A gay deer walks out of a bar and says to himself: 'Damn, I can't believe I just blew 50 bucks.' IGN: Alvilda
All apart of the same 'thing', had to break it up. EXIBIT A: Everything Iggy’s Hair Looked Like At The Grammy’s: 1). Noodles 2). Bird's Nest 3). Lady from Shrek 4). Julius Cesar 5). Challah Bread iggy y Original: http://oknope.tumblr.com/post/110518818193/everything-iggys-hair-looked-like-at-the-grammys ign: 2spoopy!1
Sorry for the small delay. Here's the winners : 1. Blasphemy 2. Kouijin 3. Christopher Chance 4. FishBiscuit 5. TheExplorer I will add you in-game and log on a few times everyday until ive given out every prize. Thanks for participating and im sorry if you didnt win. Some of you were close to (The ariel one, skyrim, the two black men in the church and that fat kid pooring milk on his face xD)