This is how I play MapleRoyals in a bigger window size (Windows 10) Note: This may affect the window size of other games Alternative to resize with 3rd party software: Please do feel free to share the alternatives you use to resize MapleRoyals client My screen resolution is 1920 x 1080 Sample Previews For 800 x 600 Spoiler: 100% Spoiler: 125% Spoiler: 150% Sample Previews For 1024 x 768 Spoiler: 100% Spoiler: 125% Spoiler: 150% Spoiler: Full text instructions for the more techy people Step 1: Right-click Desktop > Display settings Step 2: Display > Scale and layout, select the % you want, example 125% Step 3: MapleRoyals folder > right-click MapleRoyals.EXE Step 4: Select Properties Step 5: Select Compatibility Step 6: Select Change high DPI settings Step 7: Scaling perform by: - Select System Note: Tick Program DPI & Override high DPI scaling behavior if Step 7 didn't work Spoiler: Instructions with images for a clearer guide Step 1: Right-click Desktop > Display settings Step 2: Display > Scale and layout, select the % you want, example 125% Step 3: MapleRoyals folder > right-click MapleRoyals.EXE Step 4: Select Properties Step 5: Select Compatibility Step 6: Select Change high DPI settings Step 7: Scaling perform by: - Select System Note: Tick Program DPI & Override high DPI scaling behavior if Step 7 didn't work New issue (since patch 88): screen would be permanently smaller screen (scale of 100%) Solution: re-name the Royals folder to anything else such as MapleRoyalsv2 or MapleRoyalss Spoiler: Another solution with Registry Editor (not recommended for newbies) Note: please be very careful when using [Registry Editor] for any kind of edits Using [Registry Editor] and head to [Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers] and change the value of "DWM8And16BitMitigation HIGHDPIAWARE" to "DWM8And16BitMitigation" Credits:高分屏窗口大小异常解决方法.236300/
It works for me windows 10 pro 64 bit, dun even need tick program dpi. Btw is there any diffrent between override or without override?
Basically the last step is to make the client size scale with the % ratio selected Mine is scaled to 125% I have tried not including the last step, but my client won't increase in size without it
Not too sure about your inquiry Are you asking if it's possible to downsize the client with this method?
Have updated the images of 800 x 600 along with 1024 x 768 Was really lazy to upload 1024 x 768 ones but a few players told me they wanna see how it looks like
I found this program that seems to work for me I just apply my own settings and trigger it trying to find the right window size for multiple screens. I hope this helps some of you because resize enable doesn't seem to work for me. 2nd option I found from someone else lets you resize the window from the bar! 0- right click run as administrator 1-Click New Rule 2-Have maple royals running then, click under window>window tile> mapleroyals 3-You can either do full screen mode for a window or set your specific size. I trigger it manually. If the window isn't the right size I just use alt enter twice to get back to the original maple window mode. I wish I could be able to just drag and adjust the window size! Any solutions?
Oh my god, thanks for that information; Now I can farm my stoopers with ease; thank you thank you thank you ; Welcome, you are one more pro for me! you have my respect!