Well so far I did everything on my bandit, my goal is to not use other chars while leveling it. I already have 2 quest speci medals on other char but getting them at lvl 120+ is ez just time consuming. Now with a low dmg char it is a bit more challenging for me
4th 200 NL was super fun and fast! ty next Special thanks to my close friends who give me motivation to keep logging to this game I appreciate and love you all (Including banned/quit ones of course!) Thanks to all my buddy list chatters, guilds and other friends I met and bossed with Cheers!
Two years have passed (HP wash one year) Finally my first lv200 character I really appreciated @DarkFalco helped me a looooooot, you are an OG bowmaster. @Moeyuki You've been a bosom friend of the apq and boss for two years, you always do crazy behaviors that surprise me. Thank you all buddy and BFF even though some are unable to come or are under ban, I still won't forget yours. m(_ _)m My goals has not been achieved despite the lv200. I will continue to accomplish my perfect goal two years ago. Perfect HP (30k) and 10k range Spoiler: LV200 Party poster Spoiler: Ayase Peekaboo
Probably a minor achievement for the average player here, but I finally made my 3rd job advancement! Never reached this point in original Maplestory, took me about 4 months in Royals. No idea what to do now, I never expected to get this far...
A short and chaotic (literally) story: After a break of 2 months and accumulating 300k nx from voting I decided to return back and gacha! Unfortunately I got only 1 chaos and decided to scroll a 5\4 bfc I had in my inventory. Scrolled and it went up by +3att to 8\3. After that my Chaos Rush kicked in and I decided to sell all the stuff I had accumulated on my mules to fund my chaos spree. After selling lots of stuff and getting 3 more chaos scrolls I managed to scroll this cape: After the great scrolling success, my chaos rush did not quenched and I decided to chaos Facestompers, something that I have never tried before. To fund this I sold my old 13att PGC for 4.5b and embarked on a new chaotic adventure. After 2 FS that went straight to zero attack after the first scroll the third one was the charm: After another great success my chaos rush STILL did not calm down and I decided to chaos my freshly acquired Rudolph's Shiny Nose! Sold my old 8ATT FS for 2.5b, bought the chaos scrolls and the results are as follows: A complete DISASTER. This is when my chaos rush has finally left my body and now I am strapped for cash once again (but with additional 7 attack ^^) See you next time on my next (hopefully not) chaos rush!
A bit late in posting but I did not want to post this until I completely returned any debt I owed. 9months into this server, made amazing friends and have so many people to thank for this. To name off the top of my head, XiaoAmazon for being my first friend on this server. NekoYen and PicoPickle for loaning me the mesos to a/w this bow. Springday for giving me your gacha stuff (NLC + Kerning) you were too lazy to sell. They add up. Sorry I boomed ur EP kekw. Raffinato for donating your entire cwk bonus loots to me every week for free. DarkShades for loaning me CS/WS whenever I saw a good deal but was short on funds to merch. Hero4iife aka JamL for merching with me ever since I joined this server, loaning me mesos or donating apples to me whenever I asked. Marcille, NoSnad for the free advice and Kerning Failed Gacha loots. My boss squad Summersby, Katsurexx, EddyWoof, MengQian, SellOutIsMe for carrying this fm hoe bm to bosses. My APQ squad, omg theres so many of you. GhostBishop, Knoxz, HaniMyBae, Momodes, Michie, PicoPickle, Takikun, xMDMA, CheezyX, JustPat for always letting me join your apq runs. DeadCooL and Barms for loaning me int gear for my mule and helping me complete the entire Ellin Prequest just 5minutes after you met me. Will never understand your level of kindness. Suuzy/Cuccy for letting me merch off you everytime in exchange for fm spots. Carrying me at papulatus, krex, loaning me hp gear for my first ever zak helm, dooring me to Ellin bosses daily. Alate for exhanging CS/WS with me whenever I wanted. Bucdaddy for the free timeleaps/echos/merching talks. HeroSpenz for always camping fm rm2 and giving me a spot when I was busy with work irl. IshidaQuincy for loaning me your 145DSB and BM OA to test range and gacha scrolls for free. Eraz, XuanFeng, JamBong, NutleafCity, Eigenspaces, Blinscot, GxFrozewolf, Lille, XinPin, xKlaire, Zancks, Xanor, Lupan, VunizgeHond, BabySair, Boostz, Raelilblack, ChampionDeox for all the misc help and putting up with my shit. Savior Guild for accepting me as a lvl 85 scrub and providing me with a home. (Free HTP and Scar btw) You guys are never ever getting rid of me. (inb4 kick) Im sorry if I missed out any, theres just so many good people that has helped me throughout my time on this server. I'd never forget all the help you guys gave me. First ever big ticket item I bought on this server that made me feel progression in my merching. Cant wait to let apq balrog get fucked by this bow. Oh and I bought a car irl too but thats non-pixels so no one cares.
managed to get a bunch of christmas presents before going off for the holidays i got this with all these boxes , annnnnd Thanks Royals!
Finally completed Monster Book!!! Thanks @Becca Many people to thank, but today especially the people who helped me in Ergoth! @bibz @Rielle and @nutleafcity in the GPQ we went to today and no card dropped And for the Zeliek, Shankx, mimizaii and 594ibiggg from the Noobsters guild who helped to finish Spoiler: Last Card
happy new years was inspired to chaos my buccs ring cause @bibz was talking about washing out her own bucc Spoiler 8/5 > 11/8 > 15/10 Spoiler: slot 1 Spoiler: slot 2
Total opened 4473 xmas boxes on 2 mages here is what i got: 1.006.500.000 meso 439.900 NX And : lollipop x125 - cheese x26 - peppermint x51 - gelt x20 Thank you Next
got outshadowed by johnny real quick but wanted to post my 20k milestone https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/GdJZvzP/HP.png
?!?! Crafted 16 DSCs today and 1/16 of it turn godly!! BIG SURPRISE TO ME!! BIG SHOUTOUT TO @Gotchufom for selling me dem mithril plates, knuckler sitmulator and picking channel for me to craft!! CH19 TODAY!! Spoiler: before it happened *buys mithril plates and stimulator from @Gotchufom moneydrainer’s store* moneydrainer: Marcus, crafting DSC? SpringDay: yes using some skins i farmed from leviathan canyon to craft moneydrainer: *goes on tell me about his friend crafted a 88 DSC few days ago* moneydrainer: how many u crafting? 40? SpringDay: 16 ONLY *laughs embarrassingly* COME PICK CHNL FOR ME! moneydrainer: *picks ch19 and goes on to tell me how unlucky he has been lately bla bla bla* SpringDay: be glad I picked You, so I can give you credits IF 88 DSC comes out SpringDay: *CC TO CHANNEL 19 MAKES WAY TO LEAFRE AND CRAFTS 16 DSC* 1/16 godly and that one godly stat knuckle turns out to be perfect 88WA!!
Got this today ! Doing quests is pretty fun! Thanks @Gwaihir for motivating me to do this and helping me a lot.