Hey guys i just came back to play after a few years and found out that my old id's are banned or expired lol i keep getting the note "This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection" on both id's when i try to log in... i've been resetting the informations like the password pin\pic on both but still nothing... probablly just got blocked for unactive accounts..... please help me getting back and have a nice mapling <:
Your post must be written in this format and posted by the person who owns the account: All Your Character Names: Last thing you did: Why do you think you got banned?: Ban message when attempting to log in: What GM banned you (optional): Failure to write your post in this format will result in your ban appeal being closed without staff intervention. If you are certain that you did not violate any rules but received the banned message, please restart your router/modem and try again, as you may have been assigned a banned IP address.
i wrote the ban massage i wrote the reason i probablly ''got'' banned for i dont remember any of the other thing cause it was few years ago i can guess one of the characters name include 'Tomi' on the name ))))): btw i tried just now to make another acc and register,did it succesfully than i tried to log in and the same note apear '....Blocked from connection'
I started a PM to request your login ID. Please don't share this information here as the ban appeal subforum isn't private.
You don't appear to be banned. It's likely that you are trying to connect from a previously banned IP that is randomly assigned to you by your ISP, it's quite common for players from Israel. If you are unable to change your IP by resetting your router, you must contact your ISP provider and request them to change it manually from their end.