My character is banned.. I haven't been playing for a while and I have already made a thread about is 2-4 months ago. GM's told me I was banned because of hacking. I doubt this because I hate hackers.. Maybe some one hacked my account and went hacking on it or something. I really dont know. But I would really like to play RoyalMS again. Can some one please help me?? I had such a nice nightlord on it. Had cost me some time to make it and really enjoyed the server. (was the first time in my whole maplestory career that I completed the zakum jumpquest also) Please any GM that can assist? Kind regard, Alex ten Brink.
Your post must be written in this format and posted by the person who owns the account: All Your Character Names: Last thing you did: Why do you think you got banned?: Ban message when attempting to log in: What GM banned you (optional):
Hi muff, Excuse me, my bad. Charactername’s : - l3aviaan (nightlord) - Had more characters but they were low leveld. Why do I think I got banned : Because of hacking. But this has not been done by me since I hate hackers. Ban message when attempting to login : - This ID has been blocked or removed I would really like to get back mapeling.. Please help met get my account back guys..
l3aviaan hasn't been hacked or accessed by someone else, it was the original account creator that got banned for hacking. Closing this thread as you already had a chance to appeal your ban.