Spoiler: rip old guild thread The intention behind the name is as simple as it sounds. I wanted to make a guild that feels like Home to everybody. I made the guild "Home" as a community to fool(troll) around with my buddies at first. However, as we added people one by one, the intimacy and hospitality I felt between guildies wanted me to actually build out this guild as a 'Home' that everybody could freely stay (and leave if they feel ready to leave the nest!). As the name of the guild already mentions, the intention behind the name 'Home' is to provide a snug place for players to hang around. We have no intentions to become an 'intense', 'big' and 'well structured boss run' guild. Anybody, literally anybody could just come and have fun. Any players who are new to Royals and are looking to make buddies are highly recommended to join the guild as we can provide them an intimate friend base! We want our guildies to feel like if they were at home at all time. C: We may have occasional Boss Runs but it is extremely tentative. It will later be updated, since it will be based on our abilities of guild members. Brief Guild Rules We advise the royal new comers to check Game Terms & Conditions . Getting banned sucks right c:, so check them before you regret it! 1. Be respectful with each others! Also to the MapleRoyals Community as well. 2. Try to keep the guild chat in English. 3. Foul words are allowed to a certain extent, but it is preferred to be not used. 4. Do not beg others for mesos or Guild Ranks. 5. Have fun and Have a nice day! Leader uCow: Scott (18) GMT + 9 Jr Leaders soJoo: Scott (18) GMT + 9 11x Priest lkki: Kevin (17) GMT + 8 9x Hermit Ramyun 7x Outlaw/ DearJamie/ Gamzadori/ Vanilla Koalas: Wen (17) GMT + 8 Too noob to post level. She's a noob irl anyways. c: MrsStyles 11x Priest Torchics: Tiff (17) GMT + 8 Mudpies 10x Berserker/ Mudkips 120x Bishop BIaze: Marty (17) GMT + 1 14x Bishop Linyah 16x Shadower Spoiler: Guild Application! Name: Age: In Game Name: Location: Something to appeal yourself to others!: What do you like about Home: How often do you play and how long?: What is your intention behind playing? (Ex. grinding, Fm Hoes, Boss etc.) (Optional) Do you have skype? Spoiler: rip tiff's guild thread “Initially, I made “Home” to fool around with my buddies. However, as we began to add more people, the intimacy and hospitality I felt between the guild members made me want to actually build on this guild, as a “Home” that everyone could freely stay in (and leave if they feel ready to leave the nest).” ― Scott, the guild leader of Home. The intention behind naming the guild "Home" is as simple as it sounds: it is meant to be a guild that feels like "Home" to everyone. Our main aim on this server is to help out each other and create a friendly environment for our members. Whether you're LV. 15 or LV. 200, just anybody can come and have fun with us! And as cheesy it may sound, we want our guildies to feel at home all the time. Follow the Terms & Conditions of the server. Be respectful to everyone! Do not throw derogatory remarks at others — this includes the community as a whole, and not just Home guild members — and keep the unnecessary negativity to yourself. Do not beg for mesos, free leech or for an upgrade to a higher rank. Refrain from spamming the guild chat. Feel free to express yourself. Of course, you have to know where to draw the line. Keep the guild chat drama-free. Always ask if you are unsure about certain matters and most importantly, have fun! uCow / ddong @Scott ~_~ Known for being likeable and easygoing, Scott is the father of the family. He has an obsession with both his dog Deli and Japanese toilets. He can always be heard either eating something or snoring away in a Skype call. He has a tendency to forget people's names, so don't take it personally if that happens to you. You can always count on him to say the most questionable things. His favourite movie is Silent Hill. JaseyRae @Kivin R> Donations It is hard to keep track of Kevin because he has over 43 characters made. He is that one guy everyone secretly hates because he gets valuable items for free. He is also that guy who has gotten himself banned on purpose five times now due to lack of self-discipline when it comes to prioritising school over Royals. He even "quit". He seems to have little control over his keyboard too as half his conversations consist of typos. Sometimes, he longs for the good old days when he was the only umma for Scott. Sharing Scott's love with ten other ummas gets way too taxing. Koalas @Koalas "when"This former Oblivion 2 professional can now be found sitting on her prized event chairs in CH5FM. Her self-proclaimed inactivity is due to her rigorous school schedule, yet you can always find her procrastinating online or on Discord for hours upon end. Her love for all things Cash Shop is apparent when you see her change her outfit 5 times within the hour. Even though many will say that Wen is a great listener and advice giver, I can assure you they're all lying to make her feel better. (((definitely not written by Carlos XDXD))) Melanchorus @Shnang Sean Bright Like A Diamond Dubiously labelled as Sena, Sean constantly gets his name spelled wrong and sometimes even ends up being called Send instead due to autocorrect. He now resents responding to anything apart from Sean. He is commonly mistaken as a girl although he plays a guy character now. He also doesn't mind camming himself during group calls so people can watch him have his daily apple and his chubby cheeks. Cyndyy @Cyndy BANANA The Big Brother of Home, Cyndy, is a force to be reckoned with. She is basically the Internet personified. She spends her time helping people out and raging in Skype calls while playing TF2 any game really. Be prepared when you call her because you will be yelled at 98% of the time. She scuba dives to have laugh frequency battles with whales in her free time. She is also incredibly OP at match card games so look for her if you wanna rack your losses up. zebras @Penny ^_~ An energy ball of pure excitement and happiness, Penny is a one-man Skype call come to life. Literally, she says "literally" all the time, like, literally. She will tell you she's going to bed but watch her talk for the next five hours and end up not sleeping. Also brings all the boys to the yard - bartenders and randoms walking her to the bus alike. Lyrium @Lyrium CROLOS Probably the only Junior you'll see on regardless of what time it is. Carlos is so accommodating he covers all time zones with his awful sleeping schedule. Always up for any Smash or sports talk and also has a degree in 'Trash-talking Mel'. Don't be put off by how the other members describe him because he genuinely is a nice guy (on a good day when the weather is optimal and if you squint really hard because he's honestly a shithead). ((description obviously not written by Wen)) Tharivol @itsRay 87 Ray has a million characters lurking in FM just waiting to troll you and/or bait you with its cuteness (prime example: SolaBear). He is the proud owner of most rare event NX on this server and collector of many chairs. Senka @Celtea STOPPER Legend has it if you drop a Mana Elixir, you summon a Mel. Master of cheap-assness, Mel is on a level of her own when it comes to saving up and never spending any money. She has a character named 'Saltea' specifically meant to log onto for situations when she is too salty at someone else (normally Carlos) ((who are we kidding it's always Carlos)). She wins people's hearts with her squeals in calls and incoherent excited babble at receiving free potions. Unfortunately, she is already taken, so sorry, boys - can't compare yourselves to the Voodoos that get her heart stopping. Matteo @Matty sp4 lord Matty is our token Swede. He's the one you can rely on if you need good music recommendations. It's easy to find him usually in FM sitting on his Pimp Chair because "I afk in FM because my gear is shit, my gear is shit because I afk in FM", or in APQ, or just on Discord probably playing Salem or some other game. Also, if you have a spare Flower Crown just lying around Matty would love it for free, thanks. Youth @Stan udderly cute Stan's always there (and I mean always) to send very delicious-looking food snaps to you when you're hungry. Our resident World Cup Dodgeball enthusiast, Stan is aspiring to either be part of the team or replace the commentators, whichever he gets first. We are currently allied. Proud to present Station 87 with Radio, led by @Manny Spoiler: Past Alliances Proud to present Arcade with Pixel, led by @Jen. Proud to present Treehouse with Shade, led by @Whoriscope. Proud to present The Milky Way with Galaxy, led by @Bimmy. The current people running the house and keeping it under control (or so we think). From left to right: Cyndy (Cyndyy), Mel (Senka), Carlos (Lyrium), Sena (Melanchorus), Wen (Koalas), Ray (Tharivol), Stan (Youth), Kev (JaseyRae), Penny (zebras), Scott (ddong) & Matty (Matteo). Our former Jr. Leaders who have left the nest to pursue better things. From left to right: Marty (BIaze), Joey (Lemur), Bianca (xLyla), Rea (Recently), Hoonie (Deltira), Yiks (Yiks), Nathan (Answers) & Tiff (Mudcakes). Not including Calyn, Court & Julie. Flip the page for more pictures! * Please do note that we are currently quite full and we are only looking for active players as of now. * We have shifted from Skype to Discord for better uses! To join, you can fill in the application here: Layout design by @Koalas. All images used were from Bannedstory 4. Descriptions of Jr. Leaders were compiled with the power of Google Docs & impressive bullshitting skills. And thanks to you, for tolerating the cheesiness in our guild thread.
Updated guild thread with new juniors and application! And also, after making more spaces, we will now be receiving applications! Credits to @Wenster for the new sexy thread.