THIS PROJECT IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE OFFICIAL MAPLEROYALS STAFF IN ANY WAY. PLEASE DO NOT GO TO THEM FOR INFORMATION REGARDING MY BOT Hi everyone! I have been developing a discord bot for my guild for quite some time now. In light of the official Royals discord being shut down, I've decided to develop a bot that everyone can now use! The bot is currently a work-in-progress, but I will be showing some of its current features below. ~ Due to complications on Discord's Verification process and discontinuation of api updates, I cannot guarantee this bot will survive after April 2022 unless I can convert the code under a new api. Shouldn't be too hard but I am only one person working on this and am about to start my new job . ~ Also due to those complications, this bot may be limited to up to 100 servers max before I have to take extra steps on verification. For this reason, I ask anyone to add this bot to their more populated servers only, such as your Guild discord or one you share with a group of your friends. Of course feel free to try it out on a private server before kicking it and introducing it to your main servers. ~ This is NOT an official bot developed by the server's admins in any way. I'm regular player just like most! For now, I take full responsibility and control over this bot. So without further ado.. Presenting BMU! Short for Blue Mushie, and a close relative to Adventure Time's BMO. BMU serves to be your blue mushroom companion while you play your favorite mushroom game. BMU aims to make your mushroom game a bit easier with its QoL tools and quick links to popular guides and reference sheets that you don't have to google all the time for. You can type "~help" first to see a list of available commands and their descriptions. With a reference on all the mobs in MapleRoyals (thanks to @Shanmango ), BMU can give you a quick summary of the mob's Level, HP, Weaknesses, and even drops! You can pull up a list of all the mobs in the database and can even navigate through with the arrow reactions. To pull up information on the mob, just simply send ~whatis [mob name]. BMU will do the rest! Spoiler: Extra information on the database For some mobs, I've decided to change their names a bit to make it more user friendly. Also Nexon thought it was a good idea to make different mobs of the same name (i.e. Freezer (Aquaroad) and Freezer (CBD) became FreezerAQUA and FreezerCBD, respectively) Reindeer (mu lung) > ReindeerML Reindeer (LHC) > ReindeerLHC Wulin Yaoseng (clone) > Wulin Yaoseng Clone Zakum3 > Zakum "~whatis list" will display the exact names to lookup in the modified database. With this feature, we also have a ~whatdrops command that will return all the mobs that drop the given item. The item name must be exactly how it appears in game (case insensitive) with the exception of some: I modified the mastery books so that you do not need to type [mastery book] when you are searching for a certain book. Spoiler: Demo BMU also provides a cheat sheet for various pqs so that you don't have to search around for that one screenshot all the time. For you paladin enthusiasts out there, BMU has a lot in store for you. Ever gotten that itch to chaos scroll but afraid you'll lose everything? BMU will simulate a chaos scroll for you! Spoiler: Demo Like a similar bot out there, BMU can help calculate your HP wash for you! BMU even includes a little tidbit for rogues that would want to wash with Fresh AP as well. * Make sure you are inputting your total MP WITHOUT any equips in order to properly determine your extra mp available. Ever wondered what your damage range would be on your next upgrade? Just punch in some numbers in BMU's attack range calculator. * This calculator assumes you have all your masteries trained up for the weapon And there's much more to come! In order to have BMU added to your server, please follow this link in the spoiler below: Spoiler: Discord Bot Link Only admins or members with the appropriate privileges in their server can add BMU. Again, I'm currently limited to how many servers BMU can join. Please refrain from keeping it to your own personal server and free up space for BMU to help in more populated servers in the meantime . This is the ONLY location for links I currently have, any other link may be from a different source and could have malicious intent. Also note that BMU's client id in the link below is [client_id=922723063911555102]. Any other client id is from a different bot, even if it looks similar to my BMU. Do make note of that if you ever grab the link from somewhere/someone else. Please also make sure that BMU is requesting only the following permissions: Edit: This is a link to add BMU 2 in-case BMU is at maximum capacity. It's identical to the original bot. Hoping this initial launch is successful because I've never tested my bots in more than a couple servers at once . Please comment below or you can pm me if you have any questions/suggestions to help improve on my bot. Again I'm currently the only one working on the source code for BMU, so I may take some time to address some of your concerns. If you find that any of the information given by BMU is inaccurate, please let me know so I can make the necessary changes. For any major updates on BMU, I'll be sharing them on this thread. Thank you everyone and happy holidays to you all! FAQDoes BMU store any of my personal data? BMU does not store any user information (including messages) after its action has completed execution, that is, when the output has been displayed. BMU only reads a message if it needs it to fulfill a calculation (e.g. playing the ~maple game), afterwards, it will forget any of the messages it read and nothing is stored. How do I see a list of all the commands? - type ~help in any of the discord chats that BMU can access Why can't I get BMU to respond to commands? - Make sure each of your commands are lead by a tilde (~) symbol and has no leading/trailing spaces after it. Ex. "~help". Some commands may accept multiple parameters separated by a space. Why can't I get BMU to join my server? - BMU might have reached its 100 server quota and I'll have to conduct extra verification and major updates to increase the quota. Does this work for other languages? - Unfortunately the commands are native to English only. Why does it show BMU is offline? - There is a good chance that BMU is off for a quick maintenance for any updates or debugging I am working on. Usually it's a quick restart of the bot that I am doing to upload any changes I made to it. I will be commenting on this post if I plan to take the bot down for a time period longer than a few hours. For the most part, BMU is operating on my personal virtual machine and should be online 24/7! Please let me know if any issues are coming up. What coding language was this done in? - BMU was coded entirely in Python using has been discontinued and I am currently looking for alternatives to remake BMU in the future. How can I contribute to this project? - I am very open to any questions or suggestions to make the bot better. If you have any ideas for features that you would like to see added to the bot, please feel free to comment below or send me a conversation. I may or may not accept your suggestion if I find it inappropriate for BMU to handle. Can BMU pay my taxes? - I wish it could Spoiler: Credits To all my friends in Wiggle for helping me test my bots and suggesting changes/additions to make it better! @Doo for providing many sources and data to use as reference. Thank you for testing and breaking my bot when you had the chance @bibz @Johnny @xcandyheart @Comediante for helping me with finding mob information with your monster card collection. I couldn't have done it without you!
December 28, 2021 Added a couple new commands A splits calculator to quickly calculate how much to pay members of your party when an item sells. ~splits <total mesos before tax> <igns separated by a space> This command can also account for partial splits as long as you put the % in parentheses next to the ign. This WON'T be accurate if multiple recipients are receiving a partial split. I'm too small brain to do the math for it right now . Can see the demo below for clarification. For you dummy scrolling believers/non-believers, do give ~dummy [# of scrolls] a try! Let me know if anything is unclear!
January 2, 2021 Happy new year everyone! I’m aware BMU’s having stability issues and was expecting it since I never tested on so many servers . Issues will likely occur for a few days until I return home from my trip. Have disabled “~whatis list” for now as it might be a reason behind it. Sorry everyone! Hoping to come back and get much more done on BMU soon!
January 3, 2021 All seems stable now from my end! Re-enabled everything. Added some limits on certain commands to reduce overloading BMU and causing it to shut down. Having a look into other features requested, but for now please enjoy some boba!
January 5, 2021 Improved on ~whatis command by also providing the mob's notable location(s). Almost all locations were referenced from Becca's amazing monster book guide! Hopefully this is useful for those who are card hunting. Please let me know if any maps you find are inaccurate. I grew tired of copy-pasting 400+ locations so might have messed up on some Added: ~noodle [user] ~slap [user] Enjoy!
January 12, 2022 Have to take time to take care of personal things for a little while . A minor fix to ~attrange for the 2h sword formula. Will be adding additional information to that feature next! Also note for claws, bows, crossbows, and guns to also include the +ATT from your missiles (i.e. if you are throwing Balanced Furies, add +30 to your weapon attack addition) ~attrange [weapon] [str] [dex] [int] [luk] [total weapon attack from equips and missiles (if applicable)] "~help attrange" for additional information Any other features you would like to see (regarding QoL features or just something fun to add) please let me know!
ALWAYS A BIG FAN OF RIELLE!!!!! You're so awesomeThank you friend, for all your hard work and dedication in order to make this mushie game more fun for folks with less headaches. Make sure you take time for yourself too~
February 1, 2022 Happy new year! Still busy to brainstorm features myself. Added: ~priceguide Displays link to Price Guide by @onetwotree Roadmap: > Improve on ~attrange > Add directory for all guides similar to this one Also note I'm working with someone to convert BMU onto a JavaScript API that will be more up-to-date and to keep BMU alive. She's carrying me throughout the way to get it launched on time
February 15, 2022 Thank you to everyone using my bot . Please let me know if you have any suggestions. These two have been added by request. Normally I will try and prioritize any tools that are actually requested over what I have planned. ~kpqguide ~thirdjobguide
March 4, 2022 It's already March Improved on the opq guide. I haven't tested extensively if BMU gets the cd color right. Sorry if it gets it wrong! Added: ~roll [number] Rolls a dice given the number of sides (ex. "~roll 20" to roll a d20) ~coinflip Flips a 2 sided coin (Heads or Tails)
March 17, 2022 Happy St. Patrick's Day! Added: ~directory displays a directory of popular guides and references If you have a guide you would like me to add, feel free to let me know! Please also let me know if you notice any typos or inaccuracies. I hammered this out without checking yet.
April 1, 2022 Added an event and vote reminder! If you want BMU to message your server and alert for upcoming scheduled events (for now, we just have Egg PQ) you will need to make a text channel specifically called "bmu-alerts". You will also need to create a role called bmu-alerts to assign your members who are interested so that they can get mentioned and notified. You will only be mentioned/pinged if you have the role and the bmu-alerts text channel exist. BMU should also have permission to message that channel. There's an additional role as well for reminders to vote (BMU will send a vote reminder everyday at 12:00 and 23:00 servertime). Will be monitoring this a bit as I haven't tested it on many servers at once before. Text Channel Names bmu-alerts Role Names bmu-alerts bmu-vote-alerts You can message me if you're having issues setting this up for your server! Spoiler: Developer's Note There are better ways to automate this, but would require extra permissions for BMU (ability to create channels, roles, etc.). I prefer not to force servers to accept these permissions. For now, this will work pretty well.