Hi, i am Level 143 hero, looking for big foot duo party. I take about 12min to solo without apple currently, with apple it's about 9-10min. I am willing to apple for party if there's consistent spawn. Prefer to look for duo who are roughly my level or take about the same time to down bf so that we can benefit of each other. P.S: Soloing bigfoot gives me about 9.7mil without HS (currently, with the bonus event exp), and about 10mil+ with HS solo. However, duo + HS gives me about 9mil net exp, while cutting the time on downing big foot by nearly half, so if you are keen to train in big foot, it would definitely be better if you look for a duo, unless you are high level / able to down it very quickly
Due to bigfoot's weird knockback I don't think you will save much time by duoing it, you'll spend a lot of time having to re-pin it maybe. Maybe bringing a 105+ priest to give you hs.
i tried duo-before with a paladin. Knocked off the time from 12min to about 7min. Most of the time bf don’t get unpinned. But if it does, warrior can easily repin it. That’s my opinion it’s faster because of the HS bonus and it gives roughly the same exp (for me at least) regardless if I solo with his or duo with hs However regarding the 105+ lvl hs mule, can I ask why? Is it because the HS mule will be able to leech bf and give better hs bonus? Currently my hs mule is lvl81, do you know how much you will get if you have a hs mule that can leech? Thanks alot
Oh I was thinking in case you didn't have a HS mule you could "free leech" a priest at 105+. Winwin for both of you. You do get more exp by sharing rather than getting solo exp when HS'd.