During Dojo runs it is not possible to ride a mount, meaning for classes without any mobility skill (flash jump, recoil shot, teleport) the max speed is 140%. It is basically a necessity to be at full speed when doing dojo runs because of how much time you spend walking. Especially when you are in a party with a player who has mobility skills (mostly NLs because of dealing damage whilst moving at high speed), the other players will mostly only be walking the floors instead of attacking, because of how much longer it actually takes to walk. My suggestion is to allow riding of mounts inside every floor of Dojo, to make the difference of classes with mobility skills and classes without mobility skills smaller. I think it will make more people engage in doing Dojo as well as it being a very much needed quality of life.
Agreed. I think it's also important to note that Revisiting the nerf to dojo was tagged as "In Discussion", and this change has been mentioned in there. There's also the Very Small Dojo Adjustment asking for us to be able to use potions in the resting stages. Has the staff discussed these particular changes to Dojo? I don't see a reason why they shouldn't be implemented next update.
Oh sorry I looked for threads on this topic beforehand but didn't see this one. It seems weird to me that a staff member has not posted their thoughts on suggestions in the thread you sent. Would be appreciated if the staff discusses it anyway and share their thought, all be it on that thread instead of here. Especially because that thread dates from early 2020.
Your assumption is that everyone always has 140 speed constant, which is wrong. Also the difference between 140 speed and 170 speed is actually huge, not even considering 190 speed from lvl 200 mount. I am not sure what calculations you performed to come out on going 2 seconds faster with a 30% speed increase on a dojo run which, lets says, takes 10 minutes, on 140% speed, of which 7 minutes you would be walking. In that hypothetical scenario you would scrape off over a minute in each run, and that's the MINIMUM, in case people have constant 140% speed. Meaning if you need to do 12 runs to cap points, a daily run would take already around 15 minutes less. A lot more appealing right? Also you point out that everyone needs to “don’t attack and just walk”, but that just describes the problem I am trying to get rid of by implementing this idea. Do you think that when this content was originally designed, it was made for Night Lords to clear floor 1 to 32 on their own, and the rest of the party should just catch up? That seems very unlikely to me. Your argument of "not everyone has a mount" does not hold any value to me whether to implement idea this or not. Can you please elaborate why people not having mounts would be a good reason to not implement mounts being allowed during Dojo runs? To me it just means another good reason to get a mount.
If the party contains a NL, this assumption is not wrong as long as they remember to cast Haste. It still is a pretty massive difference between 170% and 140% though. I don't think this person is arguing that mounts should not be allowed in dojo, but I guess they're just underestimating the difference it would make.
Hope I cleared the underestimation up with the scenario I described in my previous comment, especially in the case that a party does not have haste
Or buff the points gain so that we don't have to mindlessly play the walking simulator. I do agree with the mount idea. For warriors, archers, buccaneers, dojo is a walking simulator.
@bibz sent a list of all bosses map and included all dojo maps, maybe this thread will be moved to accepted too. Spoiler: Bibz our savior :0
We discussed this before and we decided to revamp dojo along with other feedback at once in the future, so dojo will not be changed at this moment