Hi Royallers! As some of you may have noticed, we are experiencing a bit of a changing of the guard here on the forums. Our beloved Forum Moderators @Dave Deviluke and @Sen have decided to step down from their positions. They were extremely dedicated in their efforts to maintain the community and the forums here, working tirelessly as an excellent duo to assist players, get involved in Feedback threads, monitor for and remove spam bots, and so, so much more. We extend to them our best wishes in their future endeavors and hope they continue to remain positive influences on our community. We have wanted to expand out what a Forum Moderator can do and with that we have altered the role to the newly formed Community Manager. Community Managers Many community members have been voicing come confusion on this new Staff role so we wanted to take some time to expand on that. The Community Manager role was something that came about after the impending departure of our dear Forum Moderators was shared and it was felt that now was a good time to revamp that position into something new with more responsibilities and areas of involvement to help in. So what exactly is a Community Manager? In a sense, they are a support bridge between and within the Staff, the Community, and all of the information and opinions shared between the two groups. They are setting out to revamp and organize not only the layout of the forums, but the thought processes that are used when reviewing and discussing Feedback and other threads, both within Staff internally and with the community on the threads. There is a huge positive impact already being made by our Community Managers and we are looking forward to this role evolving even further to create more of a symbiotic relationship with the Staff and all of the community, as it should be. With this new position we have welcomed aboard @nutleafcity and @Zancks to spearhead the duties. Give them a warm welcome and hello! You will be seeing them on the forums quite a bit working to organize the layouts, consolidate Feedback threads, and work towards positive progression for the community and game. They have written up a bit of an introductory statement to you all as well, check it out below. - The MapleRoyals Staff Hi all! We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the staff for allowing us to jump on board. We feel passionately about the game and the community, and hope to invoke many positive changes, both within staff workflow and in the game. I hope you will allow us the proper time to adjust before we can produce any meaningully tangible results. Our main focus will be analyzing and organizing feedback discussions and making extra sure that all voices in the community are heard and responded to. Our hope is to provide our perspectives as players, and our goal is to have an open communication with players with regards to what is considered and why certain changes are made with sound reason. In addition, we have our own personal goals of tidying the forum up. For example, getting through Character Issues, reorganizing sections, and so on. A first step in that direction was implementing an Archived sub-section in Feedback. Right now we’ve considered shifting anything before 2020 in there to reduce the amount of threads to a more reasonable size. Archiving them does not mean we deem them irrelevant. You can always let us know that you‘re still excited about it and we will dust it off. Finally, we’d like the community to know that our door is always open. If you have feedback, concerns, questions, and so on you can always send us an inbox message. We’d be happy to answer to the best of our ability.
Condragulations on your retirement! Thank you for everything you have done for the MapleRoyals community and its forum @Sen and @Dave Deviluke! An official welcome to @nutleafcity and @Zancks! You got big shoes to fill, but I'm confident you both will do great in your new role as Community Managers! ♡
@Dave Deviluke and @Sen the true MVP. Thank you both for your contribution! Welcome to the other side of the table.
Thank you @Dave Deviluke and @Sen for all of your work (disapointed to see your forum name still @Sen ... I mean those kids not gonna eat themselfs you know?) . Also i wish the best to @nutleafcity and @Zancks , im pretty confident you will be able to help the community to grow better