https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/x5fcYf4/crazy-noob.png 1. IGN: (coffeethief) 2. REASON: (quit lhc party halfway on purpose) 3. DETAILS: (dude has been whining throughout the run over fighting of lhc mobs over how his method is the best and etc but the rest of us whom are matured just ignore him whining and was fighting lhc mob. dude then rage quit 40mins into the run on purpose in an attempt to ruin our training and show childish he can be. creating awareness for all recruiting lhc run in future
Late for topic but this reads off as "sorry that you got insulted for my normal actions" and i just find it hilarious
1. IGN: (OtakuDn) 2. REASON: (Stealing fm spot) 3. DETAILS: While I'm reopening my store, he came (FJ) and steal my spot.
Hi mate, I'm not sure spot stealing is blacklistable (anyone please clarify this) or not but I'm sick of this kind of player who steal your spot while you're typing shop name.
you can't really own a spot per say, its yours as long as your store is open, once u close it, it becomes no ones. next time be more careful when u reset ur store, prepare the title for ur shop and copy paste it, also its more effective to reset store with 2 clients
Yup, I do understand. That why I said I'm sick with this kind of person. Yes, normally I do copy paste but somehow it did not works (I might copy other stuff as when I paste it, it return 0) and I try to write it manually again.
thank you for the insight. I think it's irrelevant here for botting as I mentioned in my earlier post, he is FJ and grab the spot quicker than me like 1-2 seconds as my copy-paste is not giving me the expected result and I went to manual typing.
Not your, the guy who apologized to u. Ie, sorry that you misunderstood my comment instead of sorry if i came out wrong. This way the apology shifts the blame to u
It is different when your spot gets botted, which in that case. if you report its a bannable offense. Other than that fm spots are all fair game, sorry about your spot
1. MOMODES 2. Scammer 3. This guy makes up his own rules whether or not you are entitled to your split - Split from Miracle Scroll Just an update a person from Rogue contacted me and cleared MOMODES debt. Appreciate it Rogue!
Party members: 1. DrMoon as a Hero. 2. Nezek as a Bishop. 3. KohiNoor as a Night Lord. 4. BuCCShuai as a Buccaneer. 5. StartDrinkin as a Bow Master. 6. CRinfinity as a Paladin. 1. IGN: KohiNoor. 2. REASON: Left after 1 ZakRun. 3. DETAILS: Well, he was really helpful at the first run, nice dmg and everything. He didn't do something's unforgiveable although he left us in the middle of a Zak Runs. I won't lie here of course - he did say "Sry, I gotta go" and left the party immediately without any other explanation. *My party* and I decided to smega it out and I got few angry replies from players that if he said he's sorry and had to go - that is just fine; although 5-6min~ after he left the party (also - after I smega) he sent me a replay saying; "I said I have to go, DO NOT BE STUPID". *My party* and I felt like he could explain himself a bit better and act a bit nicer and... even maybe help us out with the Zakum Arms only (entire run took 12min). My party and I just felt really bad about it because no one wanted to join us after (for only 1 run). And.. He just stayed online and even wrote to me a msg. To be honest? I don't know if he deserves to be on blacklist, but he could be more well-mannered/polite and not telling us we're stupid. https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/PW2cSPy/Screenshot-10.jpg ~EDIT: BuCCShuai managed to contact me and explained himself, consider it solved~ 1. IGN: BuCCShuai. 2. REASON: Left after 1 ZakRun. 3. DETAILS: He agreed to join our 2 Zak Runs only if he drops EOF first and I can drop mine afterwards. I told him that is ok and I don't mind but after we killed Zak in 12.5 min (pretty nice isn't it?), and he just "vanished" without any explanation. no one in my party had any idea where and why he's gone. I got to admit, idk what went wrong with him - he was actually pretty nice person and everything was just fine.
to say sorry its ok but why to distroy a good run with buyers and west our time for no reason. if u have an plants so dont come for zakum !
IGN : Noobees Reason : Leech scam Details : Bought leech from him but at the last hour, he kept dcing and eventually never came back on after dcing with ~40min remaining of leech. Saw him in FM and mentioned it to him but he walked away LOL EDITED: A friend of the leecher kindly messaged me and gave me a compensation for the amount of minutes lost from the leech DC.
IGN: Hussie/Wannadg Reason: Stealing spots in FM Details: Not the first time this has happened to me but not sure if its the same person. A few days ago this person was under my 1-1 Door spot and stayed there for ages. As soon as i tried to reset my store he stole the spot. I know this isnt bannable but just want ppl to be aware. Not sure if they had a bot running for that but he was under my spot for AGES. 1-1 SPOT "Blehhhh" also noticed that both chars have 5-10 defames what a nice guy he is
Did you get in touch with them more after that? And do you have an uncropped screenshot? It's bannable if it's botting. If it ain't, no then it isn't bannable or blacklist worthy. If you believe it was botting and have some kind of evidence, make a report.
Hey man! Glad you were finally removed from the list. I apologize for even making the report anyhow, I let my emotions get the better of me, and had to reflect on how I handle things, as well. I hope that being on the blacklist didn't cause you any grief, and I hope that you have been doing well. I just returned to Royals a few days ago, would love to connect in-game and chat sometime!
1. IGN: BAAATMAN 2. REASON: Only running 1 Krex run 3. DETAILS: Joined a Krex party and in the middle of the first one, 'BAAATMAN' tells us that he can't run due to having a meeting, which is stupid cause you would think a guy who has "meetings" would atleast be able to organize his time and NOT boss when his "meeting" would take place minutes after the boss starts, so I decided to loot the ring that he wanted (bad move on my part, I'm aware of that) and then he whispers me and reveals that he does this on purpose, faking having "meetings" to escape having to go through the boss twice.