ALL Your Character Names: Catelynn, Catelinus, YooMinah, ShushuDk, Cateiinus, Hsarc, Helions and some more mules. Last thing you did: I went to fm room 5. Why do you think you got banned?: I don't know Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. What GM banned you (optional): -
What characters were you logged into prior to the ban? Is there anyone else who plays in your household besides you?
I was playing Helions on CPQ after months to upload a character of mine. I was in Zakum trying to get a helmet, hunting big foot with my bucc and mage. Finally, after reset, I entered room 5 in the Free Market. My brother used to play two years ago and now I'm the only one playing at home.
It looks like the character Yunaria was permanently banned for vote abuse. Spoiler: MapleRoyals TOS Moderate Infractions: Vote Abuse Punishment: Permanent ban. Vote Abuse - The act of attempting to, or successfully, bypassing the restrictions of voting no more than once per 24 hours. Please be aware that, in cases of severe abuse as per the discretion of Staff, we reserve the right to respond with a permanent ban regardless of if it is your first offense. Please be aware that while the voting rules of this server may be complex, they are made available to players every time they access the MapleRoyals voting page. While we understand that players may at times unintentionally engage in vote abuse, ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable justification for breaking them. See Voting Rules for more information While we wait for an admin to review your ticket, could you please elaborate on your voting habits prior to 2022? What characters do you usually vote on? Are you using a VPN? Have you applied to the voting whitelist?
Hi Dasha, that mule is my scroll mule. I never vote with her. Can you check it please? I know about the rules from the beginning of the game and I follow them properly.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I've started a PM to inquiry about your login ID information. Please don't reveal it here as the ban appeal subforum is public. Edit: You should be able to log in now! If you are having any difficulties, please bump this thread.