I am not a fan of this nerf especially with the current state of the market and server but have anyone tested the RE rates with other skills in the span of 30mins +? (Out of curiousity) Also, looking for new farming maps for mages and VL/PB
We can still get 40-50m mesos/hour from this event if quad mages. Isnt it already enough ? compared to other event.
Sorry, I just read pretty much 90% of all comments on this post, and I think overall, I think some people are ungrateful, honestly..... just think that we're just lucky to have this event in the first place. The GM's are working hard and some people just don't see that in them, most of you guys probably think they're just sitting around doing nothing.. but all you guys know that they are using their own PERSONAL time always trying to find or making the game experience better for you guys.... but there are just some things that just NEED to be balanced... [AKA MESO INFLATION, WHICH CAUSED EMS [EUROPE MAPLESTORY] TO DIE]. [not really the main reason, but hey ho] [BTW IT DOES COST A TONN TO RUN A MAPLESTORY PRIVATE SERVER THIS LARGE WITH BARELY ANY LAG] Anyways, that's just my opinion Lets all get on with our lives and just try to enjoy MapleRoyals the best we can !
If i can give my 2 cents I'm honestly new to MapleRoyals, i'm seeing a lot of stuff here and my opinion could probably be meet a lot of hate I personally dislike the idea of Duo/Triple/Quad(and so on) Mage farming, it just feels like a general toxic way of play the game and saying that ''That's how people choose to play it'' just seems like everyone echo-chambering to continue on this unhealthy way My personal thoughts on the event is that yeah, RE atm is a bit too low, it definitely feels flat in comparison to Christmas Boxes, especially considering that we could open them on the spot compared to going to an NPC to redeem, who knows maybe is for the health, personally i dont like it, but maybe there's stuff im not seeing Other classes other than Mages do deserve a buff for farming RE and wish tickets, if everyone concern was meso income to keep prices high and not drop of demand, i feel making mages farm more only benefits those who wanted so eagerly to multi-mage farm this event to the ground. ''Rich people get richer'' kind of way ''ArchMages are only good for farming'' yes farming items and exp and raw meso, not events Casual? Maybe i am, the event needs a buff, and a proper tuning, it is a tough task to pin how to properly balance it so non-mage hackers can't benefit from it without hurting everyone else, but there may be a way, who knows, im sadly no game developer to confirm or deny. I just don't like people comparing their multi-mage track records as if not making billions per hour is a con when it probably was never the intent. If you don't agree with me, ignore me or idk im not your mother, i won't reply if you try to argue, im just leaving it here Now im back to my hole like a filthy casual
As someone who sits afk in the fm 90% of the time, witnessing these drop rates is really demotivating. This is the one event I was looking forward to . 20 envelopes/hr for an average farmer with 2 mages is a joke. Not to mention I tried farming for 10 minutes on a single mage and got a single red envelope . This was the one event that anyone with a mage is able to make a good amount of mesos and nx and offers respite for the hundreds of hours of farming and bossing required otherwise to progress legitimately. This nerf only further concentrates the amount of farming done at ulu because that's the only map that generates a decent amount of mesos. Let's be real RE farmers aren't really going to be selling leech. At least RE farming in previous years offset that with the potential to accumulate NX and *some* extra mesos. Phrased that weirdly but basically at least I can get some decent NX, if not good mesos. All these people bashing multi-mage farmers as if these farmers aren't the ones who spent that amount of time building those characters so that they can maximize their gain as opposed to selling leech for longer periods to earn the same amount they can in fewer hours? Is it toxic because they have found more suitable methods to spend their time? I'm not one of those people but if that's how they want to play, at least it's legitimate and they're the ones who decided to put in their time to be able to do that. I'm not going to sit there for 6 hours daily for a month just so that I can buy some pixels. People are justifiably complaining because there are few if any new elements added to these events aside from changes that make no sense and take away from the appeal of these events as opposed to how they were in previous years. Spoiler: Peep my stats for last year's farming over the span of I'd say 2 weeks (mostly duo client at a non-ulu map) Let's say I averaged 60 RE/hr So I could have comfortably farmed for 2-3 hours a day At these rates we're seeing, the same amount of farming would result in around 840 RE... Idek how some of you complain that we're whining about these rates when you could be living the good good too, y'all just haven't lived the good life and are satisfied with these scraps
Personally, I think it's fine. I feel like the farming community complains too much. You're already farming with multiple mages and generating a lot of mesos. The same people who complain about hackers inflating the economy are the same that are duo/quad farming and wanting more envelopes.
Second try on afk farming in voodoo map. Spoiler: Start Spoiler: End I know this is stress free farming, but the drop rate is.... speechless. Xmas present is way better. *Edit to add this* I did not rest or away from my pc
It's not just people who are quad farming that are complaining. And even if, how can you blame them? They put effort to create high level mages and they spend a lot of time to help fund their attackers and stuff and they get punished for putting effort into this game and being dedicated etc....? Meanwhile hackers who are afk botting get 2x more RE than high level mages, while putting 0 effort? (since hackers use warriors/brawlers and use 1st job aoe skills to kill vacced mobs, and these skills are not nerfed when it comes to RE's drop rate) Nerfing mage's ultimates just makes hackers gain even more from this event in comparison to legit players.
Mages' job is to farming faster, reduce their farming is deny this job If the hunting rate is balanced between classes, then this is not a nostalgic maplestory
i think this change not realy nerf hacker ,cause those hacker who use mage farm most is Bot, they just change their script to other job they can walk around all map and attack mob as they set, and ppl like me just get a punishment, my NL 187 still weak and can't go neo boss even ht, my bs 192 no one will buy my leech, i just wanna hunt some Red Envelope for money(i only can play 1~1.5hr per day) , but now 1hr only 23 Envelope it so disappoint, i think after this change hacker and vote abuser all smile like a child, cause let many ppl try to buy a biy from their hacker ,and vote abuses just keep vote and get their cs ws from gacha Edit: maybe give us a 2hr coupon which need done a daily quest in event time, then in event time all world drop rate less 50%, different job can choice different quest may like kill some boss zak,papu,big butterfly, lady boss....,and mage need find Random ppl to pt and go in special map to do quest
i knew that either nerf or mule farming-limit has to come to keep the FM somewhat normal (especially right after christmas box that started to hard & OP that flood the market with meso and nx ) as we can see from MW20/GENE30/even TT30/CS/WS/10%scroll...prices raised as people got more meso to spend don't know why we still can't agree to farm with 1-2chars with good rates while fighting to catch perfect map rotation and gear to hit stronger mobs that will give more meso/exp over going crazy to buy PC's setups/upgrades to farm with naked mage mules at low lvl mobs but in other hand it seems like not much changed so far ,don't know why only focus on drop rate over general market-gameplay yes last year we had more RE in the market but price quickly drop to 400-500k compared to now where prices is at 1.5m quick sell + there are still wish tickets and EQP/ETC that comes normally edit PS: this is also very interesting point rip single mages main if there is still any left lol while in rush to ceasefire in the economy single main mages gets burned( can't pet loot from mobs finished by summon,can't macro ulti,nerfed drop rate from main skill,can't join boss you are not attacker...)
So if everyone spends a lot of their time hacking, or abusing a glitch, they also deserve to be considered /s If someone spends their time and money on a Ponzi scheme/getrichquick scheme they deserve to earn money back cuz they spend their time and money /s Just because people decided to spend time on playing a game on an unintended way, doesn't mean they deserve more respect/appreciation I'm sorry people wasted theirr time making 6 mages to abuse an event, just because last year someone else did The only people who have the right to complain are mono-mages (even they know that using Ult cant just make them that much compared to other classes) and every other non-mage main wanting to grind OH BUT QUAD MAGES ARE MAKING 60 INSTEAD OF 80 RED ENVELOPES Yeah but everyone else is making like 6-15 Put your ''effort'' somewhere else, you took a risk, it wasnt meant to work and it didnt work, so just move on, the event wasnt for you. ''Just becuase you're lazy doesn't mean we have to pay'' I'm sorry i didnt knew maplestory was a game where the goal was to make 4 mages and have 4 clients open. Why we got multiclienting? Filling with skill mules, buffing yourself, be a bit more independent if partying wasnt your thing, putting up a store on an alt, not have 10 clients all afk farming or multimaging
this is by far the most inaccurate message I’ve read on this thread. Playing the game on 10 mages is not more of an “unintended way” of playing royals than having a full mule-party by oneself to solo bosses. Either multi-clienting is allowed, or it is not. There are no “legit vs unlegit” ways of multiclienting. Given that it is being allowed, then yes, people who make multi mages should be rewarded to put in the effort to do something that is totally legit (unlike your first comment about hackers putting in effort, which has no place in this conversation as we all know hacking is not permitted). I do agree with your comments on mono-mages, the nerf is clearly unfair for them, but it is as much unfair to multi-mages since it is a way of playing the game that’s being allowed.
Single mage's perspective on the ultimates nerf as a whole: Ever since event drops have been nerfed for genesis (blizz,meteor), I've completely stopped using my bishop to farm them (unless the map is big, in which case I'd use genesis + dragon summon on a platform to even out the spawn.) I found it much quicker to just use my shad to farm mobs if needed. I did not make my bishop to sell leech. I made my bishop because I like support classes, versatility, and I like to farm, however knowing I'm being gimped by a decreased droprate for my genesis during events is just disheartening, and stops me altogether from farming or participating. As a noob events were great because I could decimate zombies with heal and reap the benefits. Maybe I should just do that now and see how it is, since I don't even need pots there. One can say I'm a bishop, so at least I can go bossing. I can't imagine how I/L and F/P feel. Lastly, the above resonates the most with me.
Please don't make this thread a multiclient discussion, the examples I gave myself were of multi mage farm because that's just what I personally do. This is about the nerf itself - which obviously hurts single mage users aswell, discussing other things on this thread just makes it a mess (which it sadly already is), so please try to keep it clean.