I run with random parties from time to time, but there have been a couple of instances recently where I haven't got my split from runs. One run from 4 weeks ago, one run from 2.5 weeks ago. In each case, I added the person selling the book to buddy list, but I have not seen them online since. Am I out of luck?
You're at their mercy. If you had evidence of them having the item you can post it to the community blacklist but I wouldn't really expect much to happen after that. The safest way to make sure you get your splits is to make sure you're the one that sells it/distributes the money. Otherwise it'll always be risky.
I run with random people from time to time as well. Usually I make sure they are in a guild I'm familiar with and that I've seen their name around. I simply just add the leader and take a screenshot of the party + item we're splitting and store it somewhere to cross off once paid. If you're careful who you run with I find it pretty unlikely to get scammed by someone for splits with bossing, the server has limited players and if you're a troublesome, it'll get around fast enough. If you don't want to take on the risk it might be a better idea to just host instead
Thanks @Myoni and @Nerd! I don't specifically have evidence that they have the item, as this was before the new loot notification came into effect, but I wrote down the date of the run and the sb's that dropped, as well as screenshotted the party. ign iAgrimony and ign RobinWeed, if you guys see this I am looking for my split If any who knows them sees this, could you let them know I'm trying to reach them? Also, if you were a member of these parties, could you let me know whether you received your share? 2021-09-04 HT run (screenshot below): iAgrimony/Mahousoujyo/BestHero/Ryudy/Buccky (myself). Omliuy is someone's bs mule. Gen30 (and TT30) dropped. iAgrimony took both books to sell. Edit 2021-10-15: received my split! 2021-09-15 Zak run (screenshot below): StabbyJoe/HelenY/PoppinBenzo/RobinWeed/Jodor (myself). Asurax3 joined us on 2nd run only. Gen 20 dropped in the 1st run. RobinWeed took the book to sell. Edit 2021-10-04: received my split! I don't want to add them to blacklist yet--it might be that we are in different time zones and I'm on when they are not on and vice versa, or that they are busy with their lives and haven't played in a while. I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt, until proven otherwise
Something i used to do is wait some time and after a reasonable time passed witouth results offer to sell the item by myself.....
You can find a guild that does boss runs so its less likely they will run off with the loots. Alternatively, you can find a fixed party you can go with daily which would really reduce the time spent on forming a party and recruiting. Or you can be the one forming the expedition as its usually the leader that decides who sells the loot. In your case you can tell your party that you will be selling it. Running with strangers is always a shot in the dark because you might end up ruining your boss runs for the day or you could meet people that will become your most trusted friends in the future. If running with pubs is inevitable for your situation, I'd suggest being active on forums, making a name for yourself where you are one that take screenshots of every little thing that happens so when people try to mess around they will think twice before trying to fk your split. I wish you luck in finding a party that sees you through.
Thanks for the tips! I am happy with the guilds I'm currently in, I just like to party with others once in a while too