I first joined Royals in November 2015 with the expectation that I’d just try out a private server for a few days during Thanksgiving break and forget about it. I just wanted to relive a little bit of my childhood nostalgia. Little did I know, this game would literally change my life. From the amazing people I met, to the countless memories I made, and to even having found love at one point through Royals. I can honestly say that some of the friends I’ve made on this server will truly be friends I have for life. But as much as I wish these moments could forever be frozen in time, all things must come to an end. People changed, the server changed, the world changed. Those who know me well know that I always kept coming back to the game no matter how many times I said I quit. There was always something pulling me back. Even as I write this now, I can’t say with certainty that I’m done for good. But the more I log on, the more empty I feel. For me, it feels like the Golden Era of Royals is over—nothing has felt the same for a very long time now. Maybe I need a break, maybe I need to quit forever. Either way, this server will forever have a place in my heart, as will the people and the memories. I could sit here and shout out all the people I appreciate on here, but that would be too long of a list. The one thing I can say to everyone I’ve become close with, thank you all for everything you’ve ever done for me. Please keep in touch I wish everyone else a Happy Mapling! Spoiler: For funsies Tell me your favorite/meme-est/funniest memory of us! I love the laughter and joy Maple has always given me, so I’d love to look back on some of these moments
This part of your post rings especially true for me. I also stopped playing this game quite a long time ago now(Obviously you know this LOL) and although it wasn't on purpose, it definitely lifted a weight off of my shoulders that I didn't even know was there. At some point I stopped logging in because I was having fun and was only logging in out of habit and I wish that I was able to see it sooner. I'm not even sure when that happened. I'm happier now that I don't play anymore because everything just takes too much time. This game is beyond time consuming. I don't condemn anyone for playing but am always immensely proud of anyone who can identify that they're not having a good time anymore and separate from playing - something I was never able to actively do myself. I think it was hilarious when I said your name before and you were like "Wow this is the first time you've said my name" LOL Also this: And this: When I tried to catch you unprepared and made you a Jr Master for 5 seconds Also this happened like 20 minutes ago: I hope all goes well in the future!
It has been a wild ride, I am glad I joined that HT party back in 2016 and happy you were apart of Oblivion when you came back after your initial hiatus from 2016! Spoiler: I love coconut harvest too! Spoiler: when we killed imperial guard with just steal LOL Spoiler: its not a good bye, its a see you soon
I remember the first time I met you in 2016 during the snowman event and I asked if you were single and we became best of friends since. I’m gonna miss being able to boss with you ( even though I died in hot once and we got a perf dsc and you were second guessing if I should get split or not……) I’ll end this off by saying. Are you single? Also I’ll still be waiting for that maple date you spoke of. ( Screenshot below)
I thought this day would never come. Thank fuck for that I can't find a single ss on my pc so no memories (who even are you?) I'm afraid. Text me whenever and please date @Derrxck