For those who needs Fairy and Jr. Boogie cards, the x2 weekend is really your best chance to save your time. https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/P9Bw1XJ/Cards.png Fairy: The Entrance of Golem's Temple 2-3 fairies per map, kill and cc I got my last 3 cards in about 30 cc's Took me about 15 minutes Alternatively, you can hunt at Cloud Park IV and VI as recommended by Becca in this guide Jr. Boogie: Sleepy Dungeon V 10 boogies per map, kill and cc I got my last 3 cards in about 15 cc's Took me about 10 minutes Good luck for those who are hunting these cards
I found Entrance of Golem's temple to be really good for those pesky fairies. If you channel surf, you can see 1-3 spawns. I've seen 3 spawn when you start, then 2 spawns by the time you come back to the channel. If you're really fast, you might only see 1.
And for Dead Scarecrow, if you're already done hunting the rest of the cards in the library, the Piano Room is really good.
For Clang, a very useful map for completing the cards is Hidden Street: Clang and Lorang, which can be accessed via Lorang and Clang. Hot Sand has way too many Torties, in my opinion. Below: From Lorang and Clang, enter via the starred location.
If you need Jr. Yeti, Yeti and Yeti and Pepe and have a 4th job magician, just stand in the middle of the Snowman map and ulti. No need to climb up and down at Ice Valley II or walk left and right at the Jr. Yeti maps. Bonus if Snowman appears.
The Lycanthrope spawning is weird in that, at least for Wolf Territory III, they can be forced to appear after their spawn timer is up and once you kill the White Fangs at the bottom of the map. In Wolf Territory III (need confirmation for IV and V): # of Lycanthropes = 3 - # of Remaining White Fangs
I think it's similar to having to kill a random mob to spawn in Mushmom, or Anego for example. Interesting nonetheless if that's true because I'm not sure if that's supposed to be happening!
I see. However, often times, when I kill the White Fangs on the bridges, they usually just spawn more White Fangs. Only after taking out some from the bottom, did I start seeing the Lycanthropes. It's really weird, but it helped me keep up a routine for the 20 channels.
Eos 43 is the best for Bloctopus: very, very ulti-friendly map, and cash shop in out/ccing takes you to the top of the map if you don't mind risking a dc 4 cards in 10 minutes (didn't count the first card because I took a break) Eos 41 also looks good (and has pure spawn) but you'll have to climb a little. I'm lazy.
For those really really long maps, like Eos Tower. If you can't move to top by cc/cash shop, another choice is place a door on the top platform. After you grind to bottom -> use Return Scroll -> go through your door. Now you can start from top again. Although you need time walking to the door, it still save a lot of time climbing the ladder. Just get my Legendary Collector few days ago, amazing guide, thank you!!!
I'm trying to 100% the book so I can get all the lore bits and satisfy my masochistic tendencies to collect. Is there a page anywhere with all the things completed with all the lore, drops, etc.? I've tried searching, but cannot find a thing. If not, guess I'll make a compendium as I go.
Drops are here: *Some* Lores are here (red snail as an example): snail
That "some" hurts. That would also be going through every mob to check. It's definitely a start, though! Thanks!