Guess I've been nostalgic all night tonight, I found this remembering how I'd stay up at night for shows like this. I grew up off the old anime blocks, and in comparison to the new adaptations I'm astounded at how much things have changed. I'm not sure if this will appeal to more than the kids born 1992-1995, but man it hit me hard. Feel free to post anything that gives you that nostalgia if you watched Toonami or Adult Swim during it's early anime years, or if you've kept up with Toonami i'm sure you've heard of both it's revival in 2012, as well as it's recent decline(losing half it's late night block.) feel free to post your thoughts on anything related. Those who have only seen FMA Brotherhood tend to not like the original, but I liked the grit/darkness of the original series as well as the movie connected to it. Hope there are others who feel the same way I do in retrospect of how these affected our lives growing up.
When I was growing up, there was this late night anime program block called Bionix that aired on weekend night. I used to watch it all the time because I found their shows to be better than regular cartoons. Deeper plots, better animations, slicker art styles, memorable theme songs, attachable characters, from Dragon Ball Z to Inuyasha to Ghost in the Shell, everything was pure awesome. Although not from Bionix, my most fond memory from my childhood was this anime series called Slayers. Some of you might know it. :3 This is still one of my favorite anime to this very day.
I'm from early 2000's, so my anime might be a little older. Naruto, Bleach, Zatch Bell, Pokemon(Duh), DBZ, Yu-gi-oh(Duh), InuYasha, Death Note, MAR. This is off the top of my head and credits to
Come on now, we all know this is one. Also, mine was Naruto and Cardcaptor Sakura. Cardcaptor Sakura = ALL. Spoiler Enjoy Kero-chan eating cake and stuff.