As everyone who tried farming this patch, I noticed red envelopes drop rate was nerfed this year once again. My sample size so far is small but from what i gathered: - Quad mage ULU1: 30-40 red envelopes per hour (compared to 100-120 per hour last year) - Duo mage ULU1: 15-18 red envelopes per hour (compared to 50-60 per hour last year) *Adjusting the numbers as I get more info We are looking at a major nerf here. But then we are told: If the nerf was not intentional, and is just a part of the many bugs with the new update - please figure out why it happened and fix it. If it was intentional - what is the reason behind it? I'd be very happy if everyone could use this thread to post their rates, preferably compared to what you got last year.
last year I did trio duku leech got around 68-73 env per hr, i think wish tickets 686 per hr(per colour) so around 2100 tickets for every ticket per hr, 1 map
I did a solo mage ulu 2 (leeching mules) and made 20 in an hour before I went to bed. As far as I know, and what we were told, there were no changes made to red envelopes besides adding in 1k and mages/dragon roar had this 50% nerf drop for the past year now on other farmable event drops. I'll do another hour or so later on today as I only had that one sample.
The drop rate is the same as last year, with exception for mobs killed with Blizzard, Genesis, Meteor Shower and Dragon Roar which receive a -50% drop rate penalty. The drop rate nerf to specific skills is intentional and is what we have been doing for event drops since May last year, this is intended to help level the hunting rates between classes.
50% from last year? Iirc last year already had a 50% nerfed drop rate(along with ulti-macro nerf) ... As everyone here I got an avrg of 20-25 envelopes per hour, meanwhile last year i managed to get 65-70..... Wich was kind of already a let down back then, nerfing by 50% again will mean a 75% overall nerf, wich is a bit exagerated IMO
Lunar new year event has always been the most exciting event of the year, I'll put this on the table incase you're still clueless. As of now, your playerbase is beyond demoralized. Throwing a nerf in the best event of the year at this state of the server alongside with everything thats happening is simply no go. This is sad. thats all about it. Let us look back before #65, probably the last CNY event that made everyone smile. My numbers. Akira's numbers. Yes, its strong, and soon after? global drop nerf ulu1 nerfed ulu2 nerfed duku DP1 + DP2 nerfed petri nerfed potions prices increased mage ult marco nerf Yup. nerfed. Quad ulu spawns are no longer as good. Potion spawns are crazy expensive to repot. What next? Red envelopes, x120/h in Ulu1 on almost perfect rotations, yes its halved. Hey, lets nerf it even more. Misc: Slightly lowered the droprate of Wish Tickets and Red Envelopes from: - Separated Yeti - Separated Pepe - Yeti and Pepe - Yeti Update 76? Yes, we're farming. but 15-18 per hour? are you joking? Here the feedback. Revert these nerfs, thief, warriors, archers, pirates are not farming classes. intended to help level the hunting rates between classes? Buff them, not nerf them. I'm already sick and tired of looking at the server we all love go into the sinks, seriously. Update 76 is a disappointment, jammed packed with bugs, and not "a update of the gods." Not yet at least. Revert the entire game to #75. fix all these problems and re-release the update #76 on a later date. Did you guys even bug test? To open the small client we literally have to edit the client files. what? It was all nice and cool when we can open a big & a small one. But this is just. Sheesh. Its okay to be late, the community is small, and seriously, we already accepted all the nonsense we had for awhile. Give your players something to really smile and be excited about, because the CNY event has the best potential out of every single one out there to get this job done. I wouldn't ask for a miracle to buff it back to 2020 rates. remove all the nerfs. Buff other classes if u guys want to. Firecrackers make them 1hit for god's sake, or just completely remove them. Side note. You know whats even funnier? even after ALL THESE NERFS in 2021 to sink mesos. Von Leon? edit : 55 RE average hexa yeti pepe.
Thank you for the feedback regarding the droprate and the suggestion to the firecracker mobs. Would appreciate some more feedback from others regarding the Lunar New Year event for us to consider making some changes. As for feedback about update 76, a lot of time was spent testing things, however it's impossible to catch everything especially when it comes to computer-specific issues. Needless to say we have fixed most issues already and plan to release a patch soon.
i think its very clear that this server intends for casual players and not for hardcore. so lets play casually! no dissapointment when u have no expections right :wink: We been telling my guild new players that CNY event is the best event and u should wait for it but this... ha..ha..
After farming for an hour, I genuinely think the hype for CNY is dead sadly. At the rate this is right now, the Christmas Presents are more rewarding than the REs are. The hours I was planning to dedicate for this event is no more because of how terrible the rates are compared to previous events...sad. I honestly just don't know what I can prepare for before an event arrives without fear of knowing what kind of insane nonsense nerfs come ahead without prior to us knowing. If these nerfs were to even make it to servers, at the bare minimum, can there be any headsup to it so I don't have to waste 1b on pots and time to prepare all the necessary chars for it? I am curious on the rates of others that take this game more casually (single mage farming, non-mage farming) and would like to see if they are satisfied with the rates this CNY compared to previous CNYs. I don't think it's any more satisfying for them after reading the previous post of only getting 4 envelopes after 40 mins of summon farming....but have to see what others say.
I think the community has been quite clear over the past two years on the stance on nerfs overall. I'm struggling to understand where the staff team is coming from with these continual nerfs as they do not benefit any of the playerbase, and are very demotivating. For new players who are excited to start their royals journey, they have continuously less ways to bridge the gap between their characters and the experienced/veteran playerbase. With meso farming methods and events continuously destroyed through ongoing nerfs, even the most engaged new players will lose motivation when they learn that have to put in 5-10x longer even with multiclient methods to generate the same wealth as before 2020. The increased potion costs and recharge costs hurt newer players more than it does to limit farming. For veterans, who have put in significant time, effort, and experimentation to optimize their farming set ups - this once again puts forward a message that the staff does not care about the most loyal playerbase. We are once again reducing the ability for players to keep up with inflated WS/CS/Miracle Scrolls (which have not dropped in price even though legitimate meso generating methods have been decimated repeatedly....)
I feel much more hyped for the Christmas Presents than the Red Packets tbh... Although I don't get a lot but it's much more easier to get compared to these Red Packets. I'm relatively new in the server but to see how the older players compare the new updates, I feel slightly demoralized to even continue the event I barely reach 30 Red Packets and I had friends from the older time told me that CNY event is the BEST OF THE BEST event. But now that I see it.... meh
I can understand nerfing certain classes to create a more playing field, yea that makes sense. But why punish those that CHOOSE to grind harder? If you’d like to play more casual...mazel tov. But this doesn’t make any sense. You WANT your playerbase to grind for every last bit. You will never do enough to please everyone. It’s literally impossible. Matt and his staff is still way above and beyond any other server. You guys are doing it the right way, fixing the important stuff first. But don’t fix it if aint broke.
https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/nLskTKG/image.png quad ulu sample: 1h 45m rate: 45.7 envelopes/hr | 3042 tickets/hr it's quite disappointing to hear the rates of this year's event compared to previous years' rates, but this is my first time being able to experience the additional rewards from farming that being said, I do agree with the majority of the farming community - players who are willing to put forth more effort should be able to experience the same rate of rewards as those who are just casually playing
Am I the only one that thinks that red envelopes were absolutely horrendous idea? Let's absolutely flood the market with meso and NX at obscene rates. It's no wonder they want to nerf it because they gave it too much to begin with. The nerf is much welcomed here as the market is already so saturated with scrolls and meso that things are dropping in price a ridiculous amount (exceptions WS/CS) This event is just going to further ruin the market especially so when combined with wish tickets.
I respect your opinion, and while it is (somewhat) true I think: 1. The positives of such event are much greater than the negatives. 2. The state of the free market right now is mainly caused by other, more concerning things that are not being dealt with for some reason.
What about boosting the overall envelopes drop rate by an additional 25% so mage ults and dragon roar would have a -25% less chance overall and every other skill have additional +25%? Seems to me like a good balance since only mages (and drk to some extent) can actually farm these envelopes and the rest of the jobs not so much to put it mildly.
But hackers don't use mage ults they use slash blasts and thunderbolts smh I do agree with what @Lowly said, and I personally think a nerf was needed as well. But Matt, if you were gonna nerf drop rates, you should have nerfed droprates for illegitimate players before doing anything to legitimate ones because it is so demoralising for us legitimate farmers.