Mine first legend! So interesting and PAIN THx so many friends can't reach here without u guys help! @Minascat @xcandyheart @CindyTsai @Daisies @Johnny @bibz @nicky @Officially @jaydenlim @Snay @DarkFalco @KenE @^-^ @x3heybee @Rielle @midwinter @SuchFineEyes @Taehyunn @Kloss @Barte @Shnang @nutleafcity @Kloss @TBK @appleflyer @Donn1e @boredxz and many if I missed.. Thx @chenming @Becca for amazing guide! Spoiler: link https://royals.ms/forum/threads/monster-book-guide.137657/
HP washing with Quest Specialist Virtuoso medal now https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/Bt3fNzc/Quest-Virtuoso.jpg
Crafted 12 dsc today.One of them turn godly!!!! thanks to @Gotchufom for sold me knuckler sitmulator go ch1 fm1 shootdarts's shop and buy mithril plates, knuckler sitmulator THEN GET UR GODLY DSC
Spoiler: Christmas Snow Fur Lump +10 This luck may have come from being destroyed at +1 last year Spoiler: 400 Set Monster Card Monster Book Guide provides great help thanks! Thanks to all the people who helped me collect monster cards! From events Drop Buffs make it easier for me to get Spoiler: Double Red Sock Btw 1.6Bx2 Sold! Spoiler: BS Wash To 10K(With Equipment) Thanks to Jooon for the bs guide
Third Virtuoso (Bishop Shad Pala), painless thanks to @Inusama 's guide! Probably the last quest medal I'll grind. Thanks @CindyTsai for doing some quest together/giving me some etc and @Jen123 for giving me extra etc. And everyone give a hand to pro @wooa for completing chad Legendary Collector. Thanks @Jinium for always being there (and being the best, cutest pet.)
Rip 1000 hours..... before i accidentally closed the wrong client i had about 780 hours on that client.... i was only a little more than a week to reach the goal TAT Well at least now my computer can rest
2 o(Tect) o(Renn) 2 new echo mules and with that, i have at least 1 200 from each class and we chilled in the tub tgt afterwards too
So for a while i had given up on ever looting a good/godly (nevermind even thinking about a perfect) zakum helmet since in over 50 solo runs i had never even gotten close (best one i looted was 17 all stat) So today i was feeling it, the chaos + gen20 drop would be mine since it's 2x drop and also the 2x exp was nice. After looting everything (i thought), seeing no cs and no gen20 and 4 shit helmets once again, i was kind of let down. I did 1 last check of the right corner and well, see for yourself what i found laying there in the shadows... That's one fine ass shadower helmet... Finally my search for an insane helmet has finished. Now on to 60%+ws!
I took advantage of 2x exp and went shao with my friend Cami :3. Thx Cami :3 I was then at 99.82% so I grinded a minute to level up Yey 198! I will be level 200 in a year now or something
I've gone 3 straight weeks completely motivated to grind levels out Previous high for me was 2 weeks. I also went 3 days straight without instantly spending my nx on gach. Never managed it more than an hour after I voted
4 years of pure fun and finally made it : pepehands : thanks for all my friends who support me and provive some debts hehe https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/hsrJgQK/Captura-de-Pantalla-2022-01-31-a-la-s-11-23-30.png Auf is next (or 18 att fs lol)
Collected them within a span of a day and a half thanks to 2x and taunt. 273/400 rn but feelsgood completing these 4
@Jooon @Ngot @Donn1e @jeff8434 @Tail @Relmy @Zusti @xcandyheart 1/3 1/4 1/30 1/31 0/10 tilt quit 1/7 1/4 1/5 1/4 1/9 1/2 1/15 1/2 1/42 1/4 1/5 1/17 1/9 1/7 1/10 1/8 20/228 or 229 i forgot