Some of the quests remaining might have multiple parts, each of which will count towards the quest medal, maybe if you ss what you have left someone can check. Also some quests might show up after doing one or the other.
Going to do lost saddle quest, just a question, can I just drop the saddle to trigger the quest? (already had mane mount). just scared of dropping the saddle will lead to perm unmount
No idea, I dropped the saddle on a character that had never had a mount or done the quests for it. I haven't even finished the quest lol
finally done! not sure how many missable quests I have missed, but i skipped only the following: the 1000 bunnies the clock tower monster wipeout (couldn't get any timer egg wtf i killed over 30) neo tokyo questline from the battle against nibergen the outlaw in the sea (barely did any ppq) road to oblivion (the masks quest) law and order ix (the boss fight) defeat the great offender (toad is too high lvl for me now lol finding the ingredients for tae song (again ppq) thnx for the guide!
For the timer egg, you have to open other eggs to get it. So hunt other eggs, open them for the amount of timer eggs you need, then finish off the other eggs. I know, it's weird. Anyway, congrats! Always nice to see another virtuoso.
Finally, got my second Virtuoso today! The first one on my bishop was absolutely painful, as I had not prepared and missed many missable quests. However, thanks to this guide, the journey on my shad was much, much less painful. With this guide I legit had 824 quests completed before even setting foot in ariant+magatia. With 997 quests left, I dreaded having to do some other hard quests, but noticed that I hadn't done The Lost Letter which gave me exactly the last 3 quests I needed. Many thanks for this guide, which I have reference countless times and without it would not have been able to complete this journey as easily as I had. This guide, without a doubt, is the most valuable to me personally. To those coming after me, I cannot stress enough how valuable having a bishop with a summon and door is. Also, along your maple journey, save and hoard all the ores/etc. items you come across. By hoarding, I knocked out around 200-300 quests instantly and near effortlessly. I'd also like to extend my thanks to my friends at Ore Store @MaiAh and @Ravir. The ore store was a big help .
So.. after checking how many quests I have completed it seems that there's a huge total of 190 ! xD Any idea's where to begin? LOL 800 seems so far away, not to mention a whole 1k...
What I liked to do when working on my medals was go region by region as much as possible. So I'd try to do everything I could in Victoria Island (town by town), then Orbis, Ariant, Ludi, etc. Of course, some quests will send you across continents, but I found that doing the most I can in one area will force me to travel and complete things on my way to other locations. There is definitely an efficient way to quest, but the time you spend thinking about it is better spent just doing it. Also, don't get too intimidated by the 800 and 1000 quests. Some questlines will grant you multiple quests, which are just dialogue and nothing more. Whenever you're questing, I suggest you have this guide open, and perhaps just set a small goal for yourself. My goal was around 70 quests completed per day, but some times I would get 100! Best of luck to you
Thank you Inusama for such a neat guide and everyone else who contributed in this thread, especially on the replacement item quests (although I missed out 23 out of the 25 listed quests ) I never thought some of the quest items can be replaced, as I got mine in official MapleSEA server 10 years ago before BB around Level 78 without replacing any item. Aside from the EXP rate here, I feel that MapleSEA had more quests than GMS. I do not recall myself finished some of the quests beyond Level 75 back then. Quite nostalgic to be able to relive the quests Next goal: https://i./mGJdfK3/Maple0007.jpg
Lost perfume quest is confirmed After getting the perfume drop it and talk to Kenta again, he will give u the quest Come back to Leafre talk to Chief Tatamo and pay him 20m (including the first time u will need 40m/char) Go back Aquarium talk to Kenta again and complete the quest
I found a bugged relate to the quest [Fanzy the Amusing Cat] As u know u have to have at least 1 pet ON to trigger the quest but if that pet is Yellow chicken the quest will not appear in ur available box How to fix it : simply just put out the chicken and use another pet (any pet) , or put out the chicken if ur using 3 pets > the quest will appear (recomend having [Follow the lead] skill to maximize the reward(15closeness for 3 pets) ~~~~~ Also 1 more quest [Captain Lord Pirate] should be in the Hidden Quests too ( u have to have [Lord Pirate's travel diary] ETC in ur inventory to trigger the quest or Captain Hwang wont give u the quest) Almost lvl up and miss the quest since I keep tracking my available quest box so its should be clearly for ppl
A huge THANK YOU to @Inusama for creating this guide and everyone else that contribute to it. Would not have gotten the Quest Virtuoso Medal if not for this guide. This guide have been very helpful. Didn't knew there were so many hidden and missable quests. Thank to them, i can skip those annoying jump quests (i suck at those).
Hi, just to check if this quest allows replacement of quest item? https://i./ZVyJHpr/123.png I got the Pilot's Letter but has not handed in to Kay. Wondering why is it under replacement item category.
Thank you for confirmation. Trying not to miss another replacement item quest this time Once again, good guide and thank you for your effort as well as community's contributions
hi @Inusama i found a hidden quest, it is an event hidden quest, so if you couldn't get it this year, you can still get it next year, because event quests are repeatable each year during their season, the quest is santa's little helper, when santa gives his sack of presents, drop it, a new quest will appear, called santa's lost sack of presents, this is an event hidden quest, therefore if you did not get it this year, you can still get it in next year's December event