Selling 72h after last uncontested bid after S/B has been met. Not in any rush to sell so no lowballers please. Feel free to point me to recent threads if the posted valuations are incorrect. Will update this thread as things sell/when I can be bothered to look through more of my characters kekw Accepting bcoins, CS/WS @ 500m, June tagged NX items, clean BWGs, clean FS, clean RoAs, 5+ att clean BFCs **not looking to trade for any finished gear sorry** 24 tma FKC S/B: 250m 26 int doroness (F) S/B: 150m Spoiler: sold 15 att SCG S/B: 750m C/O: 900m @FR06 12 att FS S/B: 8.5b C/O: 8.5b @Zancks 17 att BFC S/B: 17b C/O: 17b @MarsJS -1 perf dragon shiner bow - 7/144 DSB S/B: 24b A/W: 27b C/O: A/W'd 27b @EdgarD perf king cent - 21/119 KC S/B: 25b C/O: 25b @AngelsHalo 37 str/6 dex pioneer S/B: 1b C/O: 1.2b @AngelsHalo 26 str/7 dex neos top (M) S/B: 800m C/O: friendship 21/131 sky ski S/B: 10b C/O: 12b @brandonto 21 att SCG S/B: 20b C/O: 20b @johnm321 18/132 att stonetooth S/B: 3.5b C/O: sold to a friend 25 str 24 dex armis (F) S/B: 1.1b C/O: friendship 16 str/5 dex specs S/B: 15b C/O: 16b by @willekrona 23 tma shield S/B: 250m C/O: 250m by @Nerd Spoiler keep dreaming