I changed my main monitor to my 2nd monitor under display settings, and it worked perfectly. No idea why my main monitor stopped working after patching. I also did clean install, restart pc and stuff. 60/59.9hz on monitors (working fine on 60, now 59.9hz wont work)
I finally managed to launch the game client by changing windows resolution to 1024x768, if this can help anyone.
sooo thanks to matt, i was able to open up the client after changing my resolution to 1600x1000 and changing the refresh rate to 60 Hz !! seemed like it was the refresh rate, maybe anything other than 60Hz and the client wont open
After switching to 60 Hz per Matt's recommendation, my client will now launch--and immediately close.
what monitor settings are you on? I'm currently on 1920x1080 @ 60Hz but it is doing the same thing where it opens for a couple seconds and immediately closes (the game doesn't load up at all or anything or show any display on the screen, but just the task manager shows the program running for a couple seconds). Just curious so I can see if I can get it to work like you guys.
Same settings as you, im on 1920x1080 @ 60Hz. Before I was on 1920x1080 @74.973Hz. I made sure to reinstall the game into a different folder, disable any antivirus I had, and add MapleRoyals & MapleRoyals Folder to Exclusions, and after 1 try, it worked for me. No disconnection issues either.
So i was apparently on 59.64 Hz or something and then changed it to 60hz and now it opened up . Thank you so much. Sounds like to make sure your display settings are @ 60Hz and it works fine?
So now I'm getting the black screen of death thing that others are having. The client just turns black when I was fighting some mobs in Ghost ship 2 area. Happened twice within about 2-3 minutes of attacking. Anyone have a fix for this one yet?
I've literally tried every fix in the post, nothing worked, my situation is that I open Maple, shows up on task manager for like 2 seconds, then goes. the client won't even open even for a second...
Yeah, all I needed to do was to change it to 60Hz, and my game loaded up. I'm not sure about the black screen as I haven't experienced it yet, however I disconnected in a Zak run earlier along with others
Changing my monitors refresh rate from 75hz to 60hz helped my game launch. I was having the same issues as everyone else.
Well if your refresh rate it's at other than 60.000 Hz it does'nt work! even how many times you unistall the game. (Windows 10 Pro) Right click > Display settings > Advance display settings > Change refresh rate to 60.000 Hz.
So 60Hz = can load up game. Then what appears to be a fix tot he black screen dc issue is changing your resolution.ini file to HD=False instead of HD=True. I've been able to grind for a little over 10 minutes now with now DC. So seems to be better than before for sure.
This got me as far now as the login screen--I've heard the login screen music for the first time now in 3 days, at least. But after entering my PIC when it's time to connect to the server, the program immediately closes.