-1 1k NX Cards
    White Scroll Fragment C
    Dragon Khanjar
    Canopus Suit
    Cleans Slate Scroll 1%
    Scroll for Eye Accessory for LUK 60%
    Scroll for Face Accessory for STR 60%
    Scroll for Belts for DEX 60%
    Scroll for Belts for INT 10%
    Scroll for Rings for INT 10%
    [Masterybook] Rush 30
    [Masterybook] Hamstring Shot 30
    Silver Coins
    Dunas Jet Chair
    1. Be Level 143
    2. Talk to Asia at Kamuna in Zipangu - get 300 Ninto Scrolls from Nintos, 1 Armor Samurai Piece from Kacchu Musha and 1 Toad Oil from Castellan Toad. Then Return to Asia.
    3. Talk to Ponicher at 2100: Odaiba Port - Get 100 Lenses from Overloards.
    4. Talk to Ponicher get 1 Operational Unit (untradeable) from Afterloards.
    5. Talk to Ponicher - get 1 Calculating Domino (untradeable) from Afterlords, 1 Macromolecule Actualater (untradeable) & 1 Conductive Polymer Gain (untradeable) from Overloads and return to Ponicher.
    6. Form a Party of 3 and kill Vergamot and return to Ponicher and Asia afterwards.
    7. Talk to Dida at 2095: Park Outskirts - Get 1 Twisted Radar from Protolord (untradeable).
    8. Form a Party of 3 and talk to Dida to start the Neo Tokyo PQ where you need to defend Dida and get 10 Energy Transmitters. Then return to Dida and Asia afterwards.
    9. Talk to Commander Garuda at 2102: Akihabara - Command Room - Get 300 Eruwater Laser Guns & 1 Eruwater Transmitter (untradeable) and return to Commander Garuda.
    10. Form a Party of 3 and kill Dunas v1. Then return to Asia and Commander Garuda afterwards.
    11. Talk to Old Fox Flagship AI at 2102: Old Fox Flagship - Get 1 Portable Laser Gun (untradeable) from Mavericks A and return to Old Flagship AI.
    12. Form a Party of 3 and kill Nibergen. Then return to Asia.
    13. Form a Party of 3 and kill Nameless Magic Monster. Then return to Asia.
    14. Talk to the 4th Job Mage instructor Gritto at The Forest of Priest in Leafre and return to Asia.
    You can now fight Dunas v2 by talking to Adult Dida in a party of 3. The Battle starts immediately.

    IMG_9832.png IMG_9833.png
    IMG_9835.png IMG_9834.png
    3.19 Auf Haven (Full Expedition)
    Level: 180
    HP: 1.530.000.000
    Exp: 166.080.000
    Exp/HP: 0,109
    Recommended HP: 16~19k
    Attempts a day: 1
    Auf Haven has the following damage sources

    Touch: up to 16k
    Slash Attack: up to 8k + Stun (or touch damage if you are too close)
    Energy Ball Attack: up to 8k+ Dispel
    Genesis Attack: up to 8k
    Wing attack: low damage, 5k-ish?
    The Seduce duration is 5 seconds.

    This leads me to the following HP tiers:
    1. 8k+ Hp
    You can survive all attacks individually, but not touch. You should always stay as far away as possible to dodge touch damage during slash attack. So this is more of a ranged character thing + shads because of meso guard (care for dispel). 2 energy ball attacks during SED can kill you with no counter play if your hero’s will is down. When you get the first energy ball damage right after SED happens immediately will out and pot.
    2. 16k HP (my recommendation)
    You can survive all attacks individually including touch damage and two magic attacks like energy ball attacks during SED.
    Having HB would bring you to tier 3.
    3. 24k HP
    You can also survive touch damage + 1 energy ball attack during SED. This is worth to consider if you are a melee.
    Having HB would bring you to tier 4.
    4. 30k HP

    Note that the Summened Auf Havens also have a ranged attack which does a little less then Auf Havens Energy Ball Attack. So getting hit by this + Auf Havens Energy ball attack is also a thing.

    Having Heroes Will is going to make your life better!
    Level: 160
    HP: 400.00.000
    Exp: 49.600.000
    Exp/HP: 0,124
    Elemental Weakness: Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: 55k
    Boss Skills:
    iFrames during dash attack
    Tips & Tricks
    Safespot at top
    75 avoid that needs 275 Accuracy to not miss at all at Level 160, Maplepops (+100 Accuracy for 1 min) or Amorian Basket (+40 Accuracy for 10min) recommended if lacking Accuracy
    Has 2 Imperial Guards walking around him with lots HP that will respawn if killed. Best is to split and hold them with a mule or let the bishop do it.
    You can let the Chandelier fall down by attacking it. If it hits Royals Guard it will deal 50m Damage to him however he won’t give any exp if done so. Take care though as the Chandelier does 30k+Touch damage.
    Level: 170
    HP: 450.000.000
    Exp: 57.600.000
    Exp/HP: 0,128
    Elemental Weakness: Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: static boss
    Boss Skills:
    Weapon Defense up
    Weapon Attack up
    Summons Imperial Guard and Mavericks
    Tips & Tricks:
    Watch out for Mavericks‘ Superknockback-Attack that can launch you into Core Blaze which does 53~60k+ touch damage.
    Level: 175
    HP: 20.000.000
    Exp: 2.560.000
    Exp/HP: 0,128
    Elemental Weakness: Ice
    Damage to Knockback: 40k
    Boss Skills: None
    Level: 180
    HP: 600.000.000
    Exp: 54.40.000
    Exp/HP: 0,091
    Elemental Weakness: Ice
    Damage to knockback: 75k
    Boss Skills:
    Mass Seduce (right) (Duration: 5s CD: 30s)
    Mass Seduce (left/right) at 25% HP (Duration 5s CD: 90s after Seduce (left) & 30s after Seduce (right))
    Summons 1 Summoned Auf Haven at 70/50/30% HP
    Level: 170
    HP: 20.000.000
    Exp: 640.000
    Exp/HP: 0,032
    Elemental Weakness: Holy
    Damage to knockback: 30k
    Boss Skills:
    Dispel (only 2nd & 3rd Summoned Auf Haven)
    Zombify (only 3rd Summoned Auf Haven
    Damage Reflect up to 8k
    Tips & Tricks:
    1st & 3rd spawn at the bottom while 2nd spawns at top
    2-4 5k NX Cards
    2-3 Auf Haven Circlet (untradeable)
    Element Pierce
    Dragon Khanjar
    Chaos Scroll
    Miracle Scroll for Auf Haven Circlet 10%
    Scroll for Auf Haven Circlet STR/DEX/INT/LUK 60%
    Scroll for Ring for STR/DEX/INT/LUK 60%
    Nano Plant Y
    Silver Coins
    Auf Haven Chair
    1. Be Level 146.
    2. Talk to Asia at Kamuna in Zipangu - get 300 Ninto Scrolls from Nintos, 1 Armor Samurai Piece from Kacchu Musha and 1 Toad Oil from Castellan Toad. Then Return to Asia.
    3. Talk to Ponicher at 2100: Odaiba Port - Get 100 Lenses from Overloards.
    4. Talk to Ponicher get 1 Operational Unit (untradeable) from Afterloards.
    5. Talk to Ponicher - get 1 Calculating Domino (untradeable) from Afterlords, 1 Macromolecule Actualater (untradeable) & 1 Conductive Polymer Gain (untradeable) from Overloads and return to Ponicher.
    6. Form a Party of 3 and kill Vergamot and return to Ponicher and Asia afterwards.
    7. Talk to Dida at 2095: Park Outskirts - Get 1 Twisted Radar from Protolord (untradeable).
    8. Form a Party of 3 and talk to Dida to start the Neo Tokyo PQ where you need to defend Dida and get 10 Energy Transmitters. Then return to Dida and Asia afterwards.
    9. Talk to Commander Garuda at 2102: Akihabara - Command Room - Get 300 Eruwater Laser Guns & 1 Eruwater Transmitter (untradeable) and return to Commander Garuda.
    10. Form a Party of 3 and kill Dunas v1. Then return to Asia and Commander Garuda afterwards.
    11. Talk to Old Fox Flagship AI at 2102: Old Fox Flagship - Get 1 Portable Laser Gun (untradeable) from Mavericks A and return to Old Flagship AI.
    12. Form a Party of 3 and kill Nibergen. Then return to Asia.
    13. Form a Party of 3 and kill Nameless Magic Monster. Then return to Asia.
    14. Talk to the 4th Job Mage instructor Gritto at The Forest of Priest in Leafre and return to Asia.
    15. Form a Party of 3, talk to Adult Dida at 2102: Shibuya Foxhole and kill Dunas v2.
    16. Talk to Asia and chose the Quest „A Rush of Core Blaze“ („Activating Core Blaze“ simply involves more NPC talking and walking.) Then talk to Adult Dida.
    You can now start the Auf Haven Expedition by talking to Entrance Lock at 2102: Roppongi Mall Entrance in a Party of 3.
    The Battle against Royal Guard starts immediately.

    3.20 King Castle Golem
    Level: 180
    HP: 40.000.000
    Exp: 25.600.000
    Exp/HP: 0,640
    Attempts a day: 1 as a part of the Daily Rose Garden Quest
    Recommended HP: 6k
    Elemental Weakness: Holy
    Damage to Knockback: impossible
    Boss Skills:
    Super Knockback
    Weapon Defence Up
    Tips & Tricks:
    Don’t forget to buy Bug Catching Net for the Bonus Stage where you need to catch bees that spawn by killing mobs
    Clear the Mini Garden Golems once so they don’t get in your way
    0-1 5k NX Cards
    1k NX Cards
    Ifia‘s Ring (untradeable)
    Scrolls for Ring for STR/DEX/INT/LUK 30%
    Ifia‘s Earring
    Purification Totem
    The Daily Rose Garden Quest also has a bonus where you need to kill mobs, catch Golden Bees with Bug Catching Nets to obtain Shiny Powders which sell to NPCs for 5m Mesos
    until you finished the „Is there any hope?“ quests

    3.21 Von Leon
    Level: 180
    Exp/HP: 0,250
    Recommended HP: 18k
    Attempts a week: 2 (resets Monday 00.00 Servertime)
    Exp: 0
    Elemental Weakness: Holy, Poison, Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: impossible
    Boss Skills:
    Ground Lightning Smash (~18k dmg, 10s confusion)
    Vulture Shout (1/1, 2s stun)
    Single Claw Slash (~18k dmg, 10s slow)
    Golem Drop (1hko)
    Jail Banish random 40% of alive players at 90% HP (CD: 240s)
    Teleport at 98% HP (CD: 60s)
    Summons 3 Demon Gargolyes at 50% HP (CD: 150s)
    Tips & Tricks
    Make a plan before attempting Von Leon incl. party compositions, shot caller, Ress/TL/Smoke order to name some things to prepare
    Number one priority will be not too die often, so dodge the Golem Drop and duck under Vulture Shout attack.
    Von Leon has no touch damage. So you can’t use that to avoid attacks.
    Always focus summons.
    Bishops can cast Holy Shield to make clearing Gargoyles easier.
    Get familiar with your job specific Aerial Prison task.
    The rest I’ll leave for you to explore, good luck!
    HP: 1.250.000000
    Exp: 0
    Elemental Weakness: Holy, Poison, Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: impossible
    Boss Skills:
    Ground Lightning Smash (~18k dmg, 10s confusion)
    Double Slash Claw (~18k dmg, 10s bleed 4k dmg/s)
    Vulture Shout (1/1, 2s stun)
    Single Claw Slash (~18k dmg, 10s slow)
    Golem Drop (1hko)
    Dispel at 90% HP (CD: 60s)
    Jail Banish random 40% of alive players at 90% HP (CD: 240s)
    Teleport at 98% HP (CD: 60s)
    Summons 3 Demon Gargoyles 90s after spawning (CD: 150s)
    Summons 10 Mini Castle Golems at 50% HP (CD: 120s)
    Absorb Blood heals 25m HP for every alive Mini Castle Golem (30s after spawning them)
    Tips & Tricks
    Make a plan before attempting Von Leon incl. party compositions, shot caller, Ress/TL/Smoke order to name some things to prepare
    Number one priority will be not too die often, so dodge the Golem Drop and duck under Vulture Shout attack.
    Von Leon has no touch damage. So you can’t use that to avoid attacks.
    Always focus summons.
    Bishops can cast Holy Shield to make clearing Gargoyles easier.
    Get familiar with your job specific Aerial Prison task.
    The rest I’ll leave for you to explore, good luck!
    HP: 1.750.000.000
    Elemental Weakness: Holy, Poison, Lightning
    Damage to Knockback: impossible
    Boss Skills:
    Ground Lightning Smash (~18k dmg, 10s confusion)
    Double Slash Claw (~18k dmg, 10s bleed 4K dmg/s)
    Vulture Shout (1/1, 2s stun)
    Single Claw Slash (~18k dmg, 10s slow)
    Ground Slam (~16k dmg, super knockback)
    Golem Drop (1hko)
    Eyelaser (1/1, 5s seduce prone, 10s blocked vision)
    Dispel at 90% HP (CD: 60s)
    Jail Banish random 40% of alive players at 90% HP (CD: 240s)
    Teleport at 98% HP (CD: 60s)
    Summons 3 Demon Gargoyles 90s after spawning (CD: 150s)
    Summons 10 Mini Castle Golems 60s after spawning (CD: 120s)
    Absorb Blood heals 25m HP for every alive Mini Castle Golem (30s after spawning them)
    Tips & Tricks
    Make a plan before attempting Von Leon incl. party compositions, shot caller, Ress/TL/Smoke order to name some things to prepare
    Number one priority will be not too die often, so dodge the Golem Drop, duck under Vulture Shout and jump over the Eye Laser attack.
    Von Leon has no touch damage. So you can’t use that to avoid attacks.
    Always focus summons.
    Bishops can cast Holy Shield to make clearing Gargoyles easier.
    Get familiar with your job specific Aerial Prison task.
    The rest I’ll leave for you to explore, good luck!
    HP: 25.000.000
    Elemental Weakness: Holy
    Damage to Knockback: 60k
    Mob Skills:
    Weapon Defense Up 20% (AoE) (Duration: 10s CD: 20s)
    HP: 6.000.000
    Elemental Weakness: Holy
    Damage to Knockback: 75k
    Mob Skills:
    6 5k NX Cards
    6 Von Leon‘s Medallion (untradeable, one-of-kind)
    6 Von Leon‘s Parchment (untradeable, one-of-kind)
    6 Von Leon‘s Belt (untradeable)
    [Masterybook] Hero‘s Will 10
    Royal Throwing-Knives Forging Manual
    Royal Quiver Forging Manual
    Royal Bullet Forging Manual

    Von Leon also has a Bonus Room with additional loot:
    Chaos Scroll 60%
    White Scroll
    Clean Slate Scroll 1%
    Clean Slate Scroll 20%
    Scroll for Belt for STR/DEX/INT/LUK 60%
    Scroll for Belt for STR/DEX/INT/LUK 30%
    Scroll for Eye Accessory for STR/DEX/INT/LUK 10%
    Scroll for Face Accessory for STR/DEX/INT/LUK 10%
    Von Leon's Sippable Soul Substance
    Von Leon's Pourable Putrid Potion
    Gelt Chocolate
    Banana Graham Pie
    Von Leon‘s Boots
    Blue Dragon Armor
    Red Mantle
    Blue Czar
    Black Garina
    Purification Totems

    4 Rankings
    These Rankings will only feature the Full Bossruns/Expeditions as it seems unrealistic to only do parts. Note that Boss Skills and Party size will heavily impact killtime and exp gain.
    1. King Castle Golem - 0,640
    2. Wu-Ling Yaoseng (Shaolin) - 0,512
    3. Capt. Latanica - 0,336
    4. Papulatus - 0,301
    5. Von Leon - 0,250
    6. Chao - 0,247
    7. The Boss Expedition - 0,160
    8. Ephenia - 0,171
    9. Toad - 0,143
    10. Vergamot - 0,134
    11. Dunas v1 - 0,128
    12. Horntail - 0,126
    13. Nibergen - 0,116
    14. Krexel - 0,115
    15. Dunas v2 - 0,110
    16. Auf Haven Expedition - 0,109
    17. Zakum - 0,105
    18. Nameless Magic Monster 0,100
    19. Scarlion/Targa (Not simultaneously) - 0,100
    20. Crimsonwood Keep Expedition (CWKPQ) - 0,067
    1. Von Leon -
    2. Horntail - 344.146.432
    3. The Boss Expedition - 168.000.000
    4. Auf Haven Expedition - 166.080.000
    5. Toad - 152.960.000
    6. Crimsonwood Keep Expedition (CWKPQ) - 77.152.000
    7. Krexel - 57.600.000
    8. Wu-Ling Yaoseng (Shaolin) - 51.200.000
    9. Zakum - 50.498.560
    10. Nameless Magic Monster - 43.000.000
    11. Vergamot/Nibergen - 40.320.000
    12. Dunas v2 - 38.400.000
    13. Scarlion/Targa (Not simultaneously) - 30.000.000
    14. Dunas v1 - 29.440.000
    15. King Castle Golem - 25.600.000
    16. Papulatus - 7.516.800
    17. Ephenia - 2.560.000
    18. Chao - 1.856.000
    19. Capt. Latanica - 672.000
    Note that these goals might be slightly higher than what I recommend in my guide per boss just for that extra safety. You can also clear many of these bosses with less HP when knowing the boss mechanics or how to avoid certain attacks!
    10.000 HP: Horntail
    11.000 HP: Nibergen
    12.000 HP: Shaolin/Dunas v2/Bigfoot/Kucha Mucha/Vergamot
    15.000 HP: Dunas
    16.000 HP: Toad / Auf Haven
    18.000 HP: Von Leon
    18.750 HP: Royal Guard & 30k with HB
    28.000 HP: Bodyguard A (safe)
    30.000 HP: Flex

    5 Updates
    21.09.2021 - Initial Release
    22.09.2021 - Corrected/added minor information & added Icons to Boss Skills - Debuffs & Selfbuffs
    28.09.2021 - Corrected/added minor information & reuploaded some Boss Images
    12.10.2021 - Unified Boss Skills order
    03.06.2022 - Removed Assassinate 30 from Auf Havens Notable drops
    16.09.2022 - Adjusted with Update 81 changes
    02.06.2023 - Added Von Leon information
    03.06.2023 - Added King Castle Golem & CWK Expedition, reuploaded broken icons
    Done for now

    6 Credits
    Thanks to @Pepe9191x , @Flommy, @nutleafcity, @Kethoe, @jaydenlim, @Sha, @Jooon, @EZFebreezy, @xDarkomantis, @Piffy, @Joong and @Matt for sharing useful information or help via their forum activities or personal contact. If you feel like I might have used information provided by you let me know and I can add you to the list. I didn’t mean to exclude anyone, but it has been lots of forum, google & hidden-street research and in-game testing so I could‘ve forgotten.
    If you found any misinformation please inform me asap. This also includes any form of typos. I wrote this entire thing on my phone so it’s more then likely you’ll find some.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2024
    ilyssia, Sherrrry, Matt and 121 others like this.
  2. Kethoe

    Kethoe Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2016
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    HYPPPPEEE - major props for compiling all this useful info in one place. Definitely a great resource for players at all stages of bossing!

    Glad to have contributed just a little compared to this behemoth of a dope post ~f2
    Atta, Kung, Tail and 3 others like this.
  3. nostonk

    nostonk Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2021
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    Missing Ninja Toad Headband for toad's notable drop
    Zancks likes this.
  4. Zancks

    Zancks Donator

    Feb 10, 2020
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    Thank you! Ill have some more double checking to do here and there but i couldnt stand writing it on my phone anymore so i just gave it a go now ~f18
    oops must've lost while Copy Pasta & added it back in now, ty!
    Kethoe likes this.
  5. Atze

    Atze Donator

    Oct 7, 2017
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    Me gusta ~f15
    Zancks likes this.
  6. nut

    nut Donator

    Jun 9, 2020
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  7. nicknikki

    nicknikki Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Does capt latanuca have a 2 attempt max a day ?
    I did 8 a day once, as long as u get white essence I think u can keep going
    Zancks likes this.
  8. nut

    nut Donator

    Jun 9, 2020
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    Correct, as long as there is a character with the essence in the map to drop, you can go as many times as you like. Also, I believe he has a chance to drop 5k.

    Source: Helped a friend farm card there months ago.
    Zancks likes this.
  9. nicknikki

    nicknikki Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Don't know if he drops 5k cards and haven't killed him since the 1k cards exist so don't know about that. Might give him a try soon to find out
    Zancks and nut like this.
  10. Gwaihir

    Gwaihir Donator

    Aug 26, 2016
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    Amazing guide! But i believe you missed out Ephenia's elemental weakness to Holy too.
    Zancks likes this.
  11. nyannko777

    nyannko777 Donator

    Sep 15, 2016
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    great guide :tobenpat:
    papu Level: 130 -> 125
    shao Level: 155 -> 150
    the boss Level: 180 -> 175
  12. Zancks

    Zancks Donator

    Feb 10, 2020
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    Thanks, added!
    Thanks, edited!
    jaydenlim likes this.
  13. DickDann

    DickDann Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2021
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    Great guide.

    One noob question.
    Is arm 1 the top left arm and arm 2 the top right arm for Zakum?
    Zancks likes this.
  14. bluepacmanghost

    bluepacmanghost Donator

    Aug 1, 2015
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    Thanks so much for putting this together! This is really helpful.
    Zancks likes this.
  15. Zancks

    Zancks Donator

    Feb 10, 2020
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    Roppongi Mall
    Country Flag:
    Zakums arm are
    1 - Body - 2
    3 - Body - 4
    5 - Body - 6
    7 - Body - 8
    I’ll add it to the guide later !
    Piffy, nut and DickDann like this.
  16. DickDann

    DickDann Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2021
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  17. Javier

    Javier Donator

    Nov 6, 2014
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    simply wonderful. this post should be pinned.
    Zancks and nut like this.
  18. Zancks

    Zancks Donator

    Feb 10, 2020
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    Maybe you got enough monster cards of him to check there or any1 else can help out? I added the 5k for now
  19. Wonderstruck

    Wonderstruck Donator

    Apr 10, 2020
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    is this the one that cause left to go right and right to go left?
    Zancks likes this.
  20. Zancks

    Zancks Donator

    Feb 10, 2020
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    Roppongi Mall
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