Hi. I'd like to suggest changing the way Glittering Altaire Earrings are crafted by either Remove the 100m cost. Remove the boom chance from stimulator. or 1. and 2. in some form (reduce cost, remove boom.) I've been running Ellin PQ for the last few days, and I've finally reached 20 fragments. However, my Altaire crafting attempt failed (10% chance to fail.) Admittedly, I'm very salty about this. Glittering Altaire Earrings require the following to be crafted in total: 20 Altaire Fragments (Time) 12 Chao's Tusk (10 + 2) 12 Ephenia's Soul Shard (10 + 2) 1 Star Rock 1 Moon Rock 1 Ellin Crystal 100,000,000 mesos A good run of Epq takes about 10 minutes, and can last as long as 15 (unlucky portal, hard to find members.) So, without accounting for all the extra bits of time (mainly organizing), the amount of time needed ranges from 200-300 minutes, i.e. 3 hours 20 minutes - 5 hours. Of course, it would be more around 4 hours. To be honest, I am not willing to spend this amount of time for each grind given a chance that my earrings will boom and given the 100m fee, leaving me with nothing (especially as a level 200.) Further, obtaining the earring is just the beginning, because you then have to scroll them as they are untradeable. One may also ask: Why roll the stats? Isn't it a good earring clean already? No, if you want a clean one, any sensible person would just wait to hoard maple earrings, or save up for a decent EP. Those extra 2 slots are not enough, in my opinion, to justify not rolling the stats. For example, if you 60% them, you'd expect about 4/7 to work, but you can wait for maple earrings (which are easily obtainable) for better odds in obtaining the earring you'd want. As far as untradeable csing goes, people are still aiming to cs maple earrings, not Ellin, from my anecdotal experience. I admit that it would be disingenuous of me if I don't mention that you can afk multiple characters in the PQ, and they will be warped to particular stages (for example, I use my shad for first 4 stages, then my paladin for the 5th.) So you can grind Ellin untradeables on multiple characters at once. In conclusion, I feel as though the requirements/grind for these earrings are unfair. Yes, they are the "best in slot" earrings currently (when they are godly), but to obtain them in that (and any) form requires disproportional effort. For example, the chance the item is godly is 1/10 given that it doesn't boom, and again, they are untradeable. Honestly, I feel the same about broken glasses still, but have yet to think about it. This thread is born out of pure salt. Spoiler: salt Thank you.
First of all, that sucks man better luck next time. I think one can generalize the argument that almost all PQ rewards need to be buffed in some way for them to be worthwhile. I do PQs from time to time just for fun, not for the rewards I get from them. Understandably, other options are much more attractive. Compared to grinding, which gives decent profit from equip and scroll drops on a 2x rate and 4x meso rate, PQ rewards are lackluster. I would maybe suggest reducing the number of PQ completions needed by half to obtain rewards. E.g. 10 altaire fragments to craft earring. The other issue is due to the wide availability of powerful equips, the PQ rewards are much less desirable. E.g. cheap spec goggles, zakum helmet make broken glasses and lord pirate hat useless. Those, along with Spiegelman's necklas and Horus' eye, were useful equips in official servers. I'd love to see a bump in the stats of PQ reward equips across the board.
elin crystal used to be almost 500m but also PQ was alive (eazy find people) now crystal is super cheap but PQ dead and almost super hard to organize i think the ear needs more buff for all the work it requires (something like atleast 500-1k HP/MP and 1/2stats as base then keep the RNG stats as bonus) EP(tradeable) + anniversary ear(super eazy to get untrade, last year the "coin" was tradeable that made it even better) are way too good alternative over mega rare 0.00000001% BiS ear chance also we need party search system and general PQ rework that will bring PQ's back to live not just EPQ i crafted 3 so far and 1 failed (that 10% seems to happen too often for what it is)
Dont forget the difficulty in actually finding a party makes it that much harder to grind for such equips
Maybe chances of a crafting failure when crafting with earrings stimulator can be reduced from 10% to 5% or even 3% to compensate for the difficulty of crafting these earrings in the first place (1:20 or 1: 33 ratios are way more attractive than 1:10).
Hi. Bumping this thread because recently me and my friends did epq 40times over the span of 1day+ Heres the results: Me: First earring (used earring str 60% x3, all 3 failed, didnt continue) Second earring (stimulator bombed) Xves: scrolling didnt go well for both either Darkshades: first earring :bombed Second earring: made a 15dex one. Considering the 6-7 hours spent on doing 40 epqs and the 250m approx spent, kinda sucks to get such results overall. All three of us are considered end game players or at least close to it. Imagine how difficult it will be for lvl100 players to do this pq. Not to mention the 100m cost for them. Please at least remove the 100m cost in making the glittering earrings. If we want to look at issues such as why pqs are dead, not a bad idea to look into the incentives provided.
my history of shining altaire earrings here: 1st - cs turned my 1/3/1/2 earring into 0/0/0/0 hp earring. tried 70% on remaining slot and it boomed 2nd - cs turned it again into 0000 shit 3rd - stimulator bomb after this im not doing epq anymore because i thought it is not worthwhile to do epq considering what I can do instead with this time I agree with @nutleafcity here; I thought altaire earring was a nice substitute option for EP, and expected that Royals may become more pq-oriented. However after some experience with epq and altaire ring, I started to realize that doing epq is so much pain in my butt. EPQ just turned into gateway pq for a 1wa ring, and I don't think this is what the GMs intended. Some revamp on epq would be nice
I can understand the boom, just like crafting weapons (my dagger boomed few times during stimulation, but thats tge risk i guess), But the 100M in addition to your failure? Thats just rubbing it in your face, The meterials are hard enough already, Removing the cost and keeping the risk is a balanced move that in my opinion can revive that pq for more people. Maybe you should add a poll? -Remove cost -Remove boom -Remove both -Leave everything the same
Note this thread was made about 1 month before I joined the staff team. I feel a bit more strongly about this now, especially since the rate at which an equip rolls as godly is actually 5% as noted in the September Staff Blog. This will be considered along with a bunch of other changes across PQs as a whole, so patience would be appreciated!
I think removing boom chance is reasonable. Theres already RNG to rolling better stats. I think having a chance of not getting anything at all for your time is a big deterrance for people to try out this PQ (myself included, I have never done EPQ because I can just use my time better by farming meso and buying a TRADEABLE EP)