Good Day Admins/GMs Was told by nutleafcity to post a thread to make a feedback. I would like to suggest the introduction of an ALL SP reset scroll or NPC. I love the nostalgic concept when my friend introduced me Royal Maple but i did overlook thinking i will be able to max out everything. I didnt realize that wouldn't be enough skill points for every skills, i acknowledge its my oversight and mistakes for failing to checking, but there is too much skills to reset. Can SP reset scroll be make so that all skills be reset from the job instead? SP reset scroll doesnt really spoil the market but instead encourage new players like me to continue playing. SP reset isn't like AP reset that one get huge advantage doing it. It's simply to encourage new players that tends to mess up their skills and all SP reset to simply resolve the issue. Don't think there's any advantage in abusing SP reset. I used to play other private server before and they have an NPC to just SP reset for free or for a minimum sum. Am not trying to draw comparison but just wanna bring my point there it isn't game breaking changes, besides unlike maple/nexon the server don't reap anything from NX. Request : All SP reset scroll/NPC mechanisms
It might also be abusable for warriors and buccaneer to lower increase MAX hp skill for ruel’s hp quest (you gain less hp per lv so game think you don’t reach Lv175 HP goal as quickly)
Hey, how much would you suggest it to cost? Yes that would depend on it’s price, good point! Why would you want to keep your HP lower than it could be? Just to be able to reach the threshold later? You will have to do the Quest a lot just to make up for the lost HP. It’s not like you get that HP back once you raise the skill again. It has to be maxed while leveling up to give you the most HP.
do hp quest at lv 140 with lv 0 increase max hp, keep doing it until you reach end of daily quest. Add sp back, start levelling again. Something like that.
So you’re referring to the „Potential Level Up HP Gain“ in your example Lv. 140 - 175 right? Looking back at my analysis of the HP quest warriors almost reach the cap just by leveling to 120. For Buccs it might be a thing because they can do the quest ~81 times at Lvl 120 till it hits the threshold. I think it should be fairly easy to always consider the „Potential Level Up HP Gains“ as if these skills are maxed regarding Reuls Quest. It might already be that case. We will definitely have an eye on it if this ever gets implemented but then again it’s price can always simply match 10 SP Resets or more so that it’s not abusable.
I guess it'll all depends on whether it takes into account of the skill, since if the skill is lowered when removing excess MP, the HP gain per APR is also lowered, hence tricking the game. Technically people can already do this with just 40k NX so its not that serious. all SPR aren't too expensive if the price is made fair (like the 10 SPR price), so I guess it'll be fine for new players.
i messed up very bad. i want thoguht i can max out both spear and polearm and chose polearm first. Total need 43..
I think there is no potential to abuse here, at least nothing I can think of, as Zancks and Jelly already mentioned. This wouldn't add functionality that isn't already present. One of the reasons I'm for this is if, one day, I lose my mind, it would cost me over 1b to switch my paladin from a sword to BW. I think this scroll is relevant mainly to warriors and people like Motomage who have messed up quite a bit. However, I will think about it more deeply to see what a reasonable price would be, based on the current prices. There may or may not be a sweet spot to balance with the already existing prices.
I think it should be as affordable like the hair and skin shop, 5m if i recall. I am thinking like a mechanisms that targets specifically for new players who messed up the skills..
I see, have dropped you a DM about the SP resets Although I don't mind about [all SP reset] being introduced into the game, the explanation about how it can be 'used' to gain more HP isn't something I would have thought of, gonna leave it to others to math it out (including the cost of it)
Hello I have replied to your DM, thank you! Hope that we can get this going for new players who forget and or don't know their respective skill job progression path.
I don't think it would be OK coz warriors have an skill that provides mana or hp. There is a thread of washing that they suggest to use that skill instead of AP points to generate mana, it would be cheaper. I think its ok to be like that. I know that is commom this kind of mistake, but there are lots of tutorials to guide us on SP distribution. Unfortunatly u realized it too late. And is not thaaaat hard buying SP resets ... few days or weeks and u reset all SP u need.
If you priced it at the cost of say 15 SP resets, it would still be a good deal for people who messed up a build, while offering very little value for HP washing.
nutleafcity here. This was brought to a vote and will not be implemented. It wouldn't be hard to price it at a point that it's not used for washing purposes (to save money). However, determining a price that is high enough to make sense is difficult, and at that point it would make more sense to leave things as they are. Thank you for your feedback.