Character Name: Lobose,Aneria, Naviar Last thing you did: May be in fm Why do you think you got banned? Dont know a gm teleport me to prison and teleport me out Ban message when attempting to log in: you may not access your account because your account is permanently banned What GM banned you (optional): i dont know。
Thank you for your quick reply! You have been permanently banned for macro botting. Spoiler: MapleRoyals TOS Major Infractions: Game Hacking Punishment: Permanent ban. Game Hacking - The act of using or benefiting from any third-party program or macro program, editing or defacing any part of the game to gain any sort of advantage over other players, or otherwise selling, advertising, distributing, or posting information related to the act. You are allowed to rebind keys in a 1:1 action matter with third-party software as there is no direct benefit in doing that overusing the default keys. We also allow the use of controllers and remapping software for example, as long as the player can reply while playing to not be mistaken for a bot. Please be aware that scripted macro programs which control your character will be considered a game hack and subject to punishment under this rule, and not under Moderate Infraction - 5. Robotic Play. Robotic Play - The act of engaging in robotic or automatic play which allows your character to function without your presence or interaction. Please be aware that, in cases of severe abuse as per the discretion of Staff, we reserve the right to respond with a permanent ban regardless of whether it is your first offense. This act will be defined as the failure of a player to respond to a member of Staff when prompted and visibly at the controls of their character, as evidenced by actions such as movement or use of skills. In the situation where a player is prompting another player, a response is not strictly mandatory; however, a player report in which a player is being prompted numerous times without response over a long period of time may be considered sufficient evidence for consequences under this rule at the discretion of Staff. As such, we strongly suggest to all players respond to any prompts in order to avoid being portrayed in a manner that may not be true. The use of third-party key macros which cause one input action to register multiple outputs, leaving weights on your keyboard, or any other method which allows your character to function without your presence or interaction will be considered grounds for consequences under this rule.
that gm just teleport me in and out he didn't even say a word or show hinself and i stop playing after he teleprt me to prison and i reply with "..." I only play with my own hand
I report some guy marco botting last year with photo and videos to prove it and u guys ban him just 14 days that is ridiculous
I was faming at stoppers a gm teleport me out of the map and i go in and he teleport me out again and i go in he teleport me like 5 times or more during this period he didn't show himslef or say a word